Which Institutes Form University of Southern California Academics?

Which Institutes Form University of Southern California Academics?
So Founded in 1880, the University of Southern California (USC) in the ranks of 23 universities in the United States. Students from all states of the country and from over 110 countries around the world provide for admission to this campus fame. High-level research programs and intercollegiate sports are the highlights, in addition to excellent degree programs offered by various schools and colleges of the university. Here is a discussion on some of the most popular on college campuses by university.College of Letters, Arts and scienzeE 'the oldest of the USC College offers over 130 undergraduate students, master's and doctoral programs in fields such as science human, natural sciences, social sciences and many others. Another highlight of the college is the presence of numerous research centers and School of institutes.Marshall BusinessPiù largest among the university's professional schools, the Marshall School of Business offers programs such as Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Master of Business Administration. In 2010, the school was ranked 18 among business schools worldwide by the School of Public Economist.Rossier IstruzioneEducation Urban Policy is the main field of study at the Rossier School of Education at USC. There are 6 Master's programs, as well as a Doctor of Education and a PhD program available with the school. This is one of the vocational schools that offer online degree programs in urban education nationally and internationally at the School of Law students.GouldAnnoverato among the best graduate schools of America, the Gould School of Law offers a degree in law through programs such as the JD, LL.M. and Master of Comparative Law. Certification programs in business law and entertainment are also available with the college. Other schools professionaliLa School of Cinematic Arts of the university offers courses in film, animation, interactive media and many other related fields. The School of Architecture has undergraduate and graduate degree programs in fields such as civil engineering, building science, landscape architecture, and many others. In addition, there are Viterbi School of Engineering, Annenberg School for Communication, Thornton School of Music and many other celebrities who belong to campus university.You can find information about each of these campuses to be registered with an undergraduate degree desired. Make sure you get to know the frequency of the cost structures of the campus, the student-teachers and other important aspects to make the right decision. [ABSTRACT] so Founded in 1880, places the University of Southern California (USC) in 23 universities in the United States. Students from all states of the country and from over 110 countries around the world await the approval of this prestigious campus. High research and intercollegiate sports programs are the highlights, as well as excellent programs offered by various schools and colleges of the university. Here is a discussion on some of the most popular universities in the academic university.College of Letters, Arts and SciencesEs is the oldest graduate of USC and has more than 130 bachelor's, master's and PhD programs in fields such as humanities, sciences, social and many others. Another highlight of the college is the presence of numerous research centers and institutes.Marshall School of Business among the largest colleges of the University, the Marshall School of Business offers programs such as Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Master of Business Administration. In 2010 the school was placed at 18 ° Economist.Rossier The School of Education at the School of Urban Policy Global Business Education is the most important area of ​​study at the Rossier School of Education at USC. There are 6 Master's programs, with the exception of a Doctor of Education and a PhD is available with the school. This is one of the professional schools, online degree programs in urban education, offer to provide the national and international school students.Gould LawZählte best graduate schools of America, the Gould School of Law degree right through programs such as the JD, LL.M. and Master of Comparative Law. Certification programs in business law and entertainment are also with the Professional School of Cinematic Arts availableOne college.Other schools at the University offers courses in film production, animation, interactive media and many other related areas. The School of Architecture offers undergraduate and graduate programs in areas such as civil engineering, building science, landscape architecture, and many others. There are also Viterbi School of Engineering, Annenberg School for Communication, Thornton School of Music and many other prestigious universities that belong to university.You, information can be found written on each of these sites with a chosen course of study. Make sure you understand the costs of participation, universities, the student-teachers and other important aspects for making the right decision.

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Kamaraj University Distance Education MBA

Kamaraj University Distance Education MBA
Madurai Kamaraj University is located in Tamil Nadu, India, on 750 acres of Madurai - Theni road, 13 km west of the city. Founded in 1966, is an extended institution, with graduate, undergraduate degrees and postgraduate courses, and training for jobs and research program for both students and teachers. Scholarships and fellowships are available. Students will receive a certificate or diploma depending on their chosen curriculum, and can earn a bachelor's or master. Research scholars may apply for full-time or part-time and can obtain a doctoral degree. Madurai Kamaraj University is a legally recognized and funded by the grants University (UGC) and is a member of the Association of Indian universities. It 's been accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NaAc) with A. level, while its guiding philosophy is steeped in the traditions of ancient beliefs ladies, the university embraces modern technology and create an atmosphere of support for equal opportunities, encouraging each student to express his University has 109 affiliated schools potential.The with study centers in Madurai, Chennai, Trichy, Theni, Ramnad, Tirunelveli, Nagercoil and other states. There are seven evening schools for students with jobs a day, and distance learning centers in 103 countries and seventeen other states. On campus home, the Kamaraj University Library is the second largest in Tamil Nadu. Is there a computer center and the Centre for Research on Educational Multimedia video production that has created and aired 3380 programs.Schools educational television within the college include biological sciences, biotechnology, chemical, energy resources and environmental economics, history , mathematics, physics, philosophy, Tamil, earth and atmospheric studies, business, education, languages, information and communications, arts, religion, social sciences, and welfare of young people. Each school consists of several departments. For example, the school of biological sciences has departments of biochemistry, plant sciences, molecular biology, genetics, animal behavior and physiology, microbial technology, immunology, plant morphology and Algologie. The school of religion, philosophy and humanistic thinking has departments of Islam and Islamic Studies Tamil, Saivasiddhanantha philosophy, studies of Gandhi and Ramalinga Philosophy, interfaith relations, philosophy, Studies and Christian Studies Guru Nanak. There is also a department of adult / continuing education, a volunteer program called the National Service Scheme for social services, and a kidney and bone marrow transplant service at the campus facilities Facility.Complete serve the needs of many residents. 1080 students can be accommodated in hostels university of five men and three women's dormitories. The staff and guests are also given their accommodation. There is 24 hour cafeteria University Hospital, a cooperative store, a post office and branches of State Bank of India and MDCC Bank. There is a beautiful indoor sports stadium with a wooden floor and seating for 1000 Basketball, badminton, table tennis and volleyball are available.The Madurai Kamaraj University is one of nine top universities in India, having been awarded the honor " University, with potential for excellence "by the UGC. The University's motto is to "seek truth is knowledge." [EXTRACT] Theni road, 13 km west of the city - Madurai Kamaraj University is located in Tamil Nadu, India, located on 750 acres in Madurai. Founded in 1966, is a global institution, with graduate degrees and postgraduate, as well as training and job search programs for students and teachers. Grants and scholarships are available. Students receive a certificate or diploma depending on the chosen curriculum, and can acquire a bachelor's degree or master. Researchers can apply for full time or part-time, and possibly to acquire a PhD. Madurai Kamaraj University is a law, recognized and supported by grants University Commission (UGC) and is a member of the Association of Indian universities. E 'supported by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NaAc) was with a degree of A. penetrated credited During his guiding principle in the honorable traditions of the old faith, including the University of modern technology and create an atmosphere of support for equal opportunities, which manifests encourage every student potential.The her university has 109 affiliated schools, with study centers in Madurai, Chennai, Trichy, Theni, Ramnad, Tirunelveli, Nagercoil and other countries. There are seven evening schools for students with day jobs, distance learning and in 103 other countries and seventeen different countries. The campus, at home, the Kamaraj University Library is the second largest in Tamil Nadu. Is there a computer center and an Educational Media Research Centre for video production that has created and broadcast educational television programs.Schools 3380 within the College include life sciences, biotechnology, chemistry, energy resources and environmental economics , history, mathematics, physics, philosophy, Tamil, earth and atmospheric studies, economics, education, languages, information technology and communications, arts, religions, sciences and social services for youth. Each school consists of several departments there. For example, the School of Biological Sciences departments biochemistry, botany, molecular biology, genetics, physiology and behavior of animals, microbial technology, immunology, plant morphology and Algology. The school of thought, religion, philosophy and humanistic branches of Islam and Islamic Studies, Tamil, and the philosophy of Gandhi Saivasiddhanantha Ramalinga studies of philosophy, interfaith relations, philosophy, Studies and Christian Studies Guru Nanak. There is also a department of adult education / training, a volunteer program called the National Service Scheme for social services and a kidney and bone marrow transplant matching service facilities on campus Facility.Complete to meet the needs of many residents. 1080 students can be accommodated in the hostels of the university, five men and three women's dormitories. The staff and guests are given their own neighborhoods. There is a 24-hour University Hospital, a canteen, cooperative shops, a post office and branches of State Bank of India and MDCC Bank. It 'a beautiful stadium covered with a wooden floor and space for 1000. Basketball, badminton, table tennis and volleyball are available.The Madurai Kamaraj University is one of nine top universities in India, after being awarded the "University with Potential for Excellence" awarded by the UGC. The University's motto is: "To seek truth is knowledge."

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Matterless Universe of Which Our Universe is a Tiny Part

There are increasing and accumulating pieces of statements that there is another world out there that is not material, yet so far, has remained scientifically unknown to us. There are pieces of evidence is accumulating that such a world exists despite the fact that its true essence is surely yet to be discovered. For example, there are evidences of the existence of what is labeled as "dark energy" as "dark matter" with immense powers affecting everything.The World matterless is described as in environment where there is neither time nor space. It is argued that material things just taking up space and are subject to time for their creation and development. The material universe is the first example given as a matter of applying it to all its components tested how our planet and all questions and creatures living in it. Therefore, when the world is not subject to space, which would extend indefinitely without borders Malthus everywhere even in material things exist. When it is not subject to time, would exist eternally, without beginning or end. Based on this description, the world matterless extends to infinity forming a universe by itself without any border. Since matterless, would transcend matter. Based on the proven existence of "dark energy", it can be argued that there exists in the universe that includes anything matterless, material or otherwise, who is also a source of incredible energy that strikes the material, or otherwise. Matterless believe that the universe is composed of "pure energy", which I have called the "super-energy", with a mass of highly condensed and the source of life for all that exists in the infinite space that constitutes its essence. So you can correctly assume that as the creator of life within its domain of infinite, so it must be highly creative and intelligent. Therefore, it may be possible to properly called the Creator, a being totally secular and has no connection to any religion, more like a super-scientist.The life of all that human beings in particular, depends on the energy in the universe. Most of the energy on earth comes from the sun. It travels from the sun to the earth under the rays of the sun radiates energy absorption makes the plants to produce food for animals and humans depend That all in order to create energy for survival. They use the energy in food to work. The solar energy stored in coal, wood and oil is used by humans for different purposes. Energy and matter are two fundamental ideas of physics that are not entirely separate. Many physicists argue that energy and matter are two aspects of the same with the only thing.Electricity is closely associated with the energy and matter. It is a fundamental characteristic of the material that makes up the whole universe. (World Book, 2001, Vol I, p.190) Electricity and magnetism together constitute a force called electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Electric force is responsible for holding together the atoms and molecules from which it is composed mater. It mines the deterministic structure of every object that exists (ibid.). On this basis, one can question where does the incredible amount of electromagnetic force needed to hold together the solar system, galaxy and universe. The universe matterless, composed of immense power, it seems that the only possibility.As science progresses, more and more evidence pointing to the existence of a universe that is not subject to time or space. It 'already is helping us to achieve great features without thinking of his cause. As for the weather, watch your mail system If you write a letter to a friend and mail through the post office, depending on the distance, our letter can reach its destination in a day or two for several weeks. Destination research can be 50-100 or thousands of miles away. If we send the same letter to many other individuals, say a wedding invitation, we must take the same action for each card.Parallel invitation to this, today, we have e-mail system through which we can send the same letter in a matter of no time regardless of distance. In fact, we can send the same letter to a million people at once with the click of a button. The letters will reach their destination when they click the "Submit" button at any distance. The same applies if the same e-mail is sent to a thousand addresses around the globe, covering the surface of the Earth. Since the distance and the surface refers to the space, the letters will be received in all 1000 addresses all over the world in the blink of an eye without regard to location or distance. The space becomes immaterial.Concerning the element of time, our brains are able to calculate faster than a function of our minds through education will take at least several seconds. When computers were invented one thousand a calculation could be done in a second. Today, a computer can do millions of calculations to a decision in one second. In this figure, an advanced computer-Increments of one billion per second. Billionth of a second or in no time. Yet, there are computers on the way labeled as a quantum computer can do a trillion calculations per second. Consequently, we were able to eliminate time and space science in the communication system and entered the universe without having to know matterless can also add the concept of "dark matter". More than 90 percent of the visible universe is made up of lighter two types of atoms of hydrogen and helium. However, it is argued that apparently, the majority of matter in the universe is invisible dark matter. This is a substance which has the majority of the mass of the universe. There is no evidence that dark matter emits absorbs or reflects visible light, radio waves, X rays, or any other type of electromagnetic energy. The observations suggest that dark matter has at least ten times more mass than visible matter has. (Book World., 2001, Vol 5, p.37) Scientist have detected dark matter only through its gravitational influence on motions of the visible matter. Many scientists believe that dark matter consists of particles not yet discovered. (World Book, 2001, Vol.13, p312) This is actually the "non-material universe", as distinct from the material universes matterless. Non-material universe embodies the material universe and embodies matterless ave Actually, then, there are three universes of which we know only one, but only a few hints of the other two. As science progresses, there will be other evidence discovered, ultimately forcing the scientific community to accept the existence of these three universes even without knowing the true essence of the other two. This will be a fascinating moment for scientists and an exciting point to press forward in the unknown world of a limitless world where incredibly vast knowledge has been waiting for billions of years to be discovered.Dr. Reza Rezazadeh [EXTRACT] There are more pieces and collect the claims that there is another world out there, this is not essential, but so far has remained scientifically unknown to us. There is also accumulating pieces of evidence that this is certainly the world in spite of the fact that their true nature is yet to be discovered. For example, there is no evidence for the existence of that influence as "dark energy" and "dark matter" with immense powers everything.The matterless world is described as an environment where he scored neither time nor space. It is argued that material things just to fill space and time are subject to their creation and development. The material universe is a good example of matter, which also applies to all its components, like our planet and all living things and matters mentioned in it. So, if a world will not, would extend to infinity without limits exist so that everywhere in the material things. If it is not subject to time, it would exist forever, without beginning or end. Based on this description, the world matterless extends to infinity form a universe of itself, without any limitation. How to immateriality, would transcend matter. Based on the proven existence of "dark energy", one can argue that there are so matterless universe includes all that is tangible or intangible, which affects a source of incredible energy throughout the material, or otherwise be. I believe that the universe of immateriality "pure energy", which I call "super power", with a mass much compacted and the source of life for all that exists in the infinite space that is their natural forms. So it can be assumed, rightly, that the creator of life in its infinite domain, must also be very creative and intelligent. Therefore, it is being called correctly, the Creator, secular in nature which has no connection to any religion, a bit 'as a super-scientist.The whole life, especially that of people depends on the energy in the universe. Most of the energy on Earth comes from the sun. It travels from the sun to the earth under the rays of the sun emits. The power consumption makes the plants for food, do all animals and people depend on to provide energy for survival. They use the energy in food to work. The sun's energy stored in coal, timber and oil is used by people for various purposes. Energy and matter are two basic ideas in physics that are not entirely separate. Many physicists argue that energy and matter are but two aspects of the same thing.Electricity closely linked to energy and matter. In reality it is a fundamental characteristic of matter that make up the universe. (World Book, 2001, Vol I, p 190) Electricity and magnetism with a force called electromagnetism, one of the fundamental forces of the universe. The electrical energy is responsible for the conduct of atoms and molecules of the compound mater. He determined the structure of each object, das. Exists (ibid.) On this basis, we have, where is the incredible amount of electromagnetic force required to have solar systems, galaxies and may represent the entire universe in question. The universe is immaterial, consisting of immense power, it seems that only the progress of science possibility.As the show, more and more evidence for the existence of a universe that is not subject to time and space. It 'already helps us to think of incredible features, without having to join their cause. To be sought in terms of time, in the mail system. If we write a letter to a friend and send it by mail, depending on the distance, our letter to reach its destination in one or two days to several weeks. This may be removed 50-100 thousand miles or more. If we send the same letter to many other people, say a wedding invitation, you card.Parallel the same action for each call to do this, we now have e-mail system through which we send the same thing can write short time very short regardless of the distance. In fact, we can send the same letter to a million people at once with the click of a button. The letters will reach their destination as soon as you click on "Submit" button, regardless of distance. The same applies if the same e-mail addresses to thousands around the planet that are sent to spread the earth's surface. As the distance and the area in relation to space, the letters to all 1,000 addresses throughout the world in the blink of an eye, regardless of location or distances are distributed are received. Space is the element of time immaterial.Concerning, the fastest human brain is a function, calculated from the lessons of our mind can at least take a few seconds. When computers were invented 1,000 can be expected in a second. Today, millions of calculations a computer to make a decision in just seconds. In an advanced computer that the number will increase to one billion euros second. A billionth of a second is equal to no time. However, there are computers on the road, as a quantum computer capable of one trillion calculations per second labeled. Consequently, it is scientifically managed to eliminate the time and space in the communication system and entered matterless universe, without having to know can also add the concept of "dark matter". More than 90 percent of the visible universe is composed of lighter of the two types of atoms of hydrogen and helium. It is, however, argues that obviously the majority of matter in the universe is invisible dark matter. It is a substance that most of the mass of the universe. There is no evidence that the dark matter emits, during or absorbs visible light, radio waves, X-rays, or any other type of electromagnetic energy. The observations suggest that dark matter has at least ten times more mass than visible matter. (World Book Day., 2001, Vol 5, p.37) Scientists have identified dark matter only through the influence of its gravity on the movements of the visible matter. Many scientists believe that dark matter consists of particles not yet discovered. (World Book, 2001, Vol.13, p 312) This is actually the "non-material universe," the material and immaterial worlds. Non-material universe embodies the physical universe and embodies immateriality. In fact, there are three universes of which we know only one, but only a few hints of the other two. As science progresses, there are other tests to find out, eventually forcing the scientific community to accept the existence of these three universes even without knowing the true nature of the other two. Printing is an exciting time for scientists and an exciting time ahead, in the vast world of the unknown is where an incredible world of knowledge over billions of years waiting to be discovered.Dr. Reza Rezazadeh...

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Gender Differences In Learning Style Specific To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math - Stem

There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind when developing lesson plans and classroom instruction. First, overall, the girls have much less experience in hands-on application of the principles of learning in the laboratory than boys. This could occur in the computer lab, science lab, or a cutting drive - the principle is the same for all these settings - requires technology overall problem-solving schema, accompanied by a use and handling of tools, skills and spatial relationships that carry with them very few girls in class the first day compared to the look boys.Let 's to some of the reasons why girls come to class with less STEM basic skills necessary for success in this topic. Overall, girls and boys play with different types of early childhood games that offer different types of learning experiences. Most of the girls games that highlight the relationships (eg, playing house, playing with dolls) or creativity (ie, drawing, painting). In contrast, the boys play computer games and video games, or that emphasize building (ie, the LEGO ®), both of which develop problem-solving, spatial-relationship and hands-on study of gender differences in spatial ability skills.A reports of engineering students in the United States and Brazil, found that there was a wide disparity between the skills of male and female students. These studies have attributed lower fees student is set to two statistically significant factors: 1) less experience of playing with construction toys and 2) not having taken courses in drawing the first engineering program. Ability of spatial relations are fundamental to engineering. A study of gender of computing majors at Carnegie Mellon University (one of the most influential computer programs in the country) found that, in general, male students have skills far better than female students. This provides a considerable advantage for male students in the classroom and could affect the confidence of women students.Are these gender differences in the nature or nurture? There is considerable evidence to cultivate. Studies show that most of the main computer and video games appeal to male interests and characters and themes are predominantly male, it is not surprising that girls of Malthus are much less interested in playing them. A study of computer games by children now found that 17% of the games are female characters, and of these, 50% are or props, you tend to faint, have the high notes, and they are a highly sexualized.There number of studies that suggest that when girls and women are provided with the building blocks they need to succeed in STEM who want to do well if not better than their male colleagues. An Introductory Engineering Robotics class found that while males have a little 'better on the pre-test than females, the females did as well as males on post-test after the class completion.Another critical area of ​​gender difference that STEM teachers should keep in mind has less to do with actual skills and experience and more to do with perception and confidence. For females, the confidence is a predictor of success in the classroom STEM. They are much less likely to maintain interest if they feel unable to master the material. Unfortunately, two factors work and the confidence level of women: 1) most of the girls actually have less experience with STEM course content than their male counterparts and 2) males tend to exaggerate their accomplishments while females minimize the their own. A study done at Carnegie Mellon computer science doctoral students found that even when males and females were doing so well able essays, students reported feeling less comfortable. Fifty-three percent of males classified themselves as "highly qualified" in contrast with 0% females.It is important to note that many of the differences in learning style of the above are not strictly gender. Are based on differences of students with a background in STEM and problem-solving, and hands-on skills learned from playing childhood and life experiences and those who have not had the same kind of exposure. A review of the literature on minority students and students of STEM believes that color are less likely to have the background and experience STEM Malthus lacks many of the blocks themselves STEM and girls have the same lack of confidence. Many of the STEM curriculum and teaching solutions that work for students will also work for students of color of this reason.Bridge classes / modules to ensure basic skills teachers will likely see a gap in the core STEM skills women and minority students for the reasons described above. Here are some solutions adopted elsewhere, to ensure that girls and women (and students of color) want to get the ability to block construction that many STEM Initiative will be at the Cisco Academy Sex missing.Teachers study assessed the levels of skills each of their students and then providing them with individualized lesson plans for their success Ensure that ran parallel to the tasks in the classroom. Other teachers taught key skills not included in the curriculum at the beginning of the course, trying to mathematics and computation of whole numbers and use a means of identification. Students were provided with additional time to the laboratory, run by a female teaching assistant, knowing that students disproportionately benefit from more hands-on experience.Carnegie-Mellon University, came to view their curriculum as a continuum, with students who enter at different points depending on their background and experience. Carnegie Mellon-new chassis of a "continuum" is purposely different from the traditional negative # when classes begin with a high bar that needs tutoring "corrective" for students with less experience, stigmatizing them and undermining their confidence. Below is a list of ideas and suggestions that help all students succeed in STEM classroom.1. Construction ConfidenceHow Thurs teachers build confidence in female students who often have less experience than their male counterparts even when they are behind and feel they are not? 1) practice based on experience and research has shown that ensuring students have the opportunity to gain experience with STEM, in a supportive environment, increase their confidence level.2) Bring the female models who have had success in STEM another important parallel strategy to be used to help female students in to see your self as capable of mastering STEM classes: if you could do that, then I can also 3) constant positive reinforcement from teachers of their STEM students, with an expectation of positive results, will help them suspended there during the week beginning difficult when they have not yet developed a pattern of technology or hands-on expertise and everything looks as if taken under a huge challenge.2. Appealing to Male Interest Many of STEM activities typical for the appeal to male interests in the classroom and off the girls. For example, in the field of robotic curriculum often involves monsters that explode or cars that go fast. "Roboeducators" noted that the robots are involved in performance art or Characterized as the animals are more appealing to girls. Engineering activities can be about the operation of a hair dryer or designing a playground for people with disabilities, and to build bridges. Teachers should consider using all kinds of examples when incorporating education activities and efforts to appeal the interests of women and men. The teachers also direct students to come with their own projects as a way to ensure the girls can work as possible to the area of ​​meaning them.Research shows that there are so Mars / Venus gender differences and how each is committed to technology. Overall, girls and women are excited about how technology will be used - its application and context. Men want to talk about how big the hard drive or motor, how fast the processor runs, and discuss the merits of a mother or against another engine. These are topics that are generally of little interest to most females.The Carnegie-Mellon study took into account the differences of what engages the students and modified Sun curriculum programs in Computer Science 'that the context of the program have been taught much earlier in the semester and moved some of the more technical aspects of the curriculum (tested as encoding) and then in half. Authors have observed that students were more positive about getting through the boring coding classes when they understood the purpose of it. Teachers should ensure that the context for the technology they teach is addressed early in the semester by using real stories and case studies to capture the interest of all their students.3. Group dynamics in the classroom research studies of American Association of University Women and children have now found that most females prefer collaboration and not competition in the classroom. In contrast, most of the male very willingly competition as a method of learning and game. Many hands-on activities in technology classes are set up as competitions. Robotics for example, regularly uses competitiveness as a teaching methodology. Teachers dovrebberoessere aware of the preference of many girls for collaborative work and should add to these types of exercises for their classes. Some ways to do this are having students work in pairs or in teams and assigned a degree of team and individual level. (See Reading 2 on cooperative learning.) Another Mars / Venus dynamic STEM teachers should be aware CHECK male students in the laboratory will usually dominate the females equipment and wants to take notes or just watch. Overall, male students have more experience and confidence with Malthus' hands-on lab equipment than their female counterparts. Teachers should create situations to ensure that their students are spending the same amount of time in practical activities. Some approaches are: 1) to match the students only with the other labs during the early half of the class that Sun will get the hands-on time and increases their confidence, putting them in a better position to work effectively with the male students later, 2) assign a specific time for each student in the pair to use the laboratory equipment and to announce when it's time to change and monitor this, and 3) provide feedback to male students who take more by letting them know that their partner needs to do the activities well.4. Students moving from passive learners to Proactive problem Solvers The main skill is the solution of problems in STEM in the hands of laboratory situations. For the reasons already discussed in relation to a lack of experience, most girls are not to contain classes with these problem-solving. Instead, the girls often want to be shown how to do things, repeatedly, instead of experimenting in a laboratory setting to get the answer. In addition to this problem, many girls are afraid to break the equipment. In contrast, male students often want to jump and manipulate the equipment before receiving instructions from their teacher. Teachers can address this by searching activities: 1) by making them take equipment the old and put it back together, 2) the creation of "Scavenger Hunt" exercises that force them to navigate through menus, and 3), stressing that they are learning problem solving activities and that this process is equally important for learning the lesson content and insisting that they understand their practical hands-on own.Research has also shown that females tend to engage in STEM-red to a 'smaller image, whereas males use higher order thinking skills to understand the bigger picture and the relationship between the parties. Also in this case, they move the students (and the non-student techsavvy in general) to become problem solvers (against only understand the content of the piece jigsaw puzzle STEM) wants to move them from ability to use higher order thinking in STEM.Finally, Many teachers report that many students often want to like everything that relates to each other before they go into action in the laboratory to understand or move through a lesson plan to complete a specific task. The students try to avoid making mistakes along the way and not only want to read the documentation necessary for the lesson, which often want to read the entire manual before taking any action. In contrast, male students often need to be persuaded to look at the documentation to all the guys are not so concerned about making a mistake along the way until that ultimately does not work. The disadvantage is that often the students are so concerned to understand the whole picture that do not move on hands-on activities or do so in a timely manner so they are always the last in the class to end. Teachers may assist female full (and non-tech-savvy) students to move through the material more quickly, giving the class instructions on how to scan quickly to the necessary information required only for assignment.5. Role Models Since the number of women in STEM are still small, the girls have few opportunities to see female role models solving problems in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Teachers should lead female role models in the classroom, as lecturers or teachers, or visit their tour of the area, to send the message that girls can succeed in the classroom STEM and careers.Bibliography Medina, Afonso Celso, Helena BP Gerson and Sheryl A. Sorby. "Identification of gender differences in 3-D visualization skills of engineering students in Brazil and the United States." International Network for Engineering and Eucation search page. August 2, 2004: [http://www.ineer.org/Events/ICEE/papers/193.pdf] Milto, Elissa, Chris Rogers, and Merredith Portmore .. "Gender differences in confidence levels, group interactions, and feelings of competition Robotics in Introductory course on". American Society for Engineering Education page. July 8, 2004 [Http :/ / fie.engrng.pitt.edu/fie2002/papers/1597.pdf] "Fair Play: Violence, sex and race in Video Games 2001" .. Children Now page. August 19, 2004: [http://www.childrennow.org/media/video-games/2001/] "Girls and gaming: Gender and Video Game Marketing, 2000" .. Children Now page. June 17, 2004: [http://www.childrennow.org/media/medianow/mnwinter2001.html] Tech Savvy Educating Girls in the new computer age .. District of Columbia: American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 2000.Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher. Unlocking the Computer Clubhouse: Women in computer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.Taglia, Dan and Kenneth Berry. "Girls in Robotics". On-line publication. September 16, 2004. Http :/ / groups.yahoo.com / group / roboeducators / "Gender Initiative Cisco." Cisco Learning Institute. July 30, 2004: [http://gender.ciscolearning.org/Strategies/Strategies_by_Type/Index.html]. [ABSTRACT] There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM), that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind during the development of curricula and classroom teaching. First, large girls have much less hands-on experience in application of principles in the laboratory than boys. This could be in the computer room, science lab experiment, or Auto-Lab - the principle is the same for all these settings - A complete technology uses problem-solving scheme, together with the use and manipulation tools, and spatial relationship skills that very few girls bring with them to class the first day compared to the look boys.Let 's to some of the reasons why girls go to the root classrooms need less of the basic skills for success in this field. Overall, girls and boys play with different types of games in early childhood, which offer different types of learning experiences. Most of the girls games, relationships (ie, playing at home to play with dolls), or to emphasize creativity (ie, drawing, painting). Instead, the game boy computer and video games, or games to emphasize the building (eg, LEGO ®), which together contribute to problem solving, spatial relationships and hands-on skills.A study on gender differences in spatial relations skills of engineering students to develop in the United States and Brazil has discovered that there is a large discrepancy between the abilities of female students and male. These studies have attributed the limited skills of the students along with two statistically significant factors: 1) less experience than playing with toys and the creation of 2) participated in courses with less preparation of the engineering program. Spatial relations skills are crucial for the technology. A study of gender of computing majors at Carnegie Mellon University (a leading computer science programs in the country) found that, in general, male students have skills far better than female students. It provides students a significant advantage in the male class and was able to trust the female students.Are impact of these differences between sexes or educational in nature? There is ample evidence that they are treated. Studies show that most computer games and video games more important to appeal to male interests and have mostly male characters and themes, it is not surprising that girls are much less interested they are playing. A study of computer games by children now found that 17% of the games are female characters, and of these 50% are or props, they tend to fall into a swoon, have loud voices, and are very sexualized.There are a number of studies suggest that girls and women are offered with the building blocks for success in STEM will do well if not better to have their male colleagues. An Introductory Engineering Robotics class found that while men were doing a little 'better on the pre-test than females, males and females, and at the post-test after the class completion.Another critical area of ​​gender difference that the MINT Teachers should keep in mind has less to do with the skills and real experiences and more to do with perception and confidence. For women, confidence is a predictor for success in STEM education. They are much less likely to keep holding on, if you are not able to hear the material master. Unfortunately, two factors work against women's confidence level: 1) most of the girls are actually less experience with STEM course content than their male counterparts and 2) men tend to exaggerate their achievements, while females minimize their own. A study by Carnegie Mellon computer graduates has found that even when students were males and females are equally good grade, where students feel less comfortable. Fifty-three percent of men were classified as "very willing", as opposed to 0% of females.It is important that many of the learning style differences noted above are not strictly gender-specific. Instead, the differences between students with a background in STEM, problem-solving and learning based on practical skills and experience from childhood game of life, and those who have not had the same kind of exposure. A review of the literature on minority students and stem found that students of color are less likely to make the shaft bottom and missing the experience of so many blocks of the same roots as the girls and have the same lack of confidence. Many of the STEM curriculum and pedagogy which solutions will work for students and for students of color for this reason.Bridge classes / modules work together to ensure basic skills teachers will likely see a gap in the core STEM skills of minority and female students for the 'reasons described above. Here are some solutions adopted elsewhere, to ensure that girls and women (and students of color) will have the skills to block stem missing.Teachers many Gender Initiative Cisco Academy in the study will assess the level of expertise of each of their students and then provided them with individual educational plans for their success, which ran parallel to the tasks of course guaranteed. Other teachers taught key skills not included in the curriculum at the beginning of the course, as the calculation of whole numbers and mathematical tools and usage data. Students were provided with additional laboratory time, occupied by a female assistant, knowing that the students who benefit disproportionately from more hands-on experience.Carnegie-Mellon University, came to their curriculum to be seen as a continuum, with the students enter at different points according to their skill and experience. Carnegie-Mellon, the new framework of a "continuum" begins is purposely different from the traditional model in which negative classes with a top bar, the "remedial measures" requires registration for students with less experience, to stigmatize them and undermines their confidence. Below is a list of ideas and suggestions that help students to succeed in STEM classroom.1. ConfidenceHow building teachers' confidence in students, who often receive less experience than their male counterparts and are behind, even if there are? 1) practice based on experience and research has shown that providing students the opportunity to experiment with GAIN have STEM, in a supportive environment that will increase their confidence level.2) Bring the female models that succeed in the STEM area is a ' another important strategy used in parallel to your students are able to be supportive to mastering STEM classes if they could do that, then I can also 3) the constant positive reinforcement from teachers of their STEM students with a positive expectation of the result, which help you hanging there in those difficult weeks in the first place if they have not yet developed a technology, scheme, or practical skills and everything seems to make what looks like a giant challenge.2. Off, citing many of the typical female interests STEM activities in the classroom for the appeal to male interests and girls. For example, in robotics curriculum often includes monsters that explode or cars that go fast. "Roboeducators" noted that robots participating in performance art or as marked animals more attractive to girls. Engineering activities can be more like a hair dryer or design works in a playground for people with disabilities as well as build bridges. The teacher should take into account all kinds of examples, if you teach and to appeal the inclusion of activities in the efforts for the interests of women and men. Teachers can refer students to come with their own projects as a way to make the girls are in an area of ​​importance to the work them.Research also shows that Mars / Venus gender differences, and, like any intervention in technology . Overall, girls and women are as enthusiastic about the technology can be used - their use and context. People discuss how big the hard drive or motor, the speed of the processor is running, and discuss the advantages of a motherboard or power over others. These are issues that are generally less interesting for most females.The Carnegie Mellon study took into account the differences of what that involves students and changed the curriculum for computer science programs' so that the framework for the program was taught much earlier in the semester and has attracted some of the technical aspects of the curriculum (eg, coding), the authors observed later in the semester. the students much more positive about getting through the boring coding classes, if they understood the purpose. Teachers should ensure that the framework for the technology that teach early in the semester with real stories and case studies for the interests of all its direct capture students.3. group dynamics in research studies in the classroom, the American Association of University Women and children have now found that most women prefer cooperation and not competition in the class. Instead, most men are very competitive as a way to enjoy learning and playing. Many hands-on activities in classes of technology are set therein set. robotics, for example, regularly uses competitiveness as a method of teaching. teachers solltenbewusst be the preference of many girls for cooperative work and should add these types of exercises in their classes. Some ways to do this are the students in pairs or teams are capable of working with a team and a personal touch. (See Reading 2 on cooperative learning.) Another Mars / Venus dynamic STEM teachers should know occurs in the laboratory the students are usually dominated by males and females equipment for taking notes or just watch. Total male students have more experience and confidence with hands-on lab equipment than their female colleagues. Teachers should create situations to ensure that their students spend time equal on the do-Shares Some ideas were: 1) that only students with each other during the exercises as part of the couple at the beginning of the semester the class, to get hands-on time and increases their confidence by investing in a better position effectively with male students later, 2), a certain amount of time allotted for each student in the pair to use laboratory equipment, and announce when it is time to change and monitor, and 3) a response to male students, the acquisition by letting them know that their partner needs to do the activities well.4. move students from passive students Proactive problem solver, the most important skill in problem solving in STEM hands-on laboratory situations. For the reasons already mentioned in relation to the lack of experience did not come to class most girls have these skills to solve problems., However, often shown as a Girl Wants to do things again, instead of experimenting on a test environment to get the answer. In addition to this argument have scared a lot of girls break their equipment In contrast, male students often jump and manipulate the devices before they were all instructions from their teachers, these teachers through activities such as the address 1. ) take to deal with their old equipment and put it back together, 2) the creation of "treasure hunt", which exercises enforce navigate through menus, and 3) stated that they learn to solve the problem and that this process is learn just as important, the content and insisting that they find on their practical own.Research also showed that women engage in stem red image better, while men tend to use higher order skills to understand of thought, the bigger picture and the relationship between the parties. re students in motion (and not techsavvy students in general) problem solver (unlike only for understanding the contents of the STEM puzzle piece) is used to move them to higher-order capacity for thinking STEM.Finally many teachers have reported that many students often want to understand how everything relates to each other, before going into action in the laboratory or move through a timetable to complete a given task. Students try to avoid mistakes along the way and not only want to read the documentation for the classes you need, who often want the entire manual before attempting to read the measurement. In contrast, male students often have to believe that a look at all the documentation to be. guys are not making a mistake a long way, until what is ultimately in question. The disadvantage is that students understand so often to be feared the whole picture, not the practical to move or not to do it early so that they are always the last to finish in class. help teachers to move women (and non-technical) students more quickly through the material class, providing instructions on how quickly the information needed to perform a full scan assignment.5. Role Models As the number of women in STEM are young girls have few opportunities, female role models to address the science, technology, engineering or mathematical problems to be seen. The teacher should lead to female role models in the classroom as a guest or a teacher, or visit their outstanding field to send the message to girls that are in STEM education and careers.Bibliography Medina, Afonso Celso, Helena BP Gerson success, and Sheryl A. Sorby "Identification of specific gender differences in 3-D visualization capabilities of engineering students in Brazil and the United States," International Network for Engineering and the search page Eucation August 2, 2004 ... [Www.ineer.org/Events/ICEE/papers/193.pdf http :/ /] Milto, Elissa, Chris Rogers and Merredith Portmore .. "Gender differences in confidence levels, group interactions, and feelings of the competition in an introductory course in Robotics" .. American Society for Engineering Education page, July 8, 2004: [http://fie.engrng.pitt.edu/fie2002/papers/1597.pdf] "Fair Play: Violence, Sex and Race in Video Games 2001" .. children now see August 19, 2004 [http://www.childrennow.org/media/video-games/2001/] "Girls and gaming: Gender and video game marketing, 2000". .. to see the kids now. June 17, 2004: .. [Http://www.childrennow.org/media/medianow/mnwinter2001.html] tech-savvy girls' education in the district of new age computer Columbia American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 2000.Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher Unlocking the Computer Clubhouse .. women in computer science, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, 2003.Taglia, Dan and Kenneth Berry "Girls in Robotics," Online posting September 16, 2004 ... Http .. :/ / Groups.yahoo.com / group / roboeducators / "Gender Initiative Cisco" Cisco Learning Institute July 30, 2004: [http://gender.ciscolearning.org/Strategies/Strategies_by_Type/Index.html].

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Obtaining A Science Degree Offers Many Career Opportunities

Get a science degree does not necessarily lead to a career in the laboratories. Some recipients of science degree may work in test kitchens or in the field. A second subcategory of the degree that students and select the place to find a job, they also have the opportunity to earn more than $ 100,000 for year.Some students with science degrees working as agricultural and food scientists. Students who earn science degrees in agricultural and food may work in agriculture and food production, helping to find ways for farms to operate in a more convenient keeping pests and weeds under controllo.Altri still have obtained scientific degrees and agricultural Food could work to develop food products, including healthy foods, or methods examined the need to protect and preserve the foods that are in the field of agriculture and food science can produced.Obtaining can also lead to work as a land animal, plans or scientist. Depending on the type of work in this field of graduates enter, may work in laboratories, test kitchens or outdoors. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) provides faster than average growth for the agricultural and food scientists who work to contain the negative effects that agriculture can have on the environment, and for those who work to create new products sets, combining the biology with technology as part of what is known as the calls of the growing population biotechnology.As for more food and healthier food, employment growth for the agricultural and food scientists between 2008 and 2018 should be of 16 percent, the BLS reports. Animal Those who graduated in May 2009 with bachelor's degrees in planning and other agricultural sciences were offered starting salaries that average $ 33.456 to $ 34.699 a year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers of work. The work of the federal government in different sectors can lead graduates with these types of scientific degrees to earn over $ 100,000, the information from the BLS suggests.Biological scientists, on the other hand, the study of living things and their relationship with the ' environment. Their goal: To help address the health conditions in humans and improve the natural environment. Biological scientists including botanists, ecologists and zoologists. Marine biologists, perhaps some of the best-known biologists, fill a small specialty in the field, according to employment growth for biological scientists is expected BLS.The between 2008 and 2018 to be 21 percent, which is much faster than the average for all occupations, the BLS reports. Driving the growth is the growth of the biotechnology sector, according to the agency. Another factor with regard to employment growth is the environment - and try to find new and better ways to improve and preserve it, according to agency.Students intending to work in this area may need to continue their studies up to a PhD if they plan to carry out independent research, which could be competitive colleges and universities, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There will probably be more opportunities for positions in sales, marketing, management and publication, for those who obtain bachelor's and master, the agency notes. Students who have obtained biological and life science degrees at bachelor's salaries have been offered since 2009 to an average of $ 33.254 a year, the National Association of Colleges and Employers reports. Zoologists who work for the federal government in 2009 earned average annual salaries of nearly $ 117 000. [EXTRACT] The granting of a science degree does not necessarily lead to a career in the laboratory. Some recipients may work in the science test kitchens or outdoors on the field. Depending on the category of graduate students and select the place to find jobs, they also have the opportunity to earn more than $ 100,000 for year.Some students with science degrees to work as agricultural economists and food. Students, agro-food science degree could get to work in agriculture and food production, helping to manage facilities for businesses to be in a more convenient way, while pests and weeds to control finden.Wieder other degrees in agricultural and food sciences could work for food, including healthy foods, or methods such as conservation and storage of foods that can produced.Obtaining develop agriculture and food science degrees also lead to work as soil scientists, animal or vegetable. Depending on the type of work of graduates in this field could say that in laboratories, test kitchens or outdoors. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects faster growth rate for the agri-food scientists to reduce the negative effects that agriculture can have on the environment, as well as for those who are new products, combining biology with technology to create the work, working to hold back from what he calls a growing population known as food biotechnology.As increasing number of healthy food, employment growth for food and agricultural economists should at 2008-2018 16 percent, the BLS reports be. Those who graduated in July 2009 with a degree in animals, plants and other agricultural sciences, the starting salary, which offered 33 $ 456 $ 34,699 on average each year, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. The occupation of the federal government in different sectors can lead to graduates with this type of science degrees in more than $ 100,000, suggests.Biological scientists gain information from the BLS, on the other hand, the study of living organisms and their relationship with the ' environment. Their goal: Resolve the health conditions in humans and to improve the natural environment. Biologists are botanists, zoologists and ecologists. Marine biologists, perhaps some of the most famous biologists, fill a small specialty in the field with which it expects growth of jobs for biological scientists BLS.The 2008-2018 that 21 per cent, which is much faster than the average for all occupations, the BLS reports have. Growth is the growth of the biotechnology industry, according to the agency. Another factor in terms of employment growth, the environment - and look for new and better ways to improve and maintain to find, according to agency.Students who want to work in this area should have done their training, as a doctoral research if he still intends to conduct its own research projects that could be competitive colleges and universities, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are probably more opportunities for its positions in sales, marketing, management and publication, for those who obtain bachelor's and master, it shall establish. Students who received a degree in biological sciences and life in the degree of Bachelor, were salaries from 2009, which offered $ 33,254 a year, the National Association of Colleges and Employers reports the average. Zoologists are working for the federal government in 2009 earned average annual salaries of nearly $ 117 000.

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Science Creates Life, But What Kind of Life?

I hope you will forgive me for interrupting the flow of our articles, but sometimes things change on the front of the world that have a great opportunity for me to speak and to strengthen an argument that we have already discussed to some extent. The statement recently that scientists have "created life" is really an argument juicy and has many implications that are unable to comment at this time, since we have not discussed other preparatory materials that would be needed to get a better understanding of the creative process. But we can discuss some aspects of this reality or not "create life", as we think it is a moot point, because if this recent discovery is not actually create life as you think of it, that reality is a little 'in the future, and we look ahead to what would happen if it becomes possible within the framework of the relevance of your "What is life really," and what is actually alive and what is not inert matter-alive . "A scientist known, famous for his work in mapping the human genome, Dr. Venter, who has worked on synthetic life for a decade, says" This is our final triumph. This is the first synthetic cell. It 's the first time that we started with the information on a computer, four bottles of chemicals used to write a million letters of DNA software, and actually got to start in a living organism. "Although this is a small step, allows a change in philosophy, a change in thinking, a change in the tools we have. This cell is not a miracle that we made cell that is useful for anything, it is a proof of concept. "We have learned, hopefully, that consciousness resides in and is an absolute basic factor inherent in all matter. The matter is another form of energy and all energy is conscious of itself, yes, maybe no, who owns the type of consciousness organized gestalt conscious as found in the highest forms of "living matter", looking such as plants, animals and humans, but a more generalized, non-self-aware-of-consciousness flavor. Remember the good old Albert Stone property? E = mc2, or energy equals the square of the velocity x mat or in other words, matter is simply another face of energy in motion. All the energy is somewhat conscious, so that the inference from that statement is that all matter poss Esses consciousness energy. Please understand that I am not infer that a unit of energy is somehow a "little person", but is aware that it is, ie all.We also discussed and hopefully learned on our journey continues, that consciousness is always first and using its unique abilities, using its inherent capabilities, projects its energy in matter called objects and events, then the name and catagorize them. Not even the smallest speck of matter ever generate consciousness, but the smallest unit of consciousness will gather around himself as other units, so as to form matter, and that's the first atom has appeared in universe.Now physical, here are the important things you need to know, and somehow, many of you feel but they need to remember. You create your mat with your beliefs, thoughts, imagination, ideas and expectations. These attributes are the propellants that consciousness uses to shape and fill it for this psychic patterns will then be recognized as objects and events in world.So, your scientists in their research and experiments, using increasingly sophisticated tools, will continue to find more particles smaller, under the microscope and wants to find distant planets, almost indefinitely, until they finally stumble upon a simple fact that, in their research-intensive, are actually the creation of particles and planets that are so feverishly trying to find. You can now create these properties, but do not realize you are doing unconsciously, just as you create fabulous pictures and spread a small part of your consciousness into the bodies then you have a dream experience. You were created in much the same way from your soul / entity, but with one important entity difference.The creates his characters (you), and other similar characters, bringing all the attributes of the entity / soul. You can create images, dreams, fantasies, thought forms, you may call them psychic children, just as real, but with this difference important, your creations are similar to physical confinement for a child, the child and your creations do not carry all of the your creative abilities as your children are not characteristic of carriers all your inherent abilities. These psychic children, so to speak, are real and true, do not exist in their level of reality and, once created, can not be recalled or denied. They will find their own level of reality nice and evolve as we evolve into system.If physical scientists seem to be creating something that could spin out of control, is not so, since all particles are created in their occupations. The big difference is that they have observed the physical creation and not consciously observe the creation of your particles, objects and events, but this does not negate the fact that you are indeed closed their creator, even if unconsciously at this stage of your evolution . Science does not create what we refer to as "Self Aware" identity / personality, since this capability is only within the scope of the entity and the entities of this world or this universe. A self-aware personality is a "fragment" of the soul / entity, and this ability can not be executed from within the Period.Just physical system to make it perfectly clear, it is not unusual for humans to create particles, molecules and cells , since they are simply the accumulation of a camouflage physical nature, pattern of overlapping of the inner reality that lies within the psychic outside. There is an external model for all objects, and although it is difficult to imagine, but there are also models intra-psychic projected outward to all events, the physical version of the show will finally be translated is important to realize around.It that physical objects, entities, structures composed of atoms and molecules are the result of internal energy projected outward, so in this case, scientists are in their investigations, focusing their energy inward and outward creation of physical forms, something that is ongoing from the beginning of the universe, just usually unknown to creating personalities. Science finally come to the realization that creation is an intrinsic feature of external reality all living consciousness, and that includes plants and animals to children extent.Have scientists created life? No, but again, do not forget that creating general matter is not the same as creating "self-aware life" these forms and scientists need to realize that they are simply using their creative skills are consciously doing what they have done for eons unconsciously. They have so captured the creative process in its growth, and this is an achievement, but, nothing new or shocking. Do the same thing every day, but the process escapes your attention. You must also remember, it is she who draws the line between living and nonliving categories.Finally, if something is "alive" is for another article, because it would be incorrect to say that to take arbitrary decisions on what is to classify as alive, alive or not. Since all matter is created by conscious energy, and to some extent one can say that all matter is alive, at various levels, and a rock is alive, since even the consciousness of a rock, generalized, opaque and a trance state in comparison with your consciousness aware of itself, vibrant and sharp, yet know that this is a chicken and not a rock. We will discuss this further Preview soon.Next article. How did the universe begin? [ABSTRACT] I hope you'll forgive me for interrupting the flow of our articles, but sometimes things change on the global front in fact have a great opportunity for me to talk about a topic and reinforcement that we have already discussed to some extent. Recent deed scientists claim they have "created life" is really an argument juicy and has many implications that are unable to comment at this time, since we have not discussed this and other preparatory material would need to have a better understanding of the creative process. But we can discuss some aspects of whether or not this is actually "Life Creation", as we think it is a moot point, the recent discovery because it is not actually create life as you think of it, that reality will be a little 'in the future, and we should look ahead to what would happen if it becomes Within the framework of possible relevance of "What is life really," and what is actually alive, alive and what is not matter inert. "A famous scientist, famous for his work in mapping the human genome, Dr. Venter, who has worked on synthetic life for a decade, says" This is our final triumph. This is the first synthetic cell. It 's the first time that we started with the information on a computer, four bottles of chemicals used to write a million letters of DNA software, and actually got to start in a living organism. "Although this is a small step, allows a change in philosophy, a change in thinking, a change in the tools we have. This cell is not a miracle that we made cell that is useful for anything, it is a proof of concept. "We have learned, hopefully, that resides in the consciousness and is an absolute intrinsic factor underlying all matter. The matter is another form of energy and all energy is conscious of itself, yes, maybe no, who owns the kind of consciousness than more conscious gestalt Organized as found in the highest forms of "living matter" as plants, animals and humans, blackberries but a generalized, non-self-aware consciousness of flavor. Remember the good old Albert Stone property? E = MC2, or energy field x equals the square of speed, or put another way, the matter is simply another face of energy in motion. All the energy is somewhat conscious, so the inference from this statement is that all matter poss Esses consciousness energy. Please understand that I am not inferring that a unit of energy is somehow a "little person", but that which is conscious, which is also discussed all.We and hopefully have learned on our journey continues, consciousness that is always the first one using their own capabilities and unique, using its inherent capabilities, its energy projects in question is called objects and events, then as your name and catagorize Them. Not even the smallest speck of matter ever generate consciousness, but the smallest unit of consciousness will gather around himself as other units, so as to form matter, and that's the first atom has appeared in universe.Now physical, This here is the important things you need to know, and somehow, many of you need to remember, but already feeling. You create your mat with your beliefs, thoughts, imagination, ideas and expectations. These attributes are the propellants that consciousness uses to fill out the form and psychic patterns for this will be recognized as objects and events in your world.So, your scientists, in their investigations and experiments, using more and more sophisticated tools, will continue to find smaller and smaller particles under the microscope and their blackberries find distant planets, almost indefinitely, until they finally stumble upon a simple fact, fact-intensive in their research, are actually the creation of particles and planets that are so feverishly trying to find. These properties will be created now, but Thurs not understand that you are doing unconsciously, just as you create fabulous pictures and spread a small part of your consciousness into the bodies which then dream experience. You were created more or less on the exam for your soul / entity, but with one important fact difference.The creates his personality (you), and other similar figures, bringing all the attributes of the entity / soul. You can create images, dreams, fantasies, thought forms, which could be called psychic children, just as real, but with this difference important, your creations are similar to physical confinement for a child, the child and do not carry all of your creations your creative abilities characteristic as your children do not carry all of your inherent abilities. These psychic children, so to speak, are real and true, they make their owner to exist in the level of reality and created ounces, can not be denied or recalled. They will find their level of sympathy and of reality evolves as we evolve in system.If physical scientists seem to be creating something that could spin out of control, is not so, since the creation of particles have been in their jobs for all the time. The big difference here is that the physical creation-not consciously observe and observe the creation of particles, your objects and events, but does not deny the fact that reputations are really silent on their creator, even if unconsciously, in this phase of your evolution. Science does not create what referrer as "Self Aware" identity / personality, since this ability to read only part of the subject and extent of this world or this universe. A self-aware personality is a "fragment" of the soul / entity, and this ability can not be accomplished by Period.Just Within the physical system to make it perfectly clear, it is not unusual for humans to create particles, molecules and cells, because they are only the physical formation of camouflage in nature, pattern of overlapping of the inner reality that is located within the outer sensitive. There is an external model for all objects, and although it is difficult to imagine, but there are intra-psychic models projected outwards so for all events, the physical version of the event will occur is important around.It the end Realize that physical objects, entities, structures composed of atoms and molecules are the result of internal energy projected outward, so in this case, scientists are in their investigations, concentrating their energy towards the inner and outer creation of physical forms, that something has been going on since the beginning of your world, only the creation of the personality usually unknown. Eventually science achievements that regard external reality is creating the intrinsic characteristic of all consciousness alive, and that includes plants and animals to children extent.Have scientists created life? No, but again, do not forget to create generalized that the matter is not the same as creating "self-aware life" and it is these scientists are simply realizing that they are using their inherent creative abilities consciously doing what they have done for eons unconsciously. They have so captured the creative process in its growth, and this is an achievement, but, nothing new or shocking. The same thing is done every day, but the process escapes your attention. You must also remember, it is she who draws the line between living and nonliving categories.Finally, if something is "alive" is for another article, because it would be incorrect to say to make arbitrary decisions on what to classify it as a living alive or not. Since all matter is created by conscious energy, and to some extent one can say that all matter is alive, at various levels, and the ROCK is alive, since even the consciousness of a rock, generalized, opaque and in a trance-like states are compared to your conscience, self-aware, vibrant and sharp, yet know that this is a rock and not a chicken. We will discuss this further Top soon.Next Preview article. How did the universe begin?

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Twelve Events Science Has Confirmed Prove the Biblical Creation Account

What is meant by scientific proof of the Bible? For this article we are going to look at the creation alone. The creation is covered in 31 verses of the first chapter of Genesis. It 'obvious that they are not looking for detailed step by step instructions on how to create a universe, but rather a general overview of how the universe was created.Moses Genesis was written 3500 years ago. He saw in a vision or is what tradition has taught with the creation of the universe and wrote what he has learned. Since then, scientists have found a complete description of their findings and to agree. Moses did not write about events 3500 years ago that scientists have fully understood until recently recently.One example, is the first event, the separation of light from darkness. This is an excellent description of an event astronomers refer to as the photon decoupling event. Before this event, say the modern astronomers, the universe could not flow opaque.Light, helium atoms could not form. There was material for the construction of worlds, there was no light and darkness. After this event, and formed the light streaming in the creation of places of light and shadow in universe.Helium atoms could form and Malthus were able to be worlds formats. The event photon decoupling, as described by astronomers corresponds to the description of Moses the separation of light from darkness.From there, the following occurs:-The creation of the earth itself-The separation of land from the sea-The manufacture of equipment in order particular - herbs, shrubs and trees-The position of celestial bodies in relation to the earth-The creation of animal life in a particular order - fish, birds, land animals-The creation of manas scientists study the universe's creation and life on earth, have found that you did exactly that book "Life on Earth" order.David Attenborough gives a good description of the order of creation of life on earth. His list of various types of order of appearance of life and the order given in Genesis agree. While Moses does not mention all the elements, those quotes are in order.The correct positioning of celestial bodies is therefore in agreement. The moon is of particular interest. Genesis 1:17 says: "God put them [the moon and the sun] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." What is interesting is the size of the moon in connection with the earth. It is much larger than the earth than any other moon is compared with the planet it circles. Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and have not yet decided exactly Mars.Scientists as the moon came to be in orbit around the earth or even as was formed. What is interesting for us is that the moon is so big that it could easily destroy the earth. A shorter distance away and the moon would circle the earth. If it were closer, would have an impact on the earth by creating mass destruction. Our moon is unique in the Universe and is precisely positioned to achieve both purpose.Science proves that the Bible is correct in its description of creation. [EXTRACT] to understand what is meant by scientific evidence of the Bible? For this article we will look only at the time of creation. The creation is covered in 31 verses of the first chapter of Genesis. It 'clear, we do not have it with step by step instructions on how to create a universe, but rather a general overview of how the universe was created.Moses Genesis wrote 3500 years ago. Or he saw in a vision or was taught by the tradition of the creation of the universe and wrote what he has learned. Since then, scientists have its description and its conclusions, which is in full compliance. Moses wrote 3500 years ago about events that scientists still do not fully understand is the short recently.One example, the first event, the separation of light and darkness. This is an excellent description of an event astronomers refer to themselves as the photon decoupling event. Prior to this, modern astronomers say that the universe was opaque.Light can not escape, helium atoms, could not form. There was material for the construction of worlds, there was no light and darkness. Light after this event, and are trained in the stream to create light and dark areas in the atoms and can therefore universe.Helium worlds were formed. The event photon decoupling, as described by astronomers matches Moses' description of the separation of light from darkness.From, the following occurs:-The creation of the earth itself, the separation of land from the sea-The manufacture of equipment in order particular - herbs, shrubs and trees, the placement of heavenly bodies in relation to the Earth-The creation of animal life in a certain order - fish, birds, land animals, the creation of scientists Manas the origin of the universe and life on Land investigate siefestgestellt that exactly order.David book "Life on Earth" Attenborough is a good description of the work seems to be the origin of life on Earth. His list the order of occurrence of different types of life and the sequence of Genesis agree. While Moses is not mentioned in each item that he mentioned are in the correct placement of order.The celestial body is also in line. The moon is of particular interest. Genesis 1:17 says: "God has given them [the moon and the sun] in the firmament of the heaven to give light to the earth." It is interesting to note that the size of the moon with respect to ground. It 's much larger than the Earth than any other moon orbiting the planet is facing. They have given its size and composition of the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.Scientists not yet decided exactly how did the moon in orbit around the Earth, or even how it was is formed. What is interesting for us is that the moon is so big that it could easily destroy the earth. A shorter distance and the moon orbits the Earth. If it were any closer, you would create an impact on the earth, the mass destruction. Our moon is unique in the universe and is well positioned to achieve, you purpose.Science proves to be the Bible in its description of creation properly.

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Magical You in a Magical Universe

Many of you have seen a film for television a few nights ago, starring Dustin Hoffman and some of you remember the days when they were children and how they perceived the magic that existed in their world before they grew up and lost the connection wonderful with the natural world that is enjoyed only by children. And 'portrayed as a strange man, Mr. Magorium was created in a toy store where toys and children interacted in a magical way and I learned how those beliefs innocent adults and kept alive his dream after his death.Meanwhile in Europe , scientists are experimenting with the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva in Switzerland, a long underground circular tube, designed and built to accelerate and collide opposing beams of protons, hoping to verify the existence of the Higgs boson and a new family of small particles assumed by the theory of supersymmetry Relative rotation of these particles. Now, I'm not a scientist by any means, but I do recognize the importance of scientific research in your system, but most of custody of physical facts alone give evidence of physical manifestation of objects and events in a world of appearances. The creation of new sophisticated tools to search for ever-smaller particles will always yield particles smaller and smaller. It can not be otherwise, and eventually scientists will come to the inescapable conclusion that you are finding the smaller particles, because they are creating. Remember, you get what you focus on, and sub atomic particles are no exception. There is no end to the internal-ness of reality.As to dig deeper and deeper in ness inside of things, you're simply exploring the inside of the off-ness, and this usually leads to frustration if you are looking for what what scientists call the "god particle". Science can never discover the God particle by investigations of the external world of physical fact alone, simply because the point of emergence of the particular matter, the event horizon where the thought, desire, imagination and expectation flows through this point emergency in physical form, is a sort of magical happenings, and logical reasoning, the brain simply is not able to apply the intuitive knowledge. The intellect is only a reliable tool for a kingdom to some extent, but to be understood, the physical reality must be examined on the other hand, where the intuition is given complete. To get an idea of ​​a real emergency you should look at the inside of the disease inside, outside. The process of course is the closest thing to the definition of magic (a strong influence of magical power or influence) and it happens all the time, as your world and all its effects are created instantly, continuously and becomes extremely difficult spontaneously.All of this if you do not understand that an idea is as real as a rock. A thought is real and indeed as a mountain, it all depends on where you are and from what perspective you're looking at the phenomenon. A fact first invented, the inspired thought led to the creation and birth in the physical universe. We're not talking about something that emerges from nothing into something, but something in a size of current break into another dimension of a different kind of reality. If you were immersed in invisible to you, (intra-system) of the basic reality or in any other non-physical system, you never would think for a moment that it was cloudy or dreamlike in structure, but, of course, by your physical point of view, it would seem so.what I'm saying is in the simplest terms, that the best way to explore the interior of consciousness is to not close all the recognition of the magic in your world every day. Every human being, animal, fish or flower born in your physical senses in the deepest recesses of his consciousness of the system, (and all have consciousness), the belief in the magic of his own existence and the existence of any other living creature on the planet . The animals, flowers and trees that retain awareness of their connection with the natural world and its magical properties as they grow, but no scientific study to explain how a flower known to change its directional orientation to always face the sun in his As you move to different locations in your home. Humans have a harder time maintaining intimate knowledge as they mature due to the pressures of fascination with the beliefs of society and mass manufactured objects. No calculation of a large supercomputer will ever tell you how animals perceive an earthquake before it happens and let the protons collide never area.No help explain how someone lost their taxi has arrived at the airport late and miss their flight, which then crashed and killed all aboard. The more you learn to trust and use your intuition in a good healthy balance with your intellect, the more you will reach a state of psychological balance and the whole personality benefit.When were a kid, you knew that in itself has created your reality as-you-created knights and rushed out to slay the evil dragons. You pretended you were gunmen, meeting at the OK Corral the dusty streets of a fictional city for the West final showdown. It is experienced as you have taken the side of the slayer and the victim, and we enjoyed the realization that he survived and died. You understand that you have created your favorite disease, sneezing, coughing or runny nose when they conveniently did not want to go to school on test day. You knew within himself how to cure the disease when they were ready to go. Of course, Mom put her to the doctor, bought some pills is nice and the pills that cured thought Tommy, though no pill ever cured anyone of anything, unless you consciously believed that the pill can affect the care you want. A pill can not cure a case, you can only treat a symptom and the symptom is simply the external symbol of an inner block the free movement of creative energy.There is always a certain magic in the air around the children, until the time of their lives when they begin to realize that pretending creatively overzealous and use their imagination determines the praise from his mother saying that he used and indeed, sometimes children are reproached for the fantasies and told him to stop pretending they age . The magic fades as they grow into adolescence and other concerns take the forefront in their lives. In a very real sense, children are not redemptive affirmation in the world every day rewarding fantasy, imagination and pretending, so that "unlearning." The point is that life itself is the most magical presence in your world or any other. There are groups of matter or pool chemicals, no matter how big or small bump, mixing, even jump with electrical charges could possibly cause a spark of conscience and without conscience, not a speck of "living matter" could have appeared or evolved in the physical world we know. As "fact," the matter could not exist in the first place if his conscience had created before. I've said it before but it bears repeating, consciousness evolves the matter, the matter does not evolve the consciousness and conscience must always comes before you even start first.The magic took your first breath outside the womb. You have begun to accept personal responsibility for the maintenance of psychic the natural world that would soon be pushed. Have begun to show awareness and acceptance of the personal environment, the future still ahead of your physical eyes open for the first time. That knowledge was regarding your psychic inheritance even before conception physical. Of course, any physical consciousness it participates in the creation and maintenance of this psychic your world, and this includes all species, all flora and fauna. The creation and maintenance of the environment is a cooperative effort exerted by the mass of all things.There life is magic in the simple act of seeing without being taught to see. There's magic in the process of birth can not be taught and no female of any species could think of the birth process and produce offspring. Physical birth is itself the result of numerous calculations, and processes that minimize the memory of the computer more sophisticated and super science can never create life, this is real life conscious because the conscious self-identity consciousness centered does not come from physical or chemical products, but from a psychological inner drive to want of spirit / entity. It might even scratch your nose if you had to "think" every cooperative action of the ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerve impulses that travel through the arm and fingers necessary to perform even this simple gesture? There is also a feature magic behind the whole fabric of your reality, and that includes the ends of your universe. You, your world, your universe is wrapped into a broader support and more and its very nature, this foundation invisible must be greater than its counterpart expressed in physical form. What I am saying is that, as a wonderful creation as your universe, is a mere shadow of a world bigger and more grandiose than the internal base-What is also clear inference today.By emerged, and then your land Physically it is an idea expressed an invisible world, inner and physical expression of your soul are invisible / body / everything himself. Your soul, or entities, because of the power of his vast mental reality can not fully express itself in your system or physical, so that makes the best thing to do, it breaks a part of himself projected into the world of appearances required (earth, in your case), for a period of time, was granted complete freedom of choice for ever, to experience whatever it chooses to live. This fragment self-identity (you), is expected to grow and become their choice and as you probably suspected, this (fragment), brings all the intrinsic characteristics of the same soul and the soul are really incipient future / entities. The great power of the soul / entity is not even suspected, and from your point of view, this soul, this whole inner self, the scope of this size and power of action will show all the features that usually are assigned to your God . God, of course, is very more.Miracles are happening around you every day of your life and the greatest miracle is the gift of life itself. Is not this magic? [ABSTRACT] Many of you have seen a TV movie a few nights ago, with Dustin Hoffman and I recalled some of the days when they were children and how they felt the magic that existed in their world before they grew up and lost the connection wonderful with the natural world, which enjoys only by children. He portrays himself as a strange man, Mr. Magorium had created a toy store where toys and children interact in a magical way and as an adult learned that faith innocent and kept alive his dream after his death.Meanwhile in Europe, are Scientists are experimenting with the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland, a long underground circular tube, designed and built for the acceleration and collision of opposing beams of protons in the hope that the existence of the Higgs boson and a new family of small particles from To test the theory of supersymmetry, the hypothesis concerning the rotation of these particles. Well, I'm not a scientist by any means, but I recognize the importance of scientific research in your system, but an over-reliance on physical facts will only test the physical manifestation of objects and events in a world of appearances. The creation of sophisticated tools for the smaller particles will always try to give smaller and smaller. It can not be otherwise, and, finally, scientists have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are finding the smaller particles, because they create them. Remember, you get what you focus on, and subatomic particles are no exception. There is no end to the intimacy of reality.As is always deeper in ness inside of things, you're simply exploring the inside of the off-ness, and this usually leads to frustration if you want to know what scientists refer to themselves as the 'God particle ". Science can never discover the God particle with an examination of the external world of physical fact alone, simply because the point in the development of the particular matter, the event horizon, where the thought, desire, imagination and the prediction that flows through that point of origin physical form is a kind of magical events, and the brain logical thinking is not simply in the condition of intuitively know to apply. The intellect is a reliable tool only to a certain extent, but they need to understand the physical reality of the opposite side, where intuition is given free rein to investigate. To have a correct idea of ​​this book should be on the ness from within, not look out. The process is, of course, the next thing, the definition of magic (a strong influence of the mystical power or influence) and it happens all the time, as your world and all its consequences will be created immediately, continuously and spontaneously.All This is extremely difficult if you do not understand that the idea is as real as a rock. A thought is real and objective as a mountain, it all depends on where you are and from what perspective you look at the phenomenon. A first, imaginative ideas inspired the creation and evolution of the physical implemented. We're not talking about the break from nothing to something to something, but something in a dimension of reality into another dimension of a different kind of reality. If you are invisible to you (internal system) of the basic reality or have been placed in another non-physical system, you would never for a moment that there was fog or a dream, as in the structure of thought, but also from your point of view of physical, seem so.what say, is in its simplest form, that the best way to explore the interior of consciousness, so as not to completely close the recognition of the magic in your everyday life. Each person animals, fish or flowers in your physical system according to the depths of his consciousness was born, (and they all have the mind), the belief in the magic of his own existence and the existence of every other creature on the planet. To keep animals, flowers and trees, that awareness of their connection with the natural world and its magical properties, how they grow, but no scientific study explains how a flower that knows his change of direction orientation, always turn his face toward the sun as it is moved to different places of the house. The people have more difficulty in maintaining intimate knowledge as to their beliefs because of social pressure and the mass appeal with mature products. No calculation of a giant supercomputer will ever say, how animals perceive an earthquake before it happens and let the colliding protons area.No can never help to explain how someone lost his taxi arrived at the airport late and miss their flight, then crashed and killed all aboard. More trust and use your intuition in a good healthy balance with the mind to learn, the more it is a state of mental equilibrium, and the whole personality is benefit.When you were a baby will get, is inherently knew that you create your reality , was created a knight and rushed out to kill the evil dragon. You did, you were gunslingers, meet at the OK Corral the dusty streets of a fictional city for the West final showdown. They have experienced, as he took the part of the slayer and the victim, and we enjoyed the fulfillment of the survivors and the dead. You understand that your favorite disease, sneezing, coughing or runny nose comfortably, if you wanted to go to school creates test day. They knew, inside, how to cure the disease, when you're ready to go, it might. Of course, Mom put her to the doctor, was purchased some nice pills and believed that the pills cured the little Tommy, even though no pill ever cured anyone of anything, if they did understand that the pill you want to cure. reach a pill can not cure the cause, can be healed only a symptom and the symptom is simply an outward sign of an inner block the free movement of creative energy.There is always a certain magic in the air around the children, until in their lives when they say that the creative use and over-zealous in their imagination, no longer causes the assertion of praise from his mother that the fault and in fact, sometimes the children are fantasies and told him to stop pretending when are used most are beginning to realize. The magic fades as they grow into adolescence and other concerns, to take stock of their lives. In a very real sense, children are not salvific confirmation in the everyday world, fulfilling the fantasy, imagination, and to do that, so that "unlearn". The point is that life itself is a magical event in your world or another. There are lumps of matter, or pool chemicals, no matter how big or small collision, mixing, blown up, even with electric charges could now lead to a modicum of consciousness and the unconscious, not a sign of "living matter "could be released or were in the physical world, you know. As a "fact", the matter could not exist in the first place, if he had created the first awareness. I've said it before but it bears repeating, has developed the consciousness of matter, matter does not develop the awareness and consciousness must always be the magic first.The started even before you took your first breath outside uterus. You accept personal responsibility for your mental health in the conservation of the natural world that will soon be pushed. He began understanding and acceptance for your future environment from your physical eyes are open for the first time show. This knowledge is inherent to their psychic inheritance even before the physical concept. Of course, every physical sense is also involved in creating and maintaining your mental world, and this includes all species, all flora and fauna. The creation and preservation of natural resources is a cooperative effort is exerted things.There mass of all living in the simple act of seeing, is never taught to see the magic. There's magic in the birth process, which could never be taught, and the females of each species were able to think with the birth and produce offspring. Physical birth is itself the result of endless calculations and processes that ensure the memory of the most advanced supercomputers and science are never shadows create life, it is true conscious life, as self-confident identity is not centered consciousness come by physical or chemical, but by the will of the inner psychic impulses of the soul / units. It might even scratch your nose when you "think" any cooperative action of the ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerve impulses travel through the arm and fingers also necessary to realize this was a simple act? Then there is a magical property underlying the whole fabric of your reality, and that includes the far corners of your universe. You, your world, your world is wrapped in a broader and more support and their nature, this foundation invisible must be greater than its physical counterpart expressed. What I am saying is that, as a marvelous creation, such as your universe, is but a shadow of a broader and more fundamental inner universe, from which it arose and still arises inference today.By your land is physically expressed idea of ​​an invisible world within, and you are the physical expression of your hidden soul / body / everything himself. Your soul, or companies, because of the enormous power of his psychic reality is not fully expressed in your own or in a physical system, so that the best thing to do is fragmented, there is a part of himself, is extends into the world of desired phenomena (earth in your case) to experience a period of time, guaranteeing complete freedom of choice, for ever, to experience what it chooses. This bit of self-identity (you), is expected to grow and how to choose and how you may have guessed, this (fragment) has all the inherent characteristics of the same soul, and you're really an incipient future soul / entity. The great strength of character / unit is not suspected, and your point of view, this soul, all this within himself, within the scope of this organization and the power of action would be all the properties that you assign a rule God to be your view. God, of course, is much more.Miracles are happening all around you every day in your life and the greatest miracle is the gift of life itself. It is not that magical?

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