Life In The Universe: Are We The Proverbial "It"?

Are we alone in the Universe? This is a question that was asked by millions of people over the eons, without, to date the resolution. Of course, 'only' the word in the sense of this kind involves whether or not there anywhere else on our rough equal, more likely as not improved. We want to know our neighbors across the street, not their pets, or their plants. The standard answer to the question of common sense usually revolves around how vast the universe is, and certainly, given the billions of stars in our galaxy and the existence of billions of galaxies each with billions of stars, etc. and the vastness of time, we certainly can not be the proverbial "it". There is a slight flaw, unfortunately, this statistical approach. There is a rather long chain of events that must happen, hurdles to jump in order to obtain the elements of star-stuff organic cosmic neighbors. Depending on who speak, that the chain can be extremely long. The point is, if there is a factor in the chain of causality that has a very low chance of coming to pass, it does not matter one iota whether or not all other factors are very likely, the overall result will be low. If someone is a factor as close to zero makes no difference, then the overall response will be a near zero makes no difference. Certainty multiplied by multiplied by multiplied by the certainty sure certainty multiplied by zero multiplied by multiplied by the certainty certainty multiplied by zero equals definitive certainty! Rather than provide an exhaustive list of all the factors necessary to give us cosmic neighbors, I will focus on six Essentials. First, one must have the right kind of matter and energy can produce beings like us, and a solid surface to stand on. Not a problem. The Universe has a lot of types of energy on tap, the stars can produce and disperse the required kinds of matter, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, etc. There are a lot of solid bodies (planets) out there. This is a vote for certainty.Secondly, one must have a solid planetary body turning into a habitable world, a suitable environment for physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology to evolutionary doing their thing. Fortunately, this should not be a problem. There is a lot of properties out there and it comes in all sizes and flavors. While it is always and only one will be on Planet Earth (I'll avoid discussions about the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics, the concept of parallel worlds, and the Multiverse here that would argue otherwise), there has been, is and will be , a lot of land, such as residences, only letters perfect for life-as-you-know-in order to survive, even thrive. If you want to throw in life-not-as-we-know-it, there will be a lot of worlds suitable for those possibilities as well. Well, this is another vote for certainty.Thirdly, has become the physical chemistry, biology and chemistry has become. We need to have had origins in biology, origin or source (s) of life that is an inevitable result of the ordinary daily interactions between physics and chemistry. Well, many argue that the origin of life is almost as predictable as death and taxes, given a suitable habitat. Many also argue that the origin of life is a fluke! In my view, the origin of life is only necessary once, and that clearly was a certainty - we exist and are life. Once there is an origin of life, the rest is just distribution. Panspermia provides the ways and means of distribution (microbial) life throughout the cosmos. Well, I'll cast another vote for the certainty of the quarter again - Well, now we have reached the proverbial brick wall. You and your neighbors are not microbes - are a colony of microbes. In short, you're a multi-cellular life form. We seek, in the cosmos, other forms of multicellular life, the fact that the probability that a microbe or a form of unicellular life is not going to be much more of a companion or as a drinking buddy is near. So, we need to get from unicellular to multicellular, and puts it in the problem. And it is here that we must rely for guidance on a sample of one - Earth. Note: It 's dangerous to extrapolate from a sample of one, but what choice do we have on Earth There is no ecological niche occupied by multicellular creatures that it is not occupied by single-celled creatures (germs). The reverse is not true. You might think that the world is completely dominated by multicellular creatures - you, your partner, your family, your pets, your garden, food, all the life that you see around you is multicellular. There are millions of insect species: all multicellular. What's more common than bugs? Yet, if you make a biological survey, even in your house and your garden, you may find that, apparently common forms of multicellular life are out-and-common, vastly outnumbered by single-celled animals with a ratio of thousands of billions to one. What I do not see it does not matter! So, are multicellular creatures evolving into certainty? There is something of a 'colony' of 2 or 20 or 200 or 2000 cells may make or fill a previously vacant niche in which a cell can not be environmentally friendly? And by the way, that the 2 or 20 or 200 or 2000 stage has got to be selected for the first phase you can get to two million and two billion colony. Well, clearly the transition has happened here, although it took about three billion years to revive the process seriously, so it's a bit hard to 'inevitable' natural law '. I mean take about three billion years to get to a colony of cells from a single cell does not inspire confidence that the process is simple, necessary or inevitable. In any case, has happened here, then it is obviously possible. I just do not see it as a super-evolutionary development that gives immediate survival-of-the-best for advantage. Of course, a colony of two cells may be more difficult to eat a cell, but at that level, 'food' tends to be absorbed at the molecular level. In any case, the microbes can easily attack and 'eat' multicellular creatures, causing illness, death and decay. We are in the final analysis, food for the microbes and the proof of that pudding is how we spend small fortunes to keep them at bay. But in the end, though you might win the battle against microbes, we lose the last, and the factor of Malthus, who argued against war.Another multicellular organisms that are a characteristic universally shared universe is that it is also very more difficult to transport the whole universe by natural means, the concept of panspermia - multicellular creatures. I mean get a microbe from Earth to Mars is one thing. Like a cockroach there is a whole different development scenario.Multicellular, its probability can not be zero since we are multicellular, but, on balance, I can not assign a high probability for the transition between unicellular and multicellular life on every habitable planet, every time. This is close to zero! Fifth, as noted above, do not want to interact with your neighbor's pets or multicellular, multicellular plants garden, but your neighbors. What they have in common with your neighbors who do not have in common with your neighbor's pet or garden plants? Intelligence (even if you think your neighbors are probably a few cents short of a dollar!). The question now is whether, having evolved to a multicellular stage, you want to develop some higher brain functions? There is a further evolutionary advantage to a greater understanding of their own? To return to our sample of one, if Earth is any guide, the answer is more or less 'not likely'. There are millions of multicellular species that have existed and exist on planet Earth. There are only apparently there are some species that have evolved something that goes beyond the minimum level of intelligence needed for their daily survival. This does not inspire confidence that intelligence is valued as a means of survival.By inevitable far and away, most multicellular creatures just operate on pure instinct and not (can not) stop and figure things out (much less stop to smell and appreciate the Rose) - but, of course there are exceptions. Many wild birds would put to shame our pets every day in the IQ department. I mean I love my cats, but they are not Einstein. Whales and dolphins have been credited with being in the range of higher IQ, ditto our close primate cousins. In the realm invertebrate, the octopus is smart enough - by the standards of invertebrates (and then some 'if one is honest). However, on balance, most multicellular creatures put their strategies into something other than evolutionary higher brain functions. Take my cats. And 'to their survival advantage to' figure things out 'or just be a bit' faster on foot, just feels a bit 'better, see more clearly? Almost all organizations put their survival skills in something other than pure mental power. Clearly the mental capacity has the survival-of-the-fittest attributes. But is not the only game in town, and therefore does not have what I call evolutionary 'certainty'. However, it would be illogical to say that developing the intellect, the ability to understand things, it is valuable and has no survival value, it's just that if I were to list all the species of multicellular animals on Earth, very few would have an IQ well of only one (the average human is 100). So, we say that intelligence is somewhere between the certainty and highly improbable.Next, suppose that your neighbors are smart enough away and the usual means of keeping in contact is by phone (or e-mail). Which introduces an additional complication, not enough to be just smart. You must have technology. Then and only then, will the 'are we alone?' demand an answer to our complete satisfaction. We need technology, if we find extraterrestrial intelligence (s) and / or extraterrestrial intelligence (s) will need technology to find us. One or both of us must have invented engineering at a level somewhat 'sophisticated - perhaps rocketships, radio telescopes, perhaps, but something technological need. There is also a hidden assumption here - you really want to seek out new civilizations. No matter if you have all the necessary technology, but be careful not to use it for the purpose of responding to this question - '? You are alone in the 'Universe' is assumed here that if you have the intelligence, and was able to build the technology, then part of your intelligence is devoted to a curious child who wants to learn and discover things - so that is a certainty of one. But what is the level of certainty of developing the technology first? Rather low, judging from those terrestrial species that have some reasonable intelligence to their credit. There is the human species, of course, and even though we are not entirely a sample of one, is very close. There are documentary observations of some animals (especially primates) are not doing much, but making use of existing 'tools' to assist in their survival. Unfortunately most, intelligent species lacks the anatomy and / or the right environment to manipulate objects. In the case of dolphins and whales and their ocean environment disturbs any way and means of building things and making use of fire, for example. Therefore, the development of technology must be generated, to judge from our sample earth, as it is low.Technology rather a double-edged sword. The use of technology has obvious survival value for humans. It would be hard to come up with dozens of inventions that have enabled us to survive longer and thrive better. But, out of technological genius is out of the bottle, and if you're not a hermit, you will have noticed by now that the technology can also reduce the quality of life, and certainly would not be too hard to cite dozens of examples. Which brings us well into consideration.Lastly Finally, there is the issue of longevity. If your neighbors move in, but then go out again in less than 24 hours, which does not allow much time to meet and chat over afternoon tea - the blink of an eye, and are gone. But if you're both on the block for twenty years, allowing plenty of time for afternoon tea, chat and games philosophical bridges, etc. So finally, how long Thurs technological civilizations? Well, the pessimist looks around and mention global warming, probably germs resistant to antibiotics that give rise to pandemics, chemical, biological and radiological warfare and / or terrorism, species extinction, pollution rampant, and General quality of life in general along the Gurgler heading rapidly to the point that the human race extinct vuole - our hand. But if you're an optimist, so the sky is the limit.Longevity - It 's difficult to imagine that human civilization, that human beings themselves, wants to be like 1000 years from now, but if you could go back 1000 years hence, would really found a human civilization, indeed find recognizable human beings' at all? Once you have evolved to the stage of being a multicellular creature with intelligence and technology, physics and chemistry and evolutionary biology, then the plain everyday are no longer in control of your evolution. Now you're in control! You are in control not only on the future evolution of other species (artificial selection instead of natural selection), but in your evolution. The age of the child designers is already upon us, though still in its infancy (pun intended). Kaput What are other several decades more to bring this now, but, of course, the field of embryonic maturity more constant and continuous! Humans probably will pass within 1000 years, not because of a global nuclear war, or pandemic, or asteroid strike, but because they have by their own hand has evolved into something else, and the process has already begun. In fact, it is possible that in 1000 years there could be two humanoid species on Earth. One wants to be a fusion of 'iron and silicon' flesh and blood, in addition, 'iron and silicon' the other well (robots) The first is not too difficult, a swallow .. Simply replace or increase flesh and blood 'of iron and silicon' bit bit (bit or wood or bit or ceramic, plastic, etc..) Watch most pirated movies and see how beloved peg-legs and laying the hands. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? What about a hearing aid? Maybe you have an artificial joint (s) or a cardiac pacemaker. It is definitely a dental filling (or two), perhaps even false teeth. Then there are all sorts of artificial skin and other types of internal or external technology they have replaced the flesh and blood - such as kidney dialysis. There is now serious talk of developing a bionic eye in a few years (to go with the bionic ear). What additional artificial bio-bits will be available in another 20 years, another 50 years or another 200 years? The era of "RoboCop" or real "Six Million Dollar Man" (and "Woman") is almost 200 years or so us.Within moment, I can imagine that you want to be able to download the contents of a human mind in an equivalent 'of iron and silicon'. Why? Well, you 'immortality' the word (or as close to immortality, as it makes no difference) suggest a possible reason? You do not think anything of infinity replace worn parts for automobile new parts to extend the useful life of your car. Why not indefinitely replace worn parts. Your mind (brain) will not last forever. Replace it - transfer it to a more sustainable technology to do it again, and again and again, as needed. In fact, you could create a mega-super-mind or minds come together in an 'iron and silicon' body a lot of minds. By merging the minds of saying a cosmologist, general relativistic, quantum physicist and mathematician, could accelerate the development of the Holy Grail of physics, the Theory of Everything (TOE) - which is a quantum theory gravity.Once your mind is contained in an 'iron and silicon' 'head', just attach it to all 'of iron and silicon,' 'body'. Immortality really! This leads to a future Earth populated by a species of humanoid robots, artificially evolved from the human species today. This process has already started too. Pets robotic equipment, 'iron and silicon' artificial'' are also on the market. Research in artificial intelligence, is always in progress. Watch the final minute of the final episode of the TV review of "Battlestar Galactica" How about those sci-fi "Transformers" or "Terminator", or data (from "Star Trek: The Next Generation")! Then there's "Doctor Who's" Cybermen or Daleks (though I'm in the car and the bodies of identification). Think of those robots from "Westworld" or "Future World", where nothing can go wrong go wrong go wrong go wrong go wrong ... Then there's "The Stepford Wives", "Cherry 2000", the original "Battlestar Galactica" Cylon, and many others could be just science fiction today -. it could be tomorrow's science does not seem to be a violation of physics? involved. Everything not forbidden is compulsory! However, some of these sci-fi scenarios suggest that perhaps in the end there could be a conflict between (in part) that we become machines, and (artificially) intelligent machines that we create! Of course we 'are in control, then a future robotic happen of necessity is not required. But I suspect it will. Why? There are rational reasons for humans deliberately abandon their flesh and blood and life changing Themselves, if not 100% in 'iron and silicon' then at least something in the flesh and blood together with a part 'of iron and silicon '-. a bit 'as we have today (remember prosthetics and peg-leg) Apart from the arguments immortality, it is nice to have the most indestructible bodies and institutions that death can be more easily repaired will not go away quite naturally -. accidents happen easily Presumably, your mind will be able to absorb 10, 100, 1000 times the amount of experiences and memories and knowledge, etc., than at present. case might be able to explore the environments now closed to you, as a walk through the bottom of the sea -. km down - depending on your Robotics 'birthday' This opens up then the whole 'boldly go' What is the experience .. hardest part of going to Mars - is the fragility of the body, flesh and blood human being - the need for gravity and oxygen and organic food and water, and space suits, and how you can not carry spare parts along flesh and blood too, so extrapolate from our exploration of the solar system, then our stellar neighborhood, at the end of the galaxy. even if you do not want to go alone, well, there's artificial intelligence located in nanotechnology, perhaps bodies, spreading throughout the cosmos really like cancer.The end point of all this is that if in the end we (human human), because they (aliens) now? Translated, after a relatively short period of biological development, a civilization can achieve longevity in the evolutionary development 'of iron and silicon' system, together with the expansion much easier in the realm of outer space.This level of technology can then cancel part of the bottleneck created by the evolution of multicellular its improbability. There maybe infested planets multicellular relatively few, but once the technology of the 'iron and silicon' boy happens upon them, then boldly going, being fruitful and multiply and colonize mechanically Cosmos quickly fill this does not mean that the gap.All we are in the here and now, the proverbial 'E'. However, there are enough 'a chance' or certainty factors suggest that this is unlikely. The litmus test will be to find, or they find us. [ EXTRACT] Are we alone in the universe? This is a question that millions of people over the eons asked, without the date of dissolution. Of course, the word "only" means only in terms of whether there is anywhere else, our profit is the same , most likely will not be strengthened. We want our neighbors on the street, not their animals, plants or their knowledge. The standard answer to the question of gut feeling usually revolves around how big the universe, and ensure the billions stars in our galaxy and the existence of billions of galaxies each with billions of stars, etc., and the length of time given, we can not certainly the proverbial "it" to be. Unfortunately, there is a small error in the method statistics. There is a rather long chain of events that happen to be obstacles, jumps all the elements of star stuff, I biological cosmic neighbors. Depending on who you talk, the chain may actually be very long. The point is, if never a factor in this chain of causation has a very low chance of coming true, does not care a whit if all other factors are very likely, the overall result will be low. If a factor is not as close to zero, then the ' entire response is also an almost zero when does his. sure the security guarantee of safety for the zero with certainty the safety, security ultimately multiplied by zero! Rather than requiring a complete list of all these factors in our cosmic neighbors multiplied multiplied multiplied, I will focus on six essential. First, you need the right kind of matter and energy that can create beings like us and have a solid surface to stand on it. This is not a problem. Universe has many types of power on tap, star manufacturing and distributing the necessary types of matter, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, etc. There are many solid bodies (planets) out there. This is a vote for certainty.Secondly, you have of a solid body to transform the planet into a habitable world, a suitable environment for physics, chemistry, biochemistry and biology, to do their things evolutionary. Fortunately, this is not a problem. There are a lot of properties out there and it comes in all sizes and flavors. Although there is only ever be a Planet Earth (I'll avoid discussion of the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics, the idea of ​​parallel worlds and the multiverse here that could say otherwise), has, is and will remain, many, many Earth-like dwellings, only letters are perfect for life-as-you-know-in order to survive, even thrive. If you want to throw in life-not-as-we-know-it is suitable many environments such possibilities as well. So, this is another vote for certainty.Thirdly is that physics has become the chemistry and chemistry became biology. We need to have had biology, national origin or origin, Source (s) of life, which is an inevitable result of normal daily interactions between physics and chemistry. Well, many argue that the origin of life is almost as predictable as death and taxes, with suitable habitat. Many also argue that the origin of life is a godsend! In my opinion, is the origin of life has happened only once, and was clearly a certainty - we exist and are life. Once there is a 'source of life, the rest is a just distribution. Panspermia has the ways and means to distribute (microbial) life throughout the cosmos. So, I have to cast another vote for safety once again fourth - Well, now we take the proverbial wall. You and your neighbors are not microbes - are a colony of microbes. In short, you're a multi-cellular organisms. We are looking into the cosmos, other forms of multicellular life, the fact that the probability that a microbe or unicellular organisms do not prove to be too a drinking buddy or companion is given in the vicinity. So we need to get from unicellular to multicellular, and puts it in the hare in pepper. And it is here that we have left to focus on a sample of one - Earth. Note: 'dangerous to extrapolate from a sample of one, but what choice do we have no ecological niche of multicellular organisms on Earth that is not even in unicellular organisms (microbes) busy busy?. The reverse is not true. You might think that the world is completely dominated by multicellular organisms - you, your partner, your family, your pets, your garden, food, all the life that you see around you is multicellular around. There are millions of insect species: all multicellular. What is more common than bugs? But if you have a biological survey, even in your home and garden, which is apparently common forms of multicellular life are out of common-ED, outnumbered, driven by single-celled organisms with a ratio of billions to one. What I do not see it does not matter! So, are multicellular organisms, an evolutionary certainty? Is there anything I can get a "colony" of 2 or 20 or 200 or 2000 cells, or fill a ecological niche previously occupied a cell can not? And by the way, that the 2 or 20 or 200 or 2000 took the stage to be selected before reaching the stage 2000002000000000 colony. Well, of course, the transition is happening here, when It took about three billion years to revive the process so seriously that there is almost a little 'natural law' unavoidable. I mean, about three billion years to form a colony of cells from a single cell does not have any confidence that the process is simple, necessary or inevitable. However, it must also happen here, so it's obviously possible. I look gives it a super-evolutionary development, the immediate survival-of-the-best for advantage. Of course, a colony of two cells is perhaps more difficult to eat a cell, but at this level, even "food" should be included at the molecular level. In any case, the microbes can easily attach to "eat" and multicellular organisms, leading to illness, death and decay. We are food for microbes and proof of this pudding, ultimately, how to spend a small fortune to keep them at bay. But eventually, even if they could win the battle against the microbe, it lose the last, and then the factor against war.Another multicellular organisms, a common feature of the universal 'universe holds that there is also much more difficult than the concept of panspermia - for transporting multi-celled organisms in the whole' universe in a natural way. I'm always a microbe from Earth to Mars is one thing. As there is a cockroach is scenario.Multicellular another development, the probability can not be zero, since they are multicellular, but the bottom line is that no can be a high probability for the transition between the life of unicellular and multicellular assign to each habitable planets at any time. This is approaching to zero! Fifth, as already mentioned, is not to interact with your neighbors multicellular animals and multicellular garden plants, but your neighbors. What they have in common with your neighbors, you do not have that in common with your neighbors' pets and garden plants have? Intelligence (although you probably think your neighbors are a few cents less than a dollar!). The question now is whether, having evolved into a multi-cell stage, the development will be slightly higher brain functions? Is there an evolutionary advantage to further increase the intelligence? While we return our sample of one, when the earth is a guide, the answer is more or less "is not likely." There are millions of multicellular species that have existed, and there is on planet earth. There are apparently few species that have developed something the minimum required level of brain-power for their daily survival. Distrust that intelligence inevitably has value as a means of survival.By by far the most multicellular organisms are currently working on pure instinct and do not (not can) stop and figure things out (and not even stop to smell the roses and appreciate) - But of course there are some exceptions. Many wild birds would put our pets every day in the IQ department to shame. I say, I love my cats, but Little Einsteins are not. Whales and dolphins have been credited with being in the range of higher IQ, ditto our close primate cousins. In the realm invertebrate, the octopus is smart enough - to standards of invertebrates (and then some, to be honest). But the bottom line is that most multicellular organisms to their evolutionary strategies put in something other higher brain functions. Take my cats. E 'for their survival advantage to "do things", or just be a bit 'faster to walk, listen to some' better to see more clearly? Almost all living things in their life skills in something other than sheer power the brain. Plain brain power has survival-of-the-fittest attributes. But it is not the only game in town, and therefore not excessive, what I would call evolutionary "certainty." However, it would be illogical to say that the development intelligence, the ability to understand things, not precious, and has no survival value, it's just that if you all multicellular animal species are listed on the planet Earth, only very few would have an IQ of only one (l ' Man is, on average, 100) to have. So, say, intelligence is half way between certainty and improbable.Next high, we assume that your neighbors are quite intelligent and far is the usual means to stay in touch telephone (or e-mail). This is a further complication, it is not enough, just be smart. You must have technology. Then and only then the 'Are we alone?' Question to our absolute satisfaction of a response. We need technology that, if we find extraterrestrial intelligence (s) and / or extra-terrestrial intelligence (s) need technology to find us. One or both of us must have invented engineering at a level somewhat 'sophisticated - maybe spaceships, telescopes, perhaps, but something that technology is needed. There is also a hidden assumption here - you really want to seek out new civilizations. does not matter if all the necessary technology, but not use for the purposes of answering this question - "Are you alone in the universe," Here I assume that if you have the intelligence, and technology that was then part of your brain is devoted to a curious creature who know and find out what will be done - so that is a certainty of one. But the level of security is to develop the technology first? Rating fairly low in those terrestrial species that have some decent intelligence, to their credit. There are, course, the human species, and although we were not even, while a sample of one, is very close. There are documentary observations of some animals (especially primates) not so much, but with the current "tools" to aid in their survival. Unfortunately, it lacks the most intelligent species, the anatomy and / or the right environment to manipulate objects. In the case of dolphins and whales, disturbing the marine environment in all ways and means to build things and 'use of fire, for example. In this way, developing technology, the assessment is the evaluation of our earthly sampling, rather than low.Technology also a double edged sword. Use of technology has obvious survival value of the human species had. not difficult to come up with dozens of technical inventions, which allows us to survive and prosper as long as it can be better. But, it is a technological genius in a bottle, and if you're a hermit, you will have noticed by now that the Technology can also reduce the quality of life, and certainly would not like hard work, cite dozens of examples. This takes us well in consideration.Lastly last, there is the issue of longevity. If your neighbors are moving, but then move again in less than 24 hours, which does not allow much time to meet and chat over afternoon tea - Blink, and they are gone. But if both are on the block for 20 years, which leaves plenty of time for afternoon tea , chat and games philosophical bridge, etc. So as long as technological civilizations last? Now, the pessimist sees around him and called global warming, probably antibiotic-resistant germs that cause pandemics, chemical, biological and radiological warfare and / or terrorism, species extinction, pollution rampant, and usually a general quality of life along the Gurgl item quickly, so that humanity will become extinct too - with his own hands. But if you're an optimist, then the sky is the limit.Longevity - It 's difficult to imagine that human civilization, like the man himself is, like 1000 years from now, but when his back 1000 years might well, you would actually find a human civilization, are in fact recognizable 'human' at all? Once you have developed for the stage, a multi-celled with intelligence and technology, then physics and chemistry, evolutionary biology and simple everyday are no longer in control of your evolution. Now you're in control, you need to check not only the future development of other types (artificial selection instead of natural selection), but their development. The age of designer babies is already upon us, though still in its infancy ( pun). What is still several decades in this area now make embryonic, but obviously a more continuous training and maturity training! People will probably break within 1000 years, not because of a global nuclear war or a pandemic or asteroid to strike, but because they have developed their hand something else, and the process has already begun. In fact, it is possible that in 1000 there could be two years, humanoid species on earth. It is a fusion of flesh and blood "to be,. In other purely 'plus' of iron and silicon, iron and silicon, "(robots) The first is not too difficult to replace or supplement a swallow only with pieces of flesh and blood", and Iron. silicon 'bits (bits or wood, ceramic, or bit or bits of plastic, etc.). Learn more pirate movies, and you will see this beloved PEG-hook legs and hands. Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? What is a hearing aid? Maybe you have an artificial joint (s) or a pacemaker. It is definitely filling a tooth (or two), perhaps even false teeth. Then there are all kinds of artificial skin and other internal or external technology that does not have flesh and blood, replaced - like dialysis. There is now talk seriously the development of a bionic eye in a few years ago (vai with the bionic ear). What other man-made bio-bits in another 20 years of age, another 50 years or another 200 years? The era of "RoboCop" or a real "Six Million Dollar Man" (and "Woman") is almost us.Within 200 years or so, I can imagine that you are able to use the contents of a human mind Download 'iron and silicon, "equivalent. Why? Well, the word" immortality "(or as close to immortality does not matter) suggest a possible cause? not think anything infinite replacement parts for new cars worn. .. parties, extend the life of your car because it does not replace the worn parts of your mind without end (the brain) does not take forever to replace it - the transfer of technology that is more durable than do it again and again and again, if necessary . In fact, you could create a mega-super-mind or mind by combining an "iron and silicon body 'a lot of heads. By merging the mind of a cosmologist, say, general relativity, quantum physicist and mathematician, could accelerate the development of the Holy Grail of physics, the theory of everything (TOE) - this is a theory of quantum gravity gravity.Once your containing the mind '"fix, so that the head of an old iron and silicon," in an "iron and silicon,"' 'body'. The immortality of the appeal! All this leads to the future of the earth by a sort of humanoid robots, artificially developed by the human species lives today. This process has already begun. Robotic devices, including artificial 'iron and silicon'' Animals' on the market. Research in artificial intelligence is still in progress. Look at the last minute the final episode of the TV version of Transformers "and" Terminator ", or data! (From" Star Trek: The Next Generation ")?," Battlestar Galactica "How about Sci-Fi" Then there is the "Doctor Who" Daleks or Cybermen (even if they are part machine, body part). These robots are thinking of "Westworld" and "Future World", where nothing can go wrong go wrong go wrong go wrong go wrong ... Then there's "The Stepford Wives", "Cherry 2000", the original "Battlestar Galactica" Cylon, and many others, you may only be fiction today -., But it could be tomorrow's science, does not seem to be a violation of the physics involved in everything that is not prohibited mandatory, however, suggest?.! some of these science fiction scenarios that could end could be a conflict between the (sub) machine, which we have become, and the (artificial) intelligent machines, we create! Certainly, we are in control, so that a future robot is not necessarily required. But I suspect that will happen. Why? There are rational reasons for people to consciously leave their flesh and blood existence and development, although not 100% in "iron and silicon 'then coupled at least in part with a piece of meat" of iron and silicon, "-. So that we have today (remember, these prostheses and PEG-legs) Apart from the arguments immortality, is beautiful with bodies and institutions most indestructible, which can be easily repaired, and death shall not disappear entirely, course - .. Accidents still happen, probably in your mind the location, 10, 100, 1000 times the amount of knowledge and experiences and memories, etc. absorption than at present. Homes, you may be able to explore the indoors now, you walk along the ocean floor - km down -. Robots in costume 'birthday' this then opens up on all the "experience of courage going What is the most difficult part of the journey to Mars - is flesh and blood of the fragility of the human body - the necessity of gravity and oxygen and organic food and clothes water, and space, and how you can not take the flesh and blood to spare parts along the extrapolation, etc. for Our exploration of the solar system, our stellar neighborhood, then the galaxy. even if you do not want in order to do well, as there were in the field of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology may be the body placed, spread throughout the universe so much for cancer.The goal of all this is, after all, that if we (humans), because they (aliens) now? Translated, after a relatively short period of biological development of a civilization can claim that longevity in the evolutionary development "of iron and silicon 'can offer, along with the expansion much easier in the first outdoor art space. This also partially reversed the bottleneck because of the unlikelihood of its multicellular development created. may be relatively few multicellular polluted planet, but once the technique of "iron and silicon 'Art is happening to them, then with courage, to be fruitful and multiply and fill mechanically colonize the cosmos gap.All fast that which is not to say that we are in the here and now, is the proverbial "it. However, there are a lot of" possibility "or factors that suggest sure, this is unlikely. The test will find them or find them for us.

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