Evolution, I suggest, is the most intelligent of the projects. The miracle of life is not diluted by science, that makes everything possible, but deepened and enriched by drawing it.Intelligent says, "Some features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather indirect process of being investigated as natural selection "and" Malthus was a disagreement with the claim of the basic scientific theory of evolution that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion. "I see a lot ask, but this apparent design, or, finally, did Charles Darwin, because knowledge lifted the scales from the eyes and the wonder of nature has become something less than divine and unknowable and more natural work of art constantly in progress. "The state of mind which grand scenes already excited in me," he wrote, "What was intimately connected with and a belief in God, do not differ substantially from what is often called without sublimity, and however difficult it may be that to explain the genesis of this sence, it is difficult to move forward as an argument for the existence of God, anymore than the powerful though vague and similar feelings excited by music. "About" The old argument of design in nature. that before .. I looked so conclusive, "Darwin wrote in his autobiography, she" ..., fails, now that the law of natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that, for example, the beautiful performed a bivalve shell must have been made by an intelligent being, like the door to a run as one. There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and in the action of natural selection, during which the wind blows. "He wrote his friend, botanist Joseph Hooker," What book The Devil's Chaplain might write the clumsy, wasteful, coarse, low and horribly cruel works of nature. My God, how long do I have to my stomach 'to wash my hands of it. "But this is to anthropomorphize the reality of life on earth with a hint of intent, even more than Darwin knew he should. And ultimately, came to prefer the phrase "survival of the fittest" biologist Herbert Spencer on "natural selection" because the idea of The Last suggests some entity doing selecting.It Must Have Been extraordinarily difficult to be Charles Darwin in his time. He started with the aspirations of one day being a vicar, but trusting the path of his intellect and reasoning has become an unbeliever in a single entity that presides over the world in support of the forces of nature indominable. "... Can the mind of you," he asked Darwin, "which, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind possessed by the lowest of the lowest animal, be trusted when it draws some conclusions of those great? Let not the result of the connection between cause and effect that seems a necessary, but probably depends merely inherited experience? "I can not expect to shed the light on at least abstruse problems examined. The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us, and I for one must be content to remain agnostic." My favorite scientist sacred, or at least observationist sacred Annie Dillard is, and I pull from his Bible, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Harper (Perennial Modern Classics, 1998), for much of the rest of my text here. Few people, I think, have brought together the sacred and the scientific thought as beautifully and provocatively as she has. Dillard on "intelligent designer" eco Darwin, and sounds more like actor Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty that the mysterious drawings planner creationist. "Nature," Dillard writes, "is particularly profligate. Do not believe them when they tell you how economical and thrifty nature is, whose leaves return to the ground. It would be cheaper to leave them on the tree in the first place? This activity Hardwood alone is a radical scheme, the result of a deranged manic depressive with limitless capital. Stravaganza! Nature will try anything once. This is what the sign says the insects. No form is too gruesome, no behavior too grotesque. If you have to dealing with organic compounds, then combine them. If it works, if you drive, set ticking the grass, there's always room for another, is not so good yourself. This is an economy spendthrift. Although nothing is lost, all is past. "Dillard Darwin himself recognized the mystery, but the heads in another direction, one that I find quite inspiring, spiritually uplifting and affirming life fully, and that Darwin may have enjoyed as well. Dillard ** sees some sort of force source. She uses the "creator", a word, but keeps it in lowercase. She identifies the creator of "him", but that seems clearly for the benefit of writing "look, well, practically nothing." says, "the coot's feet, forehead mantis, a banana, the human ear - and see that not only the creator create everything, but that tends to create * something *. It will stop at nothing." There ' no one is standing in the evolution with a blue pencil to say: "Now that one, there is absolutely ridiculous and I'm not." If the creature is, you get a "STET." And 'our taste much better than that of the Creator? utilities for the creature is the evolution the only aesthetic consideration. Form follows function in the created world, as far as I know, and the creature that works, however bizarre, survives to perpetuate the complexity of its shape. form, so that some responses and not others. "... But the variety of form itself, the variety of forms, I know nothing. Except that, apparently, anything goes. This waiting for the forms of behavior, and design - the mantis munching her partner, wintering frog in the mud, the spider wraps a hummingbird, the pine processionary riding a thread. Welcome aboard. Signature generous spirit of this diverse group. "Consider the jumping spider. Have you ever had time to watch one, before you throw it away from you? Jumping spiders are wonderful creatures! Have an incredible sight and can jump 20 times their body length They have eight eyes to measure the distance and detect the movement of the eyes Four are long and tubular, with a narrow field of view but capable of sharp focus is why it seems you look so critical - ... that are jumping! Thus spiders have four eyes on the top of the head, two to the rear and 2 at the front, only to widen their field of view and act more like the movement of frogs detectors.How Without their help, we would run over by insects, animals predators and would lose a meal in some parts of the standard of the word, they constitute the principal component of the vertebrate biomass. with more live weight per hectare of mammals, birds, or re reptiles.They 'so, for better or worse, a key environmental barometers, are indicator species, the canaries in our mine environmental Find a frog with more than four feet and something happens in the neighborhood, and probably not good.Their metamorphic life cycles - egg, tadpole usually. (Or other water living larva) for land for Adults - Amphibians exposed to both aquatic and terrestrial habitats Unlike birds or snakes, their eggs have no shells and are protected only by a thin, gelatinous membrane permeable and adults, with .. their thin moist skin, are very sensitive to the surrounding environment, as well.Lizards? such as frogs, are both a vital prey species compared to insects, and equally important for the species of prey for larger animals. Our lizards here in Florida are spectacular ... We have beautiful skinks guard the eggs until they hatch in reality, the so-called "glass lizards", which are legless and are the largest lizards in Florida, we have geckos cats with big eyes and feet Spiderman Eric R. Pianka and Laurie J. envy.Zoologists would Vitt lizards called "Windows to the evolution of diversity", and wrote a book table with the same name (University of California Press, 2006). who had a thunk it? A coffee table book about the evolution of lizards! Only the people for whom life on earth, whatever its source, is a miracle could spend lives exploring ways and means of lizards. "Certainly nature seems to exult in plenty of radicalism, extremism, anarchy," wrote Annie Dillard. "If we were to judge nature by common sense or likelihood, would not have believed that the world was. In nature, unlikely to have a stock in trade. The whole creation is one lunatic fringe. If the building was left to me, I'm sure I would not have the imagination or courage to do more than form a single atom of a reasonable size, smooth like a snowball, and give up. No claim of any and all revelations could be so exaggerated as only a giraffe. "Demand from agnosticism," says Dillard, "is, who turned on the lights? The question of faith is, why? "Anything really. Perhaps the answer is simply:" Why not? "" Tug on anything, "said John Muir," and you'll find it connected to everything else in the universe. "With the whole world cocktail swirling through the agar of space, how could * not * have the lights on?" The creation in the first place, the very being, "Dillard wrote." necessity is the only one for which I would die, and I will. the point of this being, as I know here and see it, is that, when I think about it, builds up in my mind for the extravagance of minutiae. The sheer detail of fringe and network assumes primary importance. That there are so many details seems to be more visible and important part of creation .... If the world is free, then the fringe of a fin of goldfish is a million times more according to the first question -. the crucial one - the creation of the universe and the existence of something like a sign and to face anything, it's a vacuum. I can not think about it. "And when you get right down to it, how can any of us? Why waste the few precious moments on earth we regard the fight we can not answer the question, let alone properly ask, when there is so much to learn, or at least appreciate, to detail fringe? ".. E 'is the edge of this issue, "he decided to Dillard." Let me put my attention on the edge of the fin of the fish, the complexity of detail stained and spotted the world. "It' s evolution, says Dillard, says Darwin says that life on earth, which is the vehicle of this complexity, the detail one. "The stability of simple forms, is the solid basis from which more stable complex forms may arise," says Dillard. "Train them When more complex shapes, and so on. "Dillard said there are 228 separate and distinct muscles in the head of a normal caterpillar, and that there are six million leaves on a large elm tree. Not only that, the leaves are toothed and the teeth are notched Themselves. "Inside and outside edges of the sheet are intricate," says Dillard, "E" is not nobody knows why. "" Only ten percent of all known forms of life are alive on earth today. All other forms, Dillard notes, fantastic plants, incredibly strange creatures with various wings, tail, teeth and brain, are all gone, completely and forever. "Why so many forms?" Dillard says. "Why not just one atom hydrogen? The creator goes off on a wild tangent specifically after the other, or simultaneously with millions of exuberance that would seem to be unjustified, and energy to jump from an abandonment of the unfathomable nature. What's going on here "The point of the dragonfly's terrible lip, the giant water bug, birdsong, or the dazzling flash of beautiful fish sunlighted is not that it all fits together like clockwork - why not do it, especially, even inside the goldfish bowl - but all freely flowing wildly Sun, as the river that all peaks in a free, fringed tangle. Liberty is the world's water and time, feeding the world freely, his land and sap. And the creator loves pizzazz "It's not all, these spectacular storms that blow off the face of the earth, blend our calendar? engineering projects in the mud, forcing us to escape the burdens on our highways with our artificial carbon dioxide belching steel and plastic animals we can not have one without the other: beautiful, ugly, no peaceful nature of the brutal nature , no droughts, floods, summer. without winter, light without darkness. Life without death "Evolution loves death more than you love her or me," says Dillard, "this is easy to write, easy to read and hard to believe .. The words are simple, clear concept - but you do not believe , is not it? Neither I as I could, when we are both so sweet "And here is the crux of the whole thing: either the world, our mother, says Dillard, is a monster, or we ourselves are freaks.To consider that the world is a monster, running, as Dillard suggests, "on the case and death, careening blindly from nowhere to nowhere," we must assume that somehow produced "wonderful to us" with our feelings of moral indignation in the amoral world. ".. A small blob of soft tissue," said Dillard, "crawling skin on this planet are right", and the entire universe is wrong. "The alternative, it suggests is that" creation itself is beyond reproach, benevolently through by its very nature free, and that is only human emotion that is freakishly bad. "Our excessive emotions are so obviously harmful and painful for us as a species," Dillard writes, "I can not believe that they evolved. Other creatures are able to have effective couplings and stable society, even without great emotion, cry and have a bonus that they do not need more. "He adds that some higher animals seem to have emotions Thurs similar to ours, that dogs, elephants and otters, among others, seem to mourn their dead. "Why, to otters?" asks. "What could be the creator so cruel, not to kill otters, but to make them care?" It would seem that emotions are the curse, not death ... We are the monsters, the world is right, and we all have lobotomies to restore us a natural condition ... lobotomized and return to the river and live on its banks, as serene as any muskrat or reed. "You first." Of course I will not go first. Neither will I. It does not want to Dillard, and even Darwin was not sufficiently discouraged by the brutal facts of life has seen it all him.Like Dillard, we bring our human values to the stream and thus save ourselves to be brutalized. "My reservations about the waste of life and fertility, among other creatures ... squeamishness is simple," says Dillard. "After all, I'm the one with the nightmares. It 's true that many of the creatures live and die an abomination, but they are not called to judge. Nor are called to live that way, and those creatures that are, fortunately, are unconscious." We signed a deal, says Dillard, that to everything, even every hydrogen atom, is intended. "The terms are clear: if you want to live, you die, you can not have mountains and creeks without space, and space is a beauty married to a blind man. The blind man is freedom, or time, and he never goes anywhere without his great dog Death. The world came into being with the signing of the contract. One scientist called the Second Law of Thermodynamics. A poet says: "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower / Drives my green age." This is what we know. The rest is gravy, "It's the sauce that I live for Some see God as a well of wishes, prayers, throwing pennies.! Ask and you shall receive, knock and it will opened.I see God as a force and energy. atoms of air, light waves, the birth and death feeds the machine adaptive and evolutionary, ever-changing life This, I believe, is a god worth falling face down on the ground to macrobiotics, a god worth thank with all my breathing oxygen-rich;! a god to establish prior to sacrifice Which management first, and make atonement for which voluntary simplicity as walking and cycling in the service to continue to live and live "The universe was not made in jest," he concluded Annie Dillard, "but solemn incomprehensible earnest. With a power that is unfathomably secret, and holy, and fleet. There's nothing to do about it, but ignore it, or see." What we live with eyes wide open! [EXTRACT] evolution, in my opinion, is the most intelligent of the drawings. The miracle of life is not diluted by the science that makes everything possible, but deepened and enriched by Design it.Intelligent argues that "certain features of the universe and living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected process such as natural selection "and" is thus a scientific examination of the core claim of evolutionary theory that the apparent design of living systems is an illusion. "I ask for much, but not so obvious, design, and even at the end did Charles Darwin because knowledge up the stairs from his eyes and the wonder of nature less and less a matter of divine and unknowable, and more than a work of natural art, a work in progress connected. "The state of mind which grand scenes already excited in me," he wrote, "and was closely linked to belief in God is not much more than what is often called sence distinguish the sublime, and how difficult it would be to explain the origin of this sence, it can hardly be advanced as an argument for the existence of God, nor the powerful feelings, but vague, and the like through music. "On" The old argument of design in nature ... the first I seemed excited conclusively, "Darwin wrote in his autobiography that he" did not ... now that the law of natural selection has been discovered. We request that more was done, for example, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell of an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man. There seems to be no more design in the variability of organic beings and the effect of natural selection to be, as the wind blows over. "He wrote his friend, the botanist Joseph Hooker, "What the devil's chaplain may write a book about the clumsy, wasteful, coarse, low and horribly cruel works of nature. My God, how much time I have for my stomach, wash their hands of it." But This is the reality of life on Earth Humanize with a proposal of intent has done more than Darwin, he should have. He finally came to biologist Herbert Spencer's phrase "survival of the fittest" to "natural selection" preferable because this suggests the idea of a certain organization that were being selecting.It been extremely difficult to Charles Darwin, in his old age . He started with the hope that one day, a vicar, but trusting in the journey of his intellect and reasoning, not a believer in one person who presides over the universe indominable to support the forces of nature. "... May the spirit of man," said Darwin, "which is, I believe, full, was of a mind as low as the lowest of the animals had developed the confidence, if there is such a big draw conclusions ? are probably not the cause of the outcome of the connection between his cause and effect which strikes us as a necessary condition, but it probably just depends on inherited experience? "I can not expect the minimum to shed light on abstruse problems. The mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us, and I must be satisfied for my part, to remain an agnostic. "My favorite scientist sacred, or at least observationist Santo, Annie Dillard, and pull out her Bible, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, Harper (Perennial Modern Classics, 1998), for much of the rest of my text here. Few people, I believe together the sacred and scientific, as well as leading and inspiring. Dillard on "intelligent designer" eco Darwin , and sounds more like actor Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty as the planner creationist mysterious plans. "Nature," Dillard writes, "is particularly expensive. Do not believe them when they tell you how economical and thrifty nature is, whose leaves are back on the floor. Would not it be cheaper to leave them on the tree in the first place? This deciduous business alone is a radical plan, the idea of a madman manic-depressive with limitless capital. extravaganza! Nature will try anything once. This is what the sign says on insects. No form is too cruel, no behavior too grotesque. If you are dealing with organic compounds, then they should be combined. If it works, if you drive, set ringing in the grass, there's always room for another, not so good by themselves. It is an economy of waste. Although nothing is lost, everything is given. "Dillard Darwin himself recognized the mystery, but the heads in a different direction, one that I find very inspiring, spiritually uplifting and completely pro-life, that Darwin and May have enjoyed as well. ** Dillard sees a kind of power source. She uses the "creator" word, but keeps them in lower case. She identifies this Creator as "Him", but it seems clear that the usefulness of writing. "Look, in short, virtually everything," he says, "feet coot , the face praying mantis, a banana, the human ear - and see that not only the creator create everything, but he tends to be a bit '.. to create ** He will stop at nothing, "There's no standing to say about evolution with a blue pen:" Well, since it is absolutely ridiculous and I do not want him, "If the creature does. you gets a "STET." And 'our taste much better than that of the Creator? Utility for the evolution of the creature, the only aesthetic consideration. Form follows function in the created world, as far as I know, survive and to perpetuate the creature who works as bizarre shape. the complexity of the form, I do not know some answers, and others. "... But the diversity of form itself, the variety of forms, I know nothing except, apparently, everything is going to stop this form of behavior and design - .. The mantis mate, chewing up the hibernating frog in the mud, the spider wraps a hummingbird, the pine processionary riding a thread. Welcome aboard. Some signs generous spirit of this diverse group. "Consider the jumping spiders. Have you ever had time to look before you throw it away from you? Jumping spiders are wonderful creatures! You have an incredible sight and can jump 20 times their body length .., you have eight eyes in order to measure distance and movement of the four eyes are long and tubular, with a narrow field of view, but allows sharp focus because they are so important for the display seem, -.! Jumping spiders have four eyes on the top of the head - 2 to the back and 2 forward to extend their field of vision and act more as a movement of frogs detectors.How Without their help we would lose-invested by insects and animal predators would be a principle meal in some parts of the word, form the largest component of vertebrate biomass. with more live weight per hectare of mammals, birds, or re reptiles.They 'also, for better or for worse, an important barometer of environment are a indicator species are the canaries in our environment, mines more than a frog with four legs and something is happening in the neighborhood, and is probably not the good.Their metamorphic life cycle - usually egg to tadpole. (Or other aquatic larvae) for terrestrial adults -. amphibians, and aquatic and terrestrial habitats exposes Unlike birds and snakes, their eggs have no shells and are only a very thin, permeable membrane protected gelatinous and adults with. thin moist skins are very sensitive to its environment, as well.Lizards? as the frogs, are both an important species for predatory insects, and an equally important types of prey for larger animals. Our lizards are spectacular here in Florida ... We have beautiful skinks, which actually guard the eggs until hatching was the so-called "glass lizards" have no legs and are the largest lizards in Florida, we would have giant geckos with cat eyes and feet Eric R. Pianka and Laurie envy.Zoologists Spiderman J. Vitt lizards called "Windows to the evolution of diversity", and wrote a book with the same name (University of California Press, 2006). That was a thought? A book on evolution of lizards! Only people to which life on earth, regardless of its source, is a miracle could spend lives exploring ways and means of lizards. "Of course, nature seems to abound radicalism, extremism, anarchy rejoice," wrote Annie Dillard. "If we were to judge nature by common sense or likelihood, would not have believed that the world was. In nature, the improbability of a stock on the market. All creation is a fool. If the building has been left on me, I'm sure I would not have had the imagination and courage, rather than dominate a single atom of a reasonable size, smooth like a snowball, and leave it at that. Any revelations claims could be so exaggerated as a single giraffe. "The question from agnosticism," Dillard observes, "is that turning off the lights?. The question of faith is, Why is this" Whatever the fact, perhaps the answer is simple: "Why not? '" Tug on anything " said John Muir, "and you will find everything else in the universe are connected. "With all the cocktail swirling universe through the agar from space, as the lights come **?" The institution, in the first place, the very being, "Dillard wrote." I would need is just to die, and I will. Being the point about how I know you come here and see, is that, as I think, is accumulated in my head like extravagance of minutiae. The sheer detail of the fringes and network assumes primary importance. It seems that so many details and the most important fact of creation to be seen .... If the world without compensation, then the edge of the fin of a fish of gold is a million times more than the first application -. which is a crucial - from the creation of the universe and the existence of something like a sign and an affront to anything, is a space. I can not think about it. "And when you get right down to it, like any of us? Why a waste of precious moments relatively few, in our view on the ground we can not answer that question, let alone set the record straight, if it is so much to learn, or at least learn to appreciate the detail on board? ".. It is at the edge of this problem, "chose Dillard." The fact that I put my attention to the edge of the fin fish, the speckled and spotted complexity of detail of the world. "It 's evolution, says Dillard, says Darwin says that life on earth which is the vehicle of this complexity, the detail man." The stability of the simple shapes of the sturdy base that can be derived from the most complex is stable "Dillard writes." It makes complex forms again and so on. "Dillard said that 228 separate and distinct muscles in the head of a normal caterpillar, and that there are six million leaves on a large elm tree. Not only serrated leaves, and the teeth are themselves toothed. "inside and outside the leaf margins are complicated," says Dillard, "and" do not know why no one. "" Only ten percent of all known forms of life on Earth lives today. All other forms, notes, Dillard, fantastic plants, incredibly strange creatures with different wings, tail, teeth and brain are all gone, completely and forever. "Why are so many forms," asks Dillard. "Why not simply that a hydrogen atom? The Creator goes on a tangent determined by a wild or millions simultaneously be associated with an exuberance, seem to be unfounded, and developed with an abandoned character unfathomable power. What's going on here? "The blind spot of the dragonfly's terrible lip, the huge arc of water, the chirping of birds, or fish and beautiful spark of sunlighted is that it all fits together like clockwork - why not do it, especially not once inside the goldfish bowl - but it all flows so freely wild, like the river that all peaks in a free, fringed tangle Liberty is the world's water and time, the world where food freely, his land and SAP, ..? And the Creator loves pizzazz "It's all spectacularly These storms that blow us dissolve the face of the earth, our civil engineering projects in the mud, forcing us to abandon our people made our streets with carbon dioxide belching steel and we can pack animals one plastics, not without the other. beautiful, peaceful nature, without the brutal nature ugly, no droughts floods, summer without winter, light without darkness.
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