Aliens: Humans have probably speculated on alien life since I looked up at those points of light in the night sky and wondered "what if". Universal interest and speculation about the reality of alien life, especially intelligent life has ups and downs for several thousand years. Of course the Christian religions have had a head and contribute their two cents worth - nothing good has come of those who I can assure you. Religion should really keep his bloody nose with scientific issues that have moral or ethical implications. In any case, though, and probably dates back to the ancient Greeks before them, it is only in the last 500 years or so has seen an increase in the order of magnitude of speculative interest in aliens and in the last 100 years or so in order magnitude higher than that. There was a further rise of interest in the last two generations, as speculation has turned into experiments examined the Viking space probes to Mars and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). This, coupled with the appearance of the UFO phenomenon and the possible increase in interest in 'ancient astronauts had to up the ante. A completely new science of astro biology (exobiology nee) is increased in these last two generations and is now a well established discipline. However, as of this writing, we are no wiser for the ancient Greeks were of alien life. However, probably before many of you reading these worlds at the head of the largest radio telescope in the sky, you'll have an answer - it might just be microbes on Mars, but that is still answer.Creativity: humans and some animals can innovative be creative - necessity is the mother of invention - as they try to increase their use tool Using probability of survival. The classic example is that some animals use twigs to pry insects from trees in for their lunch. It 's time snack! Only humans are still artistically creative (with one possible exception - the songs of whales). We are all artistically creative, even if it is only the planning and cooking meals; Decide on furniture and their arrangement, ditto our wallpaper and / or colors, our choice of carpet or tile. Even writing a letter or an e-mail is an artistic creation, is the choice of the wardrobe and hair style. Amateur photography is an artistic expression, of course - an exercise in creativity. Animals Thurs none of these things. And it is clear from the archaeological and anthropological that our ancestors were of the same opinion - artistically creative may have been designed with one purpose in mind as to make pottery to store food or maybe creating something for religious purposes. Very often, however, an art work was created just for the heck of it, or because they liked the person to make The Sun Mona Lisa could be considered a great work of art (although I would have to pay me to hang in my house), but it is useless - just another dust collector. Okay, you might want to drag a couple of dollars to do a few, but 99.999% of all artistic creations just collecting dust. Trait.Exploration create something with little hope of recognition is certainly a human universal: Many animals explore, but not for reasons of theoretical study. Their exploration has a practical purpose in mind - a new home and perhaps better, a source of food as possible that lurks inside the closet unexplored. Humans explore too much, and often for practical reasons - to find the Northwest Passage, looking for the exotic spices of the Orient by heading west from Europe, but bumped into the Americas, however, in search of new lands to add to 'empire of your nation, with a little' stuck Glory of staff as well. However, just because humans are so curious to explore and go where nobody has gone before just to satisfy that curiosity. Voyages to the Moon are at one end of the push, but on another level, what's beyond that hill far away? As it was in the past, so it's even. If you move into a new neighborhood or city that it is just the first thing you do? Explore and find out what's what and where is here. It 's own version of the bold go where I did not go before.Hybrid Creatures 1: human-animal hybrids: Our universal myths are full of human-animal hybrids. The name of the animal and no doubt will be the body of this animal at the top with a human head and neck (sometimes torso), or the human body will be dressed with an animal's head and neck (sometimes Also it is the torso). No need to dig too deep to find examples: the Sphinx, the Minotaur, the Centaur, Satyr, the Mermaid, the Harpies and the Sirens are all well known examples.Hybrid Creatures 2: Animal-animal hybrids: our universal mythologies are so full of animal-animal hybrids. There are combinations of two different animals, three animals, are four times more of a hybrid composite. If one can imagine, someone beat you to it and registered in one or more of ancient mythology. While there are literally hundreds of examples throughout the dog world, it is easy to name the most common ones: the Dragon, the Griffin, also the Pegasus winged horse.Politicians: politicians by any other name (royalty, ministers, senators , emperors, congressmen, presidents, pharaohs, etc.) are political quiet, near universally regarded as among the lowest of the low-ruled, if elected to govern, rule by divine right, or rule by force. Politicians are probably in that category you can not live without them, you can not live (as you'd like to anyway) with them. At best, we must conclude that the politicians were, are and will continue to be a necessary evil by all companies and all they have, are, or want exist.Recreational Drugs: There is no doubt that the recreational use of drugs (and probably abuse) goes back thousands of multi-year. The fermentation of wine and gapes for its use goes back at least 8000-6000 BC, and was a very common drink in Greece, Egypt and Rome, the preparation and use of beer dates back even further to at least 9500 BC; smoking is Registering at least 5000 BC onwards, often as incense and for use in various religious rituals / shaman of the Middle East through Asia and the Americas, and no doubt our ancient ancestors, by trial and error, as what was edible and what was not tasty, no doubt discovered 'magic mushrooms' and other similar natural plant materials that have provided not only low in calories but a little' buzzing too! For example, the use of opium dates back to 4200 BC. The list could be expanded massively, but you get the gist. Drug use is one of those universal rights - has always been, probably always will be. And while some species of animals can be artificially induced to become addicted to alcohol, say, a wild animal can not afford to become addicted to any substance in its environment and become disoriented. A mouse nibbling on a magic mushroom is just asking for the change trouble.Shape and men-Creatures: Shape-shifters and were the creatures are very popular in the sci-fi ("The Thing from Another World" or "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country "and horror (the endless variations on" Wolfman "classic). are so popular, in reality, if reality is mythology. Whenever in the field of mythology we come across a theme that is universal, that is transverse to all cultures, geographies, races, etc., so I guess you have to pay extra attention, such as universal themes are more likely to have a basis in reality. Another issue is that the investigation of the shape-shifter, men-creatures . Almost every culture around the world has some kind of transformation of the myth, and almost all animals that are commonly (and some not-so-common), probably had a shapeshifting myth attached to them somewhere along the line . As for humans, the most obvious explanation is that at one time or another we would all like to have finished in unobtrusive fly-on-the-ceiling, watching and listening to what is not wanted for our eyes and ears. As much as we'd like, at times, we can not shape-shift into a fly, but that does not really explain why we should give others the ability to -. there is no point in personally, now wants the popular idea of a shape-shifter is ? of a human (or humanoid) is that it transforms into something else, or something else that turns into something human (or humanoid) and common examples include skin-walkers, the werewolf and vampire (even if humans were attributed to transform into almost any mammal or bird you can think of). Other common forms of shifters are fairies, wizards, witches, Kelpie, and some, even most of the gods (like Odin, Loki and Zeus). Satan should also be included. However, although we can not shape-shift (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde does not bear), although other human beings can (or could), so that the capacity has been attributed to literally hundreds of dog creatures from time immemorial. There are many stories that can transform into animals other animal forms themselves, as well as the aforementioned human-animal transformations.Social: Hermits are few and far between Relatively We voluntarily associate in large clusters usually like -with-That sometimes, as reflected in the ghettos .. and / or ethnic neighborhoods (Chinatown), which usually was not quite the social question in ancient history which has tended to be in the last three centuries. that the species human is a social animal is never so dramatically brought to the fore that with the modern phenomena, something that verges on pure obsession, have to be in contact 7/24/52 seemingly endless flow of people to produce e-mails, . like the use of cams, blog the most trivial of trivia, the text messages involved in arthritis so much that rates among young people are expected to skyrocket, close to engage in endless cell phone use; do after posting publication on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter (and similar sites), etc. We throw parties, eat together, participate in all sorts of features with our peers, and it goes on and on social activities do not just look any sex or age or nationality.Sports. competitions both as a harmless game, a competition as more formal and structured (whether amateur or professional) has been the case in all societies from the point until the day of the year ' Now the ancient Greeks had their Olympic Games. Mesoamericans their ball field events in which just do not want to be on the losing side, the Americans have their national pastime (baseball). other countries or cultures fanatically crazy than any other kind of sport that it rugby or football or ice hockey does not even need to be a fan of or participate in team sports and struggle just Chess. require an opponent, golf and bowling does not even require that the sports competitions have to rate it as one of the most universal of the universal human ever.Superstitions. This requires almost no long comment from blacks cats, walking under ladders, a. Friday 13, breaking mirrors, stepping on sidewalk cracks, avoiding, suiting for Charlie Brown His baseball games in a way just so, etc. Every culture has had (and often still) endless superstitions and rituals to ward them off, which could not shrug it off as harmless nonsense now, but we are always caught with a grain of proverbial salt thrown over his shoulders more than one cat, and some women, suffered the most horrible torture because of superstitions.Taboos. Every company in the world at any time had a certain set of taboos -. which made sense as some incest (inbreeding is bad in terms of Darwinian evolution), but many have done that, for example, only the ancient Chinese emperor or empress was allowed to have the image of a dragon on their clothing, for all other that it was forbidden under pain of death, some foods are taboo: some prohibited or allowed only on certain days - the most illogical, if not for health reasons, which usually was not or is not the. rational. And even if all companies have or have had taboos, there is often little consistency between them, or even inside. royal families often engaged in incest, even though a taboo among the commoners., but some companies are allowed, even encouraged polygamy, and other taboos.! Territoriality practice Vai figure: The animals usually play to defend a certain amount of territory, that amount of space needed to sustain itself, sufficient space to find a partner, territory sufficient to support and raise a family in Animals rarely require more than that. They tomb area just for the sake of the territory and grab for bragging rights. too large a space is indefensible in any case. You can patrol a large area with the resources at your command the Sun. Humans are naturally territorial. unease We defend our personal space. we do not know if anyone gets within a certain distance from us. a man's house is his castle, and we do not care for offenders. If foreign nations threaten or invade our country, we the nationalist fever and do our patriotic duty. And while the number of conflicts and wars are perhaps given too much prominence in our history books, it is fair to say that many a nation has invaded many other nations ( s) to acquire and expand their territory that is usually for a practical purpose (s) -. vai little war just for the heck of it often that the reason (s) is obtaining the necessary natural resources, including resources human (slaves), or eliminating a potential threat. before you delete, or to provide more space for its expanding population to expand. When it comes to expand your territory, we are a little 'less selfish rational practice focus instead on reasons more political, cultural, and / or include religious unification - say replace paganism with your brand of Christianity, communism vs. democracy.Treasure regardless of pirates and buried treasure, bank robbers and stashed the loot , prospectors who continue to lose the mainstream, or pharaoh grave goods (you can take with. you thought) all societies have their cultural treasures, often in part, compounds of precious metals, jewels, pearls, jade, ivory, etc. but not always. Treasure entire culture or two for the archaeologist does not always mean gold doubloons and X marks the '! When societies are threatened by outside forces, commercials, in all too frequent occurrences in human history, often hide or move those mobile assets comprising those cultural treasures. In the turmoil that follows, sometimes documentation becomes lost or destroyed entries, scattered in various locations, then thicken as you lose the mists of time - and the treasure so that they If you have lost cultural treasures looted by the invaders, the fate is often the same - scattered to the four winds - a bit 'of ending up in private collections.; other conserved / buried away and forgotten in the final analysis, object-values are then lost There is a lot wrong with precious cultural assets lost at sea when the ships were sunk and there are some three million shipwrecks around the world .. a lot of gold (and similar), which lost in the Transportation to the Old World from the New World between the treasures of all types of interest only to archaeologists and historians some treasure ships (however you define it) have been discovered and recorded. much remains to be The result is that there is. Lots of treasures that remain unexplained, hidden, buried or just lost, plain and every culture can relate to this. But it is not individuals only treasure that is universal in human cultures. The whole concept of the Treasury is fascinating, even riveting to us As if that treasure is modern or ancient, local or located halfway around the world And so it was and probably always will be [EXTRACT] Aliens: .. People have probably speculated about extraterrestrial life, as he looked up in these points of light in the night sky and wondered "what if". universal interest and speculation about the reality of extraterrestrial life forms, especially intelligent life has waxed and lows for several thousand years. Of course the Christian religions had in the ass and take their two cents worth -. nothing positive came of them, I assure you that religion should really keep his nose bloodied scientific questions that have no moral or ethical implications as it may, but probably by the ancient Greeks and before them there. only in the last 500 years or so, an order of magnitude of speculative interest of aliens in the last 100 years or so an order of magnitude increase more evidence of this. There was a further increase exponential rate of interest, especially in recent generations, as speculation has turned to experiments like the Viking Mars space probes and SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). This, coupled with the appearance of the UFO phenomenon and the increase of interest for possible "ancient astronauts, the ante. A completely new science of astrobiology (exobiology born) has increased over the last two generations and is now an established discipline. But as of this writing, we were none the wiser by alien life forms , as the ancient Greeks. But probably before many of you reading this, head to the worlds largest radio telescope in the sky, it has an answer - it might just be microbes on Mars, but this is still a answer.Creativity: humans some animals can be creative and be innovative - necessity as the mother of invention - like .. use as a tool to use to promote their chances of survival The classic example is to encourage some animals with branches of trees from insects for their lunch, it's time to bite people only, but artistically creative (with one possible exception -! whale songs). We are all artistic and creative, even if it's only meal planning and cooking, to decide on furniture and their arrangement, ditto our documents and / or finishes, our selection of carpet or tile. also write a letter or an e-mail is an artistic creation, such as the choice of her wardrobe and hair style is being of amateur photography, artistic expression - .. an exercise in creativity, animals and none of this is evident from the archaeological and anthropological our ancestors. the same spirit were -. artistically creative, possibly designed with a goal in mind, such as pottery, food in the camps or perhaps to create something for religious purposes, but very often the art work was created just for the heck of it, or because you. the person to make the Mona Lisa may be a good work of art (although I would have had to pay to hang in my house) are, but it is useless -. just another dust collector Okay, you might want to pull in a. be some tourist dollars, but 99.999% of all artistic creations just collecting dust to create something with little hope of recognition is certainly a universal human right trait.Exploration: exploring many animals, but not for theoretical reasons your academic research has a practical. to explore a new home and possibly better , a possible source of food that lurks in the unexplored wardrobe people, and often for practical reasons - purpose, in the sense of finding the Northwest Passage, search for exotic spices from the Orient by heading west. Europe, North and South America but are instead, in search of new lands, your nation, add a little 'more personal realm of fame stuck as well. explore However, only human, because they are curious and like to go where no man has gone before just to satisfy their curiosity . Voyages to the Moon is a pole of this desire, but on another level, which is far behind that hill? As it was in the past, it still is. If you move to a new neighborhood or city, which is virtually the first thing I should do? Discover and find out what is what and where, when. E 'own version of the bold go where nobody has gone before.Hybrid Creatures 1 are:. human-animal hybrids are loaded with our universal mythologies human-animal hybrids, is the name of the animal, and no doubt is whether the body of this animal to garnish with a human head and neck (sometimes torso) or even the human body with an animal head and neck (sometimes to beat, his trunk will be) there is no need to dig deep to find examples. the sphinx, the minotaur, the centaur, the satyr, the Mermaid, the Harpies, and the sirens are all well known examples . Hybrid Creatures 2: animal-animal hybrids: Our universal myths are also accused of animal-animal hybrids are combinations of two different animals, three animals at times. other four doing a hybrid composite, if you can imagine. somebody 'was beaten and taken in one or more of ancient mythology While there are literally hundreds of examples from around the world, it's easy to get the commoners. remember: the dragon, Griffin, and even the winged Pegasus horse.Politicians: political party any other name (the royal family, ministers, senators, emperors, congressmen, presidents, pharaohs, etc.) are still politicians, closely generally considered one of the lowest of the low-ruled, if elected, to govern, rule by divine right, or authority considered by violence. politicians are probably in this category you can not live without it, you can not live (as you would in any case like) exist.Recreational with them is better, We concluded that the politicians were, and continue to be a necessary evil, of all companies that have, or are drugs. There is no doubt that drug use in free time (and probably abuse) comes from the multi-thousands of years. wine fermentation and gapes for its use dates back at least 8000-6000 BC and was a very common beverage in ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, the production and consumption of beer also goes back to 9500 BC, at least, the smoke rose from at least 5000 BC, often referred to as incense and for use in a variety of religious ritual / shamanic recorded from the Middle East to Asia and America, and without doubt our ancestors, by trial and error, what that was edible and what was not tasty, no doubt, found 'magic mushrooms' and other similar vegetable substances which are not only low in calories, but a! bit' .. a buzz also provided, for example, dates back to use of opium around 4200 BC The list could be expanded massively, but you get the essentials of drug use is one of those universal rights - has always been probably always will be. And while some species of animals dependent on artificial means alcohol-induced, can not afford a wild animal in us, addicted to any substance in their environment and become disoriented. A mouse nibbling on a magic mushroom is just asking for trouble. shapeshifting and men-Creatures: Shape-shifters-creatures and men are very popular in science fiction ("The Thing from Another World" and "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country" and horror (the infinite variations on 'Wolfman' classic). are also popular in fact, if the mythology is a reality . Also in the field of mythology, you come across a subject that is universal, that is to say, that cuts across all cultures, regions, races, etc., then I think you should pay extra attention to how universal themes can have a base more certain reality. One of these is that the shape-shifting, among which were-creatures. Almost all cultures around the world has some kind of transformation of the myth, and almost every commonly found animal (and some old ones not-so-common), you probably have a shape-shifter legend was attached to them somewhere along the way. As for humans, the most obvious explanation is that at one time or another we all want to go to a inconspicuous can fly-on-the-top to observe and listen to what they did not want for our eyes and ears. As far as we'd like, sometimes we do not have to turn into a fly is not really explain, but because we this capacity, variously attributed to have -. not do it, personally we have something good, now is the common idea of a shape-shifter of a human (or humanoid) creatures into something else, or something else? In some exemplary human (or humanoid) and to transform the common skin-walkers, the werewolf and vampire (if people have also been attributed to transform into any mammal or bird) to imagine. other common shapeshifters include fairies, wizards, witches , Kelpie, and some, even most of the gods (like Odin, Loki and Zeus). Satan would also be included. but if we do not make-shift (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde can not resist), although others (could), so also has the ability, have been awarded to hundreds of creatures from time immemorial There are many stories about animals that are found in other animals and that human-animal transformations.Social can transform animal.:. Hermits are planted relatively thin We associate spontaneously in large groups, usually like-with-like at times in the ghettos and. / or ethnic neighborhoods (Chinatown), which was not usually the social problem in the old story that tends to be in the last three centuries. that the human species is a social animal is nowhere to be dramatically brought to the fore, as the modern phenomena, some bordering pure obsession, with the contact 24/7/52 people that produce flows endless e-mail. like the use of cams, blogging to access even more trivial curiosity, since arthritis text messaging prices are linked to young people rocket, approaching infinite use your phone, do intervention post on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter (and similar sites), etc. We throw parties, eat together, all kinds of features to visit with our colleagues, and so on we go, the social activities which are not a group sex or age or nationality.Sports restricted. competitions, both as a harmless game, a competition more formal and structured (whether amateur or professional), have been the case in all companies from the year dot to present The ancient Greeks had their own Olympics. the Mesoamericans their ball games competitions, in which not only would want to be on the losing side of being, and the Americans have their national pastime (baseball), other countries or cultures are fanatically crazy about all kinds of other sports, there will be rugby or football or ice hockey does not even have a fan, or sports team, chess and fight .. only one opponent, golf and bowling is not even required requires that competitive sports should be evaluated as one of the universal human universal ever.Superstitions This hardly requires a lengthy commentary by blacks cats, walking under ladders, 13 to .. Friday, breaking mirrors, step to avoid cracks on the sidewalk, up to Suitable when Charlie Brown baseball games in a fair manner so etc. Every culture has (and often still are) countless superstitions and rituals to ward off. we may reject harmless nonsense now, but we always do it with a proverbial grain of salt above my shoulder more than a couple of cats and women suffered the most terrible torture adopted by the cast, because superstitions.Taboos: Every society has everywhere and at any time before a series of taboos - some sense, as the 'incest (incest is bad from a Darwinian perspective of evolution), but many do not, for example, only the ancient Chinese emperor or empress could have. image of a dragon on their clothing, for all other that was taboo under pain of death, some foods are banned, some prohibited or allowed only on certain days - the most illogical, if not for health reasons in the rule or not is not rational, and even if all companies have or have had, taboos, often there is little agreement among themselves, or even in their families ... often used in actual incest, even if it is a taboo among the commoners, but allows some companies, even while others encouraged the practice of polygamy Vai territoriality taboo game animal portrait .. a rule and defend a certain amount of territory, that much space is required in order to get enough space to find a partner to obtain a large enough area to maintain a family in need and animals rarely more. They do not just take land for the good of the land grab and for bragging rights. too large a space is an intolerable situation in any case. you can only patrol so much space with the resources at your command. People are naturally territorial . We defend our personal space. We are uncomfortable when someone we do not know, gets within a certain distance from us. a man's house is his castle, and not bother to unauthorized persons. If invade foreign nations or threaten our country, for the nationalist fever and do our patriotic duty. And while the number of conflicts and wars would have been given too much prominence in our history books, it is fair to say that a nation has many many other nations (s), came to acquire and expand their territory that is usually for a practical purpose (s) -. just go to war just for the heck of it often, the reason (s) you need to preserve natural resources, including staff (slaves), or eliminating a potential threat to you before .. delete, or propose to extend to more space for your growing population when it comes to expand your territory, there are some practical reasons less selfish to focus instead on the reasons more political, cultural and / or religious, including Union - Pagan replaces the item with your brand of Christianity, communism against democracy.Treasure: Not to mention pirates and buried treasure, bank robbers and stored prey, the gold miners, to keep the loss of the Mother Lode, or Pharaoh's funeral (you can take it with you thought) All societies have their cultural treasures, often in some of the precious metals, jewels, pearls, jade, ivory, etc. , but not always together. treasure of a whole culture or an archaeologist does not always mean gold coins, and X marks the spot! For companies that are threatened by external forces, an event in human history too often, too often hiding or move by moving valuables belonging to cultural heritage. In the confusion that follows, sometimes the paperwork is lost or destroyed, the 'elements, scattered in different places, also lost, as the thickening mists of time - and lost treasure when cultural treasures of invaders plundered, the fate of many is the same - accurate to twenty - an end in private collections., other conserved / buried and, finally, remember the items with values will be lost due to accidents are a lot of valuable cultural heritage on water is lost when the ships were sunk and there are some three million shipwrecks around the world .. a lot of gold (and other similar objects) was lost in traffic in the Old World from the treasures of the New World , including all types of interest only to archaeologists and historians of the issuance of a treasure (however you define it) have been discovered and recorded, much remains to be .. The bottom line is that there is a lot of treasures that remain unexplained, hidden, buried or simply lost, and every culture can relate to this. But not only the treasure is universal in human cultures. The whole concept of wealth is fascinating, exciting for us as individuals if Treasury is modern or old. located locally or around the world and has been and probably always will.
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