There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM) that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind when developing lesson plans and classroom instruction. First, overall, the girls have much less experience in hands-on application of the principles of learning in the laboratory than boys. This could occur in the computer lab, science lab, or a cutting drive - the principle is the same for all these settings - requires technology overall problem-solving schema, accompanied by a use and handling of tools, skills and spatial relationships that carry with them very few girls in class the first day compared to the look boys.Let 's to some of the reasons why girls come to class with less STEM basic skills necessary for success in this topic. Overall, girls and boys play with different types of early childhood games that offer different types of learning experiences. Most of the girls games that highlight the relationships (eg, playing house, playing with dolls) or creativity (ie, drawing, painting). In contrast, the boys play computer games and video games, or that emphasize building (ie, the LEGO ®), both of which develop problem-solving, spatial-relationship and hands-on study of gender differences in spatial ability skills.A reports of engineering students in the United States and Brazil, found that there was a wide disparity between the skills of male and female students. These studies have attributed lower fees student is set to two statistically significant factors: 1) less experience of playing with construction toys and 2) not having taken courses in drawing the first engineering program. Ability of spatial relations are fundamental to engineering. A study of gender of computing majors at Carnegie Mellon University (one of the most influential computer programs in the country) found that, in general, male students have skills far better than female students. This provides a considerable advantage for male students in the classroom and could affect the confidence of women students.Are these gender differences in the nature or nurture? There is considerable evidence to cultivate. Studies show that most of the main computer and video games appeal to male interests and characters and themes are predominantly male, it is not surprising that girls of Malthus are much less interested in playing them. A study of computer games by children now found that 17% of the games are female characters, and of these, 50% are or props, you tend to faint, have the high notes, and they are a highly sexualized.There number of studies that suggest that when girls and women are provided with the building blocks they need to succeed in STEM who want to do well if not better than their male colleagues. An Introductory Engineering Robotics class found that while males have a little 'better on the pre-test than females, the females did as well as males on post-test after the class completion.Another critical area of gender difference that STEM teachers should keep in mind has less to do with actual skills and experience and more to do with perception and confidence. For females, the confidence is a predictor of success in the classroom STEM. They are much less likely to maintain interest if they feel unable to master the material. Unfortunately, two factors work and the confidence level of women: 1) most of the girls actually have less experience with STEM course content than their male counterparts and 2) males tend to exaggerate their accomplishments while females minimize the their own. A study done at Carnegie Mellon computer science doctoral students found that even when males and females were doing so well able essays, students reported feeling less comfortable. Fifty-three percent of males classified themselves as "highly qualified" in contrast with 0% females.It is important to note that many of the differences in learning style of the above are not strictly gender. Are based on differences of students with a background in STEM and problem-solving, and hands-on skills learned from playing childhood and life experiences and those who have not had the same kind of exposure. A review of the literature on minority students and students of STEM believes that color are less likely to have the background and experience STEM Malthus lacks many of the blocks themselves STEM and girls have the same lack of confidence. Many of the STEM curriculum and teaching solutions that work for students will also work for students of color of this reason.Bridge classes / modules to ensure basic skills teachers will likely see a gap in the core STEM skills women and minority students for the reasons described above. Here are some solutions adopted elsewhere, to ensure that girls and women (and students of color) want to get the ability to block construction that many STEM Initiative will be at the Cisco Academy Sex missing.Teachers study assessed the levels of skills each of their students and then providing them with individualized lesson plans for their success Ensure that ran parallel to the tasks in the classroom. Other teachers taught key skills not included in the curriculum at the beginning of the course, trying to mathematics and computation of whole numbers and use a means of identification. Students were provided with additional time to the laboratory, run by a female teaching assistant, knowing that students disproportionately benefit from more hands-on experience.Carnegie-Mellon University, came to view their curriculum as a continuum, with students who enter at different points depending on their background and experience. Carnegie Mellon-new chassis of a "continuum" is purposely different from the traditional negative # when classes begin with a high bar that needs tutoring "corrective" for students with less experience, stigmatizing them and undermining their confidence. Below is a list of ideas and suggestions that help all students succeed in STEM classroom.1. Construction ConfidenceHow Thurs teachers build confidence in female students who often have less experience than their male counterparts even when they are behind and feel they are not? 1) practice based on experience and research has shown that ensuring students have the opportunity to gain experience with STEM, in a supportive environment, increase their confidence level.2) Bring the female models who have had success in STEM another important parallel strategy to be used to help female students in to see your self as capable of mastering STEM classes: if you could do that, then I can also 3) constant positive reinforcement from teachers of their STEM students, with an expectation of positive results, will help them suspended there during the week beginning difficult when they have not yet developed a pattern of technology or hands-on expertise and everything looks as if taken under a huge challenge.2. Appealing to Male Interest Many of STEM activities typical for the appeal to male interests in the classroom and off the girls. For example, in the field of robotic curriculum often involves monsters that explode or cars that go fast. "Roboeducators" noted that the robots are involved in performance art or Characterized as the animals are more appealing to girls. Engineering activities can be about the operation of a hair dryer or designing a playground for people with disabilities, and to build bridges. Teachers should consider using all kinds of examples when incorporating education activities and efforts to appeal the interests of women and men. The teachers also direct students to come with their own projects as a way to ensure the girls can work as possible to the area of meaning them.Research shows that there are so Mars / Venus gender differences and how each is committed to technology. Overall, girls and women are excited about how technology will be used - its application and context. Men want to talk about how big the hard drive or motor, how fast the processor runs, and discuss the merits of a mother or against another engine. These are topics that are generally of little interest to most females.The Carnegie-Mellon study took into account the differences of what engages the students and modified Sun curriculum programs in Computer Science 'that the context of the program have been taught much earlier in the semester and moved some of the more technical aspects of the curriculum (tested as encoding) and then in half. Authors have observed that students were more positive about getting through the boring coding classes when they understood the purpose of it. Teachers should ensure that the context for the technology they teach is addressed early in the semester by using real stories and case studies to capture the interest of all their students.3. Group dynamics in the classroom research studies of American Association of University Women and children have now found that most females prefer collaboration and not competition in the classroom. In contrast, most of the male very willingly competition as a method of learning and game. Many hands-on activities in technology classes are set up as competitions. Robotics for example, regularly uses competitiveness as a teaching methodology. Teachers dovrebberoessere aware of the preference of many girls for collaborative work and should add to these types of exercises for their classes. Some ways to do this are having students work in pairs or in teams and assigned a degree of team and individual level. (See Reading 2 on cooperative learning.) Another Mars / Venus dynamic STEM teachers should be aware CHECK male students in the laboratory will usually dominate the females equipment and wants to take notes or just watch. Overall, male students have more experience and confidence with Malthus' hands-on lab equipment than their female counterparts. Teachers should create situations to ensure that their students are spending the same amount of time in practical activities. Some approaches are: 1) to match the students only with the other labs during the early half of the class that Sun will get the hands-on time and increases their confidence, putting them in a better position to work effectively with the male students later, 2) assign a specific time for each student in the pair to use the laboratory equipment and to announce when it's time to change and monitor this, and 3) provide feedback to male students who take more by letting them know that their partner needs to do the activities well.4. Students moving from passive learners to Proactive problem Solvers The main skill is the solution of problems in STEM in the hands of laboratory situations. For the reasons already discussed in relation to a lack of experience, most girls are not to contain classes with these problem-solving. Instead, the girls often want to be shown how to do things, repeatedly, instead of experimenting in a laboratory setting to get the answer. In addition to this problem, many girls are afraid to break the equipment. In contrast, male students often want to jump and manipulate the equipment before receiving instructions from their teacher. Teachers can address this by searching activities: 1) by making them take equipment the old and put it back together, 2) the creation of "Scavenger Hunt" exercises that force them to navigate through menus, and 3), stressing that they are learning problem solving activities and that this process is equally important for learning the lesson content and insisting that they understand their practical hands-on own.Research has also shown that females tend to engage in STEM-red to a 'smaller image, whereas males use higher order thinking skills to understand the bigger picture and the relationship between the parties. Also in this case, they move the students (and the non-student techsavvy in general) to become problem solvers (against only understand the content of the piece jigsaw puzzle STEM) wants to move them from ability to use higher order thinking in STEM.Finally, Many teachers report that many students often want to like everything that relates to each other before they go into action in the laboratory to understand or move through a lesson plan to complete a specific task. The students try to avoid making mistakes along the way and not only want to read the documentation necessary for the lesson, which often want to read the entire manual before taking any action. In contrast, male students often need to be persuaded to look at the documentation to all the guys are not so concerned about making a mistake along the way until that ultimately does not work. The disadvantage is that often the students are so concerned to understand the whole picture that do not move on hands-on activities or do so in a timely manner so they are always the last in the class to end. Teachers may assist female full (and non-tech-savvy) students to move through the material more quickly, giving the class instructions on how to scan quickly to the necessary information required only for assignment.5. Role Models Since the number of women in STEM are still small, the girls have few opportunities to see female role models solving problems in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Teachers should lead female role models in the classroom, as lecturers or teachers, or visit their tour of the area, to send the message that girls can succeed in the classroom STEM and careers.Bibliography Medina, Afonso Celso, Helena BP Gerson and Sheryl A. Sorby. "Identification of gender differences in 3-D visualization skills of engineering students in Brazil and the United States." International Network for Engineering and Eucation search page. August 2, 2004: [] Milto, Elissa, Chris Rogers, and Merredith Portmore .. "Gender differences in confidence levels, group interactions, and feelings of competition Robotics in Introductory course on". American Society for Engineering Education page. July 8, 2004 [Http :/ /] "Fair Play: Violence, sex and race in Video Games 2001" .. Children Now page. August 19, 2004: [] "Girls and gaming: Gender and Video Game Marketing, 2000" .. Children Now page. June 17, 2004: [] Tech Savvy Educating Girls in the new computer age .. District of Columbia: American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 2000.Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher. Unlocking the Computer Clubhouse: Women in computer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003.Taglia, Dan and Kenneth Berry. "Girls in Robotics". On-line publication. September 16, 2004. Http :/ / / group / roboeducators / "Gender Initiative Cisco." Cisco Learning Institute. July 30, 2004: []. [ABSTRACT] There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM), that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind during the development of curricula and classroom teaching. First, large girls have much less hands-on experience in application of principles in the laboratory than boys. This could be in the computer room, science lab experiment, or Auto-Lab - the principle is the same for all these settings - A complete technology uses problem-solving scheme, together with the use and manipulation tools, and spatial relationship skills that very few girls bring with them to class the first day compared to the look boys.Let 's to some of the reasons why girls go to the root classrooms need less of the basic skills for success in this field. Overall, girls and boys play with different types of games in early childhood, which offer different types of learning experiences. Most of the girls games, relationships (ie, playing at home to play with dolls), or to emphasize creativity (ie, drawing, painting). Instead, the game boy computer and video games, or games to emphasize the building (eg, LEGO ®), which together contribute to problem solving, spatial relationships and hands-on skills.A study on gender differences in spatial relations skills of engineering students to develop in the United States and Brazil has discovered that there is a large discrepancy between the abilities of female students and male. These studies have attributed the limited skills of the students along with two statistically significant factors: 1) less experience than playing with toys and the creation of 2) participated in courses with less preparation of the engineering program. Spatial relations skills are crucial for the technology. A study of gender of computing majors at Carnegie Mellon University (a leading computer science programs in the country) found that, in general, male students have skills far better than female students. It provides students a significant advantage in the male class and was able to trust the female students.Are impact of these differences between sexes or educational in nature? There is ample evidence that they are treated. Studies show that most computer games and video games more important to appeal to male interests and have mostly male characters and themes, it is not surprising that girls are much less interested they are playing. A study of computer games by children now found that 17% of the games are female characters, and of these 50% are or props, they tend to fall into a swoon, have loud voices, and are very sexualized.There are a number of studies suggest that girls and women are offered with the building blocks for success in STEM will do well if not better to have their male colleagues. An Introductory Engineering Robotics class found that while men were doing a little 'better on the pre-test than females, males and females, and at the post-test after the class completion.Another critical area of gender difference that the MINT Teachers should keep in mind has less to do with the skills and real experiences and more to do with perception and confidence. For women, confidence is a predictor for success in STEM education. They are much less likely to keep holding on, if you are not able to hear the material master. Unfortunately, two factors work against women's confidence level: 1) most of the girls are actually less experience with STEM course content than their male counterparts and 2) men tend to exaggerate their achievements, while females minimize their own. A study by Carnegie Mellon computer graduates has found that even when students were males and females are equally good grade, where students feel less comfortable. Fifty-three percent of men were classified as "very willing", as opposed to 0% of females.It is important that many of the learning style differences noted above are not strictly gender-specific. Instead, the differences between students with a background in STEM, problem-solving and learning based on practical skills and experience from childhood game of life, and those who have not had the same kind of exposure. A review of the literature on minority students and stem found that students of color are less likely to make the shaft bottom and missing the experience of so many blocks of the same roots as the girls and have the same lack of confidence. Many of the STEM curriculum and pedagogy which solutions will work for students and for students of color for this reason.Bridge classes / modules work together to ensure basic skills teachers will likely see a gap in the core STEM skills of minority and female students for the 'reasons described above. Here are some solutions adopted elsewhere, to ensure that girls and women (and students of color) will have the skills to block stem missing.Teachers many Gender Initiative Cisco Academy in the study will assess the level of expertise of each of their students and then provided them with individual educational plans for their success, which ran parallel to the tasks of course guaranteed. Other teachers taught key skills not included in the curriculum at the beginning of the course, as the calculation of whole numbers and mathematical tools and usage data. Students were provided with additional laboratory time, occupied by a female assistant, knowing that the students who benefit disproportionately from more hands-on experience.Carnegie-Mellon University, came to their curriculum to be seen as a continuum, with the students enter at different points according to their skill and experience. Carnegie-Mellon, the new framework of a "continuum" begins is purposely different from the traditional model in which negative classes with a top bar, the "remedial measures" requires registration for students with less experience, to stigmatize them and undermines their confidence. Below is a list of ideas and suggestions that help students to succeed in STEM classroom.1. ConfidenceHow building teachers' confidence in students, who often receive less experience than their male counterparts and are behind, even if there are? 1) practice based on experience and research has shown that providing students the opportunity to experiment with GAIN have STEM, in a supportive environment that will increase their confidence level.2) Bring the female models that succeed in the STEM area is a ' another important strategy used in parallel to your students are able to be supportive to mastering STEM classes if they could do that, then I can also 3) the constant positive reinforcement from teachers of their STEM students with a positive expectation of the result, which help you hanging there in those difficult weeks in the first place if they have not yet developed a technology, scheme, or practical skills and everything seems to make what looks like a giant challenge.2. Off, citing many of the typical female interests STEM activities in the classroom for the appeal to male interests and girls. For example, in robotics curriculum often includes monsters that explode or cars that go fast. "Roboeducators" noted that robots participating in performance art or as marked animals more attractive to girls. Engineering activities can be more like a hair dryer or design works in a playground for people with disabilities as well as build bridges. The teacher should take into account all kinds of examples, if you teach and to appeal the inclusion of activities in the efforts for the interests of women and men. Teachers can refer students to come with their own projects as a way to make the girls are in an area of importance to the work them.Research also shows that Mars / Venus gender differences, and, like any intervention in technology . Overall, girls and women are as enthusiastic about the technology can be used - their use and context. People discuss how big the hard drive or motor, the speed of the processor is running, and discuss the advantages of a motherboard or power over others. These are issues that are generally less interesting for most females.The Carnegie Mellon study took into account the differences of what that involves students and changed the curriculum for computer science programs' so that the framework for the program was taught much earlier in the semester and has attracted some of the technical aspects of the curriculum (eg, coding), the authors observed later in the semester. the students much more positive about getting through the boring coding classes, if they understood the purpose. Teachers should ensure that the framework for the technology that teach early in the semester with real stories and case studies for the interests of all its direct capture students.3. group dynamics in research studies in the classroom, the American Association of University Women and children have now found that most women prefer cooperation and not competition in the class. Instead, most men are very competitive as a way to enjoy learning and playing. Many hands-on activities in classes of technology are set therein set. robotics, for example, regularly uses competitiveness as a method of teaching. teachers solltenbewusst be the preference of many girls for cooperative work and should add these types of exercises in their classes. Some ways to do this are the students in pairs or teams are capable of working with a team and a personal touch. (See Reading 2 on cooperative learning.) Another Mars / Venus dynamic STEM teachers should know occurs in the laboratory the students are usually dominated by males and females equipment for taking notes or just watch. Total male students have more experience and confidence with hands-on lab equipment than their female colleagues. Teachers should create situations to ensure that their students spend time equal on the do-Shares Some ideas were: 1) that only students with each other during the exercises as part of the couple at the beginning of the semester the class, to get hands-on time and increases their confidence by investing in a better position effectively with male students later, 2), a certain amount of time allotted for each student in the pair to use laboratory equipment, and announce when it is time to change and monitor, and 3) a response to male students, the acquisition by letting them know that their partner needs to do the activities well.4. move students from passive students Proactive problem solver, the most important skill in problem solving in STEM hands-on laboratory situations. For the reasons already mentioned in relation to the lack of experience did not come to class most girls have these skills to solve problems., However, often shown as a Girl Wants to do things again, instead of experimenting on a test environment to get the answer. In addition to this argument have scared a lot of girls break their equipment In contrast, male students often jump and manipulate the devices before they were all instructions from their teachers, these teachers through activities such as the address 1. ) take to deal with their old equipment and put it back together, 2) the creation of "treasure hunt", which exercises enforce navigate through menus, and 3) stated that they learn to solve the problem and that this process is learn just as important, the content and insisting that they find on their practical own.Research also showed that women engage in stem red image better, while men tend to use higher order skills to understand of thought, the bigger picture and the relationship between the parties. re students in motion (and not techsavvy students in general) problem solver (unlike only for understanding the contents of the STEM puzzle piece) is used to move them to higher-order capacity for thinking STEM.Finally many teachers have reported that many students often want to understand how everything relates to each other, before going into action in the laboratory or move through a timetable to complete a given task. Students try to avoid mistakes along the way and not only want to read the documentation for the classes you need, who often want the entire manual before attempting to read the measurement. In contrast, male students often have to believe that a look at all the documentation to be. guys are not making a mistake a long way, until what is ultimately in question. The disadvantage is that students understand so often to be feared the whole picture, not the practical to move or not to do it early so that they are always the last to finish in class. help teachers to move women (and non-technical) students more quickly through the material class, providing instructions on how quickly the information needed to perform a full scan assignment.5. Role Models As the number of women in STEM are young girls have few opportunities, female role models to address the science, technology, engineering or mathematical problems to be seen. The teacher should lead to female role models in the classroom as a guest or a teacher, or visit their outstanding field to send the message to girls that are in STEM education and careers.Bibliography Medina, Afonso Celso, Helena BP Gerson success, and Sheryl A. Sorby "Identification of specific gender differences in 3-D visualization capabilities of engineering students in Brazil and the United States," International Network for Engineering and the search page Eucation August 2, 2004 ... [ http :/ /] Milto, Elissa, Chris Rogers and Merredith Portmore .. "Gender differences in confidence levels, group interactions, and feelings of the competition in an introductory course in Robotics" .. American Society for Engineering Education page, July 8, 2004: [] "Fair Play: Violence, Sex and Race in Video Games 2001" .. children now see August 19, 2004 [] "Girls and gaming: Gender and video game marketing, 2000". .. to see the kids now. June 17, 2004: .. [Http://] tech-savvy girls' education in the district of new age computer Columbia American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 2000.Margolis, Jane and Allan Fisher Unlocking the Computer Clubhouse .. women in computer science, Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, 2003.Taglia, Dan and Kenneth Berry "Girls in Robotics," Online posting September 16, 2004 ... Http .. :/ / / group / roboeducators / "Gender Initiative Cisco" Cisco Learning Institute July 30, 2004: [].
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