The importance of the number three in the Bible "," the official stamp and seal of the Holy Trinity "never stop to consider how many important events in the Bible are connected with the number three? In this article we are going to look at some of the Scripture more important and their reference to the number three. Then we'll investigate what it is that makes this important number of three sun. All that is constantly repeated in Scripture it is worth taking the time to examine. If God has strategically placed these three numbers in the Bible, would not be worthwhile to put aside all prejudices and examine the question? If it was so important that God put them there, would be in our interest to try to find out why. Where do we start? begin with the event The most important benefit of humanity death and resurrection of Jesus. "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. [Mat 0:40]. Why does the Lord require of you to stay three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, because you chose that number? You really think the Lord just pick the number three out of nowhere? There must be a reason for him to choose that number, it has everything that the Lord had a divine purpose behind it. After you beat Jesus beyond recognition, forced him to carry his cross to the place of execution. The place called The Skull! Jesus fell three times. When Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He prayed to the Father three times to remove the cup, if possible, after the third time Jesus gathered and said: not my will, but you will be done. When Jesus was crucified was how we see it being implemented? Jesus and one on each side of him, for a total of three. When Jesus left behind his parents, how many days have you done to try before they found him? Three days. When Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted of Satan, Satan tempt him how many times? Three times Jesus was tempted by the devil. Jesus was crucified was the third hour [Mark 15:25]. Jesus rose from the dead three people. the only son of a widow of Nain [Luke :11-4]. The daughter of Jairus, the religious leader [5:22-43]. Lazarus [John 11:1-44]. At the trial of Jesus', how many times Peter deny his Lord? He will deny him three times. Each rejection was for one in the Trinity. After His resurrection, how many times Peter was asked to confirm his love? Three times one for his denial of the Father, the Son and one for one by the Holy Spirit. How long did Jesus' last ministry? Three years. Jesus lived 33 years on earth. Anyone can attend these events and the Triune feet and say, 'Oh' is just a whole case, I think you should look deep inside themselves and ask, I have no love for the truth, I'm really looking for the truth, or I'm just trying to defend a doctrine? Only those who have a love of truth will be deceived in the great deception. . Other examples of IMPROTANCE NUMBER THREE AND 'was a journey of three days "in the desert, to complete a separate God's people from Egypt," And they said, the God of the Hebrews has met with us: we beseech thee, "three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord our God, for things that fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword. [Exodus 05:03]. Why do they need to go travel days" three "is in the desert, why not two or five? had to be" three ". Guarantee of the Lord to fulfill his promise to Abraham." And the Lord said: I am the Lord who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to inherit it. And he said: Lord God, which you know that I shall inherit it? And he said to him, Take me an heifer of three years and a goat and a ram of three years of "three years" and a dove and a pigeon. [Gen. 15:7-9]. Do you understand why you can not remove the word from the Holy Trinity by simply turning a few scriptures or groped to remove them? The only way you can remove the Trinity in Scripture is to rewrite the whole Bible, Jehovah's Witness finally realized this back in 1960. So if you want to remove the Trinity from the Word of God, you must do as a Jehovah's Witness and write their own version of the Bible! In Genesis 18:02, "three" persons appeared to Abraham. "And the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent in the heat of the day, and looked and looked, and behold, three men stood by him, and when he saw them, ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed low to the ground. [Gen. 18.1-2]. Three months after the Israelites left Egypt they met the Lord. Three days after Moses went up the mountain to receive The Ten Commandments. God has established three party saint. They built a shrine to three cubits high. There is a waiting period of three days before we become clean after touching a corpse. Three denotes divine perfection is why the number three is associated with the deity, three persons in one God. why the Seraphim cry Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, one for Father, Son and Holy Spirit for a saint. Anything less than three Saints would be short of the holiness of the triune God of The Triune. These angels stand before God, know that He is a triune being. Even their wings are in three sets. lights borne fruit by the promise country to show how good it was. How many types of fruit they bear? They brought three types of fruit: grapes, figs, pomegranates. [Num 13:23]. As a testimony of the divine perfection of land that was given at the hands of The Perfect Triune God. "And the Lord said to Moses, 'Go to the people, and sanctify today and tomorrow, against the" third day "for the" third day "the Lord will come down in front of all the people on Mount Sinai. [Exo 19:11 ..] The triad Temple The Trinity is inserted into the temple in the Holy of Holies was a cube The temple had each cube of twenty cubic Each of these 20 had three parts to it These parts are: The ... Court, the sanctuary and the sanctuary. There were three rooms around the temple. The Brazen Sea had three thousand baths with a line of thirty cubits, with three hundred Knops. [1 Kings 07:24]. Its foundations were twelve oxen (3x4), three looking north, three looking west, three facing south, and three looking east, not only in the word of God stamped with the Trinity, but all of creation bears the mark of Trinity The first time they enter the field electronics.? One of the things that I thought was amazing was the fact that only three points that hit the screen was responsible for the full color screen. It's more than taking only "three" basic colors [red, blue and green] to produce all the different shades. Yes we have designed an entire universe around the number three important the number of perfection, the number of God! The number of the resurrection! The number of deities: if God is really one and three, so we expect to see him in one, which is in his own image, not only humans, but in his whole creation. The building should reflect its creator! If God is triune and his people wanted to know, not at least put it right there in the open for all to see, for those who really cared to look. And knowing that one day Satan would deceive the whole inhabited earth (except for the elect) with his imitation of the real Holy Trinity of God the heavenly? God would let us children to grope in the dark in search of the subject matter? No, God would have to score on every sign possible. Surely a loving Father for her. But children have the freedom to read both the signs and ignore them for any reason. Take the time to read the signals that are sent for safe arriver heavenly home, or if you want to get lost on the road of life. God showed me that was not to be taking it confessional. Each denomination has dug. Their trenches doctrinal Even when shown the truth, they will fight tooth and nail to defend the error of their false doctrine must be free of artificial believe, .. These are beliefs that sometimes prevent people from seeking the truth for themselves the only true church is the Church of Jesus Christ. of this church, I belong! They are nondenominational! The trinity of God is the image of God in man! But back to this later.Let 's first look at the testimony of the physical universe which is the home of man. Scientific discoveries continually witnessed the triune universe The universe is a beautiful piece of mathematical genius, also, within its state. It screams of a designer loving and caring, intelligent. a designer who has taken care to put laws in place so that children could not even co-create with him to furnish their house to their taste, "How wonderful are the works of your hands [Ps.40: 5] . The known universe contains many billions of suns and planets in orbit probably, in other words, billions of worlds. I'm talking about science is the study of law and the mechanism of these worlds, including ours. Science has some very important things tell us wonderful home.! The overall result of their study [and agree] is that the universe is one and three, they say that the matter [the bricks of the universe] exist as a substance that constitutes Matter = the universe: the material substance of the universe has mass, occupies space and is convertible into energy.2. = Average electromagnetic ether: half to fill the atmosphere and outer space and I carry electromagnetic waves.3. Energy = the ability to make millions of different work.Of all forms, all the trees, people, animals, houses, clouds in the sky, we love our computers so much, we love to drive cars, all we can imagine all of these facts three things! Even the water that sustain life on earth exists in three states, solid, liquid and gas. Coincidence? I do not think so. Signpost baby! The newlyweds feel so complete each other's arms the exchange of love between them two. But over time they begin to feel that something is missing. Trinity is incomplete. Then they realize that they need another to share this wonderful experience of love. They realize they need a child to make it complete. They have one child, there is now a three-way exchange of love, the trinity is complete! Father, mother and son! Another coincidence? God is a family that is why the family is the most important institution on earth. All is one and three! You see, God knew that Satan would one day take the Holy Trinity of God and defile, and blame on it. He knew that Satan woul try replacing the holy trinity of God with an unholy trinity of man'666 ', which is one of the identifying marks of the beast. So he stamped on the trinity created his signature on that Sun would use those who would see their eyes to see. But Satan is doing everything possible to keep you blind. When I look the mark of the beast 666, I was amazed at the formulas for calculating the wild people use the mark of 666. People come with all types of formulas. My first is that you must be a genius to figure out how to avoid the mark of the beast. E since most of us are geniuses doomed! should God be so cruel as to make it difficult for your children to identify this mark of 666? Of course not! Once again we want to take you all over the place looking for answers when the answer is right there watching us in the face. God made it as simple as one would expect from a loving father. Satan and completed to prevent you from seeing the truth. Separation of true and holy trinity of unholy trinity of Satan counterfeiting 666 mark of the beast does not take genius, but it takes wisdom.Let 's see what God has to say about it: "Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number. the beast: for it is the number of man: and his number is six hundred sixty and six. "Rev. [13:18] God had given the answer to the first six. Six is the number of man without God incomplete . Seven is the number of God, the number of completion, the number of perfection! sevenfold as the spirits before the throne of God The seven candlesticks that walk among Christians in heaven, seven represents the seven church ages, we are the seventh living in the end, there will be completing his eight. So the number 666 is one of the triune God in the place claiming to be God knows that Satan is triune, it was in the presence of God Satan is a cunning strategist , a general of generals. There is no game without Christ! I spent my last year in the Marines in infantry units, it is stressed the body of strategy, wars won or lost in the strategy. Satan knew The main job was to defile the holy trinity of God, while the installation unholy trinity of man, remember Satan wanted to be worshiped as God So if God is worshiped as a being one and three, and then to imitate counterfeiting of God would need to be triune. 666! If God is triune, though not see it printed on all creation [that we] would expect to see you who is in his image. Or how else would be image of its creator? God is a triune and one, which is its image is a triune being. There is not much that the pagan world and the Christian right, but the only thing that is d 'agreement is that the man is a triune. People who refuse to believe that God is one and three to be ready to admit that his image on earth: "And the God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray and I pray for your soul, spirit and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ ". [1 Thessalonians 5": 23] This verse of Scripture shows the complete image of God is one and three of be just like his spirit and body separate at death, his spirit looks with faith to joining the newly resurrected to complete his body again. . The Bible says that Jesus grew up like any other child, so he a triune being like what the rest of his brothers and sisters. If Jesus was God, as most Christians believe then that the Triune God on earth. The Bible says that Christ does not change. What if he then being one and three, is still today.The BODY "There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." the [Corin 15:40] This is our physical earth. To function in a physical world, to open and close doors, pick up a fork to eat with, to do physical things in a physical world. But if it's only natural, he would only be able to communicate in the physical ability to be he did not communicate with God in the spirit world ..! would be limited to physics, but God had a remedy for this would be the physical SPIRITSo incomplete, he must have a way to communicate with its creator who is spirit. He must be the spirit! God put a spirit in so there could be two-way communications. Without this spirit, God could still hear from you, but he was not from God. The spirit is the inner core of the person. And 'the most sacred place. It 's the same place where the Holy Spirit in the believer on his throne. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of the living God, the spirit of God dwelleth in you? [Corin 03:16] Meet This is the holy place where God and man. Now, at this point is two beings in a . But third is that there needs to complete him.The SoulThe soul is what really complements the spirit and body, and becomes the personality. And man became a living being in the image of its creator. It ' the soul that keeps the spirit and the body in balance, or exits of balance. E 'in the soul, where you fight the battle of the flesh body flesh [earthly body] and spirit [celestial body]. And' the seat of human emotions and his mind if the rational soul is fed with the spiritual food of heaven, and denied the lust of the flash, then the spirit is strengthened in the Lord. But, if the soul is nourished by the lustful carnal things physical world [sex, money, fame, etc. ..] then the carnal body takes over, then the whole trinity that has led to destruction.Everything I presented to you is scriptural and easy to understand, the way God intended it was. I did not twist the scriptures or remove its context. Each time it is too complicated, too difficult to understand, stop and ask, is this how God intended it to be so difficult to understand? Remember that Jesus did not go to the educated scribes , priests and philosophers. No, he took his message to the ignorant fishermen, carpenters and Tentmakers. E 'where God shows his weak force, is in the wilderness where He takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. The weak and ignorant is sometimes less proud that the powerful and the learned. When I was in my years that I use alcohol to attend AA meetings, there was one thing that has continued to stress [I did not understand then, but over time I saw the wisdom in it.] AA Kiss Her name is an acronym for 'keep it simple stupid' so let's keep it simple and easy for everyone to understand stand.The rule number three vegetation kingdom. There are three types of vegetation: grass, grasses and trees [Gen 01:11] There are three types of light of lights in the sky the sun, moon and stars [Gen. I: 16]. There are three types of animals.: fist, a foul and animals.There earth are three states of matter [solid, liquid and gas] Our world is the third planet in the form sun.These are just some of the things in the universe and the Bible, God uses to direct. soul to seek the truth. If the pagan origin of Trinity what God would have scored all of his creation with the mark of the beast? You know the answer. How could it be clearer? Those with a love of truth can not err. Those who continue to advocate a losing tradition. The only way we can find the truth must come to the word of God, seeking the truth, and not "my", but the truth "of God." Everything is simple and easy to understand and narrow forward . It is not necessary to know the greek or taking a class in Hebrew to understand. Three is three in each language. There are many other examples that I can take out of the Bible and the physical creation, but if this is not enough I do not know what wants to open the blind eyes. [EXTRACT] The significance of the number three in the Bible "," the official stamp and seal of the Holy Trinity "ever stop to think about many important events such as the Bible at number three are connected to each other? In this article we will look at some of the most important work, and their relation to the number three. Then analyze what it is that makes that number three is so important. Everything in Scripture always worth repeating, to question time. If God has strategically put these numbers Three's in the Bible, would not be worth all the prejudices must be set aside and consider the matter? If it was important to God, to put them there, would be to try in our interest to find out why his Where do we start, we must take advantage of the most important event for the beginning of humanity, death and resurrection of Jesus.? . "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. [Mat 0:40]. Why does the Lord require of stay three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, because this number was chosen? Do you really think the Lord, simply select the number three out of nowhere? There must be a reason for him to call that number was all that the Lord has a divine purpose behind was doing. After Jesus was beaten beyond recognition, forced him to carry his cross to the place of execution. place called The Skull! Jesus fell three times. When Jesus, when the garden of Gethsemane, he prayed three times her father for this cup to eliminate, where possible, collected after the third time Jesus said: Not my will, but it will be done. When Jesus was crucified, we see how many races? Jesus and one on each side of him, for a total of three. When Jesus, the parents have left him, as they seem for many days before they found him? three days. When Jesus in the wilderness, Satan was trying to be guided by how many times has lead to the temptation of Satan? Three times Jesus was tempted by the devil. Jesus was crucified at the third hour [Mark 15:25]. Jesus rose from the dead three people. the only son of a widow of Nain [Luke :11-4]. The daughter of Jairus religious leader [5:22-43]. Lazarus [John 11:1-44]. At the trial of Jesus, has, how many times Peter denied his Lord? That denied him three times. Each refusal was for the Trinity. After his resurrection, was asked how many times Peter to strengthen his love? Three times one for his denial of the Father, the Son and one for the Saints for the mind. From the last time Jesus ministry? Three years. Jesus lived 33 years on earth. All, all of which may go to live events Trino, and say, 'Oh' is just a whole case, I believe, should take deep look into yourself and ask, I have a love for truth, I'm really after the truth or I'm just trying to defend a doctrine? Only those who will not be disappointed in the illusion of a great love for the truth. "Finish in the wilderness of separate God's people from Egypt." Other examples IMPROTANCE of the number three, it was a journey of three days, and she said, the God of the Hebrews has met with us: let us pray, "3 Days" trip to the desert and sacrifice to the Lord our God, lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword. [Exodus 05:03]. Why do they need to take a trip "three" days in the desert, why not two or five? It had to be "Three". Warranty Lord of Abraham to fulfill his promise. "And the Lord said to him: I the Lord brought you out of Ur of the Chaldees, to give you possession of this land: and he said the Lord God is what I know and he said it will inherit.?: to him, Take me an heifer of three years and a goat and a ram of three years of "three years" and a dove and a pigeon. see [Gen. 15:7-9]. you know why you can not The Holy Trinity of the word removed only by turning some fonts or try to remove it? The only way the Holy Trinity to remove from the document that is to write the entire Bible once again, the Jehovah's Witness finally found this back in 1960, so if you want to remove the trinity of God's Word, you must do as Jehovah's Witnesses and write their own version of the Bible! appeared in Genesis 18:02, "three" persons of Abraham. "And the Lord appeared to him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent in the heat of the day, and he rolls his eyes and looked, and behold, three men stood before him, and when he saw them , ran to receive it in front of the entrance awning and bent to the ground. [Gen. 18.1-2]. Three months after the Israelites left Egypt, they met the Lord. Three days later, Moses went up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. God has the three sacred feast. was the construction of a dwelling of three cubits high. This is a three-day waiting period before taking clean after touching a corpse. Three divine perfection is called, is the why the number three in the Godhead, three persons in one God is connected. Therefore, the seraphim cry Holy, Holy, Holy for the Holy Father, a Son, and Holy Spirit for. All Saints would be less than three, only the sanctity of the Triune God Triune. These angels are in the presence of God, know that he is a triune being. The wings are in three sets. Spies brought the fruits of the Promised Land to show how good it was. many types fruit brought back? They brought three types of fruit: grapes, figs, pomegranates. [Num 13:23]. As a witness of the divine perfection of the country that was in the hands of The Perfect One and Triune God-given. "And the Lord said unto Moses, go to the people, and sanctify today and tomorrow, against the "third day" for the "third day" the Lord will, in the eyes of all the people on Mount Sinai. [Exodus 19:11] The Triune Temple The Trinity is in the temple, the sanctuary was immersed in a dice cube always had the stamp of 20 cubes each of these 20 were three parts to it are here: ... .. The Court, St. location and the sanctuary. There were three rooms around the temple. the sea of bronze had three thousand baths with a line of thirty cubits with 300 dimples. [1 Kings 07:24]. Its foundation was twelve oxen (3x4), three north, three west, three facing south and three o'clock ET surprising not only in the Word of God imprinted with the Trinity, but all creation, the mark of Trinity when I was the first type of the field of electronics.? one of the things that I thought was the fact that only three points on the screen to hit the beautiful color photos on the screen. It's more than just "three" primary colors take [red, blue and green] to produce all the different colors. Yes we have an entire universe around the number three important drawings the number of perfection, the number of God! The number of resurrection! The number of deities: if the Triune God really expect to see in people in his image, not only in man but in his whole creation. should reflect the creation of its creator one and three! If God and his people wanted to know, he would at least have put it right there in everyone's eyes open, looking for those who really have something. And one day realize that Satan deceives the whole inhabited earth (with the exception of elected officials) with his imitation of the real Holy Trinity, God's heaven? God would not leave us groping in the dark in a matter so important? No, God would be possible to sign each of them. Surely a loving father would for his children. But the children to read or ignore the signs for some reason. Take the time to sign safe for your arriver be sent to the heavenly home, or you are lost on the road of life to read. God has shown me that I do not get involved in the sectarian thing. Each name is carved into .. its dogmatic trenches Even when shown the truth, they are fighting tooth and nail to be defending the mistakes of their false teachings, you have to be made should be a free man, I think, are these beliefs that keep some people from seeking the truth for themselves , l '. only true church is the Church of Jesus Christ. I am a member of this church, The Community School! The Trinity of God is the image of God in man! But back to that look later.Let first witness of the physical universe, man is at home. Scientific discoveries often witnessed The Triune Universe The universe is a beautiful piece of mathematical genius, who fell in his state. And screams of an intelligent designer, loving and caring. A designer who care to make laws has taken place so that children could also create with him to furnish their houses as they please, "How wonderful are the works of your hands [Ps.40: 5]. L 'known universe contains many billions of planets orbiting suns and probably, in other words, billions of worlds. I'm talking about science is the study of law and the mechanism of these worlds, including our own. Science must say some very important things for us about wonderful home. The overall results of the study [and that] I agree that the universe is one and three, was that the matter [the building blocks of the universe] as available: 1 Matter = substance that is part universe: the material substance of the universe has mass, takes place, and is convertible into energy.2. = Average electromagnetic ether: a touch of medium, to fill the atmosphere and outer space and bring electromagnetic waves.3. Energy = the ability to do all work.Of million different forms, all the trees, people, animals, houses, clouds in the sky, we love our computers, we love driving cars, all we can imagine can do all these three things! Even the water that keeps life on Earth exist in three states, solids, liquids and gases. Coincidence? I do not think so. Sign in to post baby! The bride and groom feel so completely into the arms of another love affair between the two parts of them. But over time they begin to sense that something is missing. The Trinity is incomplete. Then they realize that they need each other to share this wonderful experience of love. They realize they need a baby , so it is complete. you have a child, now there is a possibility, three bags of love, the trinity is complete! Father, mother and son! Another coincidence? God is a family because the family is the most important institution of the earth. All is one and three! You see, God knew that Satan one day take the Holy Trinity of God, and not contaminated, and bring shame on her. He knew that Satan is trying to replace the Holy Trinity of God woul with an unholy trinity of man'666 ", which is one of the characteristics of the animal. So he stamped on the Trinity created his signature, so that those who use their eyes trying to see, it would. But Satan is doing everything possible to make you blind. The first time we look at the mark of the beast 666, I was wild with people using the formulas for calculating the 666-mark surprised. People come with all types of formulas. My first challenge was that it takes a genius to figure out how to avoid the mark of the beast. And since most of us are not geniuses, we're doomed! God would be so cruel as to make it so difficult for her children, to identify these 666 Mark? Of course not! Man is re-run all over the place looking for answers when the answer we're looking right at him. God just as you would expect from a loving father. Satan and man have been completed, to keep you from seeing the truth. The separation of true and holy trinity of Satan's diabolical counterfeiting Trinity 666 mark of the beast is not genius, but it takes wisdom.Let 's see what God has to say: "Here is wisdom that hath understanding count the number of the beast. because it is the number of people. and his number is 606 "Revelation [13.18] God had given the answer to the first six. are the number of people is incomplete without God. Seven is the number of God, the number of completion, the number of perfection! What is seven times the spirits before the throne of God. the seven candlesticks that Christ lost in the sky, representing the seven church ages, these are the seventh, we live finally, is not to be completed in eight of his seven. So 666 was the man in place of the Triune God claims to be the Triune God knows Satan is that he was in the presence of God Satan is a clever strategist, a general of generals. Man without Christ is not a game, I spent the last years in the Marines in an infantry unit that emphasized one thing, the Corps is strategy, wars won or lost in the strategy. Satan knew that was the main task of the Holy Trinity profaning God with your installation unholy trinity of man, remember, Satan wanted to be worshiped as God So, if God is worshiped as a triune nature, imitate and then false god, he would need be one and three. 666! If God is triune, even though I have not seen the whole of creation marked [we] would expect to see, should man, who is in his image. Or how else would he be after the image of his Creator? Triune God is a being and the human being who is in his image, a triune being. There is not much that the pagan world and the Christian right, but the only thing we both agree that man is a triune being. People who believe that God is a triune being readily admit that his image has rejected the land: "May the God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray, I pray your spirit and soul and body preserved until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ be above reproach. "[1 Thessalonians 5": 23] This verse of Scripture, the man shows in the image of the Triune God a being is still as his mind and body separated in death, his spirit looks with faith, to be combined with the recently resurrected his body, in order to complete it again .. The Bible says that Jesus grew up like any other child, so it was a bit 'of three, like the rest of his brothers and sisters. If Jesus was God, like most Christians, then the Triune God on earth believe. The Bible says that Christ does not change. If you had to be a triune is still today.The BODY "There are also celestial bodies and bodies, "terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another." [Corin 15:40] This is part of our being in the physical world. Order in the physical world works, doors open and close, will take you to eat with a fork to do physical things in a physical world. But if a man is only physical, it would be. physically able, can not communicate would have the ability to communicate with God in the spiritual world, you would be limited to the physical, but God has a cure for this, if the physical SPIRITSo could be a human being is incomplete, so it has.! have a way to communicate with the Creator, who is spirit. Must be the spirit, God has a spirit in man, there are two roads. Without this spirit, God could still hear from people, but not the man to hear from God. The spirit is the essence of man. And 'the most sacred place. And 'the place where the Holy Spirit in believers same throne. "Do you, that ye are the temple of the living God, the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? [Corin 03:16] This is the holy place, right where God and man to be. Well, at this point, the two beings in a human. But there is a third that you must complete him.The SoulThe soul that truly integrated mind and body, and personality. And the man is a living being, the image of his Creator. It ' the soul that keeps the mind and body in balance, or is out of balance. E 'in the soul, where the body battle carnal flesh [physical] and Spirit [celestial body] is fought. And' the seat of emotion and the human mind to its argument. When the soul is fed to the spiritual food of heaven, and denied the pleasures of the flash, then the mind is strengthened in the Lord. But if the soul lives on the pleasant things of the physical world, the flesh [Sex, money, fame, etc. ..] and then takes the carnal body, then the whole Trinity of man is this destruction.Everything I have shown through out the Bible and is easy to understand, just as God intended it to be. I twist Scripture or take out of context. Even in this case is too complicated, too difficult to understand to stop and ask, is how God is so difficult to understand? Remember, Jesus did not go to the educated scribes, priests and philosophers. No, he took his message to the ignorant fishermen, tent manufacturers, and carpenters. And 'the weak is where God shows his strength is in the wilderness, where it takes the nonsense of this world to confound the wise. The weak and the ignorant is sometimes less than proud the powerful and cultured. If I use in my alcoholic years that I was able to attend AA meetings, there was one thing, have been emphasized [I did not understand, but would eventually see the wisdom in it.] This is AA called KISS is an acronym for "Keep It Simple Stupid" So let's keep it simple and easy for all stand.The Rule number three is the Kingdom of vegetation. There are three types of vegetation: grasses, herbs and trees [Gen 01:11] There are three types of flashing lights in the sky. The sun, moon and stars [Gen. I: 16]. There are three types of animals. Faust, foul and land animals.There three states of matter [solid, liquid and gas] our world is the third planet in the form sun.These are just some of the things in the universe and the Bible to use God to direct the mind seeks the truth. If the Trinity is pagan origin, would be full of God's creation to mark with the mark of the beast? You know the answer. How could it not clear? Those with a love for truth can not lose. Those who defend a tradition that is still missing. The way Only the truth can be found to get the word of God to the truth, and not "my" but "God's" truth. Everything is simple and strait forward and easy to understand. It is not necessary to know the greek or taking to understand a class in Hebrew. Three is three in each language. There are many other examples that I can take you from the Bible and the physical creation, but if that's not enough, I do not know what it takes to open the blind eyes.
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