Animal Mutilations: Whodunit?

Animal Mutilations: Whodunit?
For the best part of going to five decades worth, there has been a phenomenon in progress and gruesome apparently clustered about the American mid-western regions (although Charles Fort collected similar cases in England in the 19th and 20th) , which involves what has been Described as the mutilation of large herbivores such as bison, wildlife survey, but more often domesticated livestock like cattle, sheep and horses. Mutilation is not a word usually associated with natural processes such as predation, deliberate acts and not for purposes other than tear down an animal as a natural food source. We will return to that later track.These bit unnatural unfortunate victims usually have almost constant and selected bits and pieces of their bodies removed with near surgical precision. Most of the carcass is left behind, even if the body is usually devoid of blood.Firstly, from the beginning, there is no denying the reality of phenomena - animal ghosts and UFOs come and go like will-o'- the-wisps, but, mutilation, such as crop circles, stick around and are available for examination and analysis in progress, and both have some common threads in other geographical areas such as clustering (crop circles tend to be associated with and grouped in SW England. Both are in progress and both the number now in the hundreds of dogs of thousands of individual cases. In addition, there were several (two) independent federal investigations in the phenomena, a part of ' FBI (1979), the other from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (AFT). Both studies have produced findings that existing anomalies in some cases of mutilation and that further studies were warranted. There were also several investigations at the state level, and most obvious answer to the mystery hearings.The Senate mutilation is all that can be attributed to natural predators do their thing, fact, professional veterinarians usually associated with colleges of veterinary medicine or sciences from their ivory towers to proclaim that these are indeed the result of natural predation by carnivores known, studying all the photographic evidence -. God forbid I actually had any on-site field. However, I must admit that not all the hundreds of thousands of cases of dogs falling in search of mutilation sorted piles. all agree now that all cases can not be easily explained with the Wildcats as mountain lions and bobcats or those from canine side of things like wolves and coyotes, predators like foxes and those of research and wild dogs.An obvious problem with the theory of natural predation is the appearance of phenomena in the mid-1960 (apart from breast-feeding is relatively recent in England noted above). prey and predators existed long before human beings as well as to signal the contrast cases.In, man-on-the-earth farmers, rangers, hunters, wildlife biologists and veterinarians in the field working for the government and other outdoors and have some familiarity with the display and control the run of the mill animal predation tend to assume a more opposite - there is nothing natural about this type of animal and the predations of the state remains are found inside the carcass This might seem like a typical academic vs. skeptical witness (I know what I saw) disagreements were it not for a few other features.Firstly unusual, we would expect to see signs of a predator-prey struggle - the land should have been a little worn '.; Vegetation slightly disturbed. This is not what it is.' d expect in many cases, to observe the traces of predatory animals (s). we tend to do, not to find traces. Often there are still traces the victim in the immediate vicinity as if the animal were downloaded from the point. Third, if natural, would not expect the ground / soil and vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the kill to detect any long-lasting effects term. often kill site can be identified by the unusual way the track changes in the condition of the soil and vegetation, usually for worse.Further, natural predators tend to avoid or shy away from the carcass mutilated, even if it's a meal apparently easy. Ditto other animals avoid the area as well. 's like a no-go zones. Some post-mortem through biochemical studies suggest that the victim could have been tranquilized before the mutilation. One of the anomalies frequently reported laboratory studies of the carcass changes are unusual in the amount of vitamins, minerals and other biochemical compounds associated. The results of tranquilizers and / or biochemical abnormalities in the standard of the victim, tip more for a guilty human or otherworldly. What about the human animal? Since the nature of wounds often having the nature or characteristics suggestive of a surgery, well there is another predator that must be considered, the human predator Well that does not really seem to wash or -. once again, no human footprints in the area before the discovery without tire tracks (and most sites are killing off the beaten track - a long walk to get to them) Also, to the best of my knowledge, no human being (s) have never been observed in place, much less caught, tried and convicted .. In addition, no human being (s) or seven (satanic or otherwise) have claimed responsibility. gunman in America, particularly in rural America where rifles and shotguns, are probably more numerous than their human owners, any other human being with the mutilation of animals in their depraved minds are really risking their skin - see their farmers (and livelihood) are massacred likely to shoot first and ask questions later is more, the nature of the cuts do not was duplicated in the laboratory by laser (for obvious human instrument if humans were responsible), as there are signs of heat or cooking on the engravings of the carcass. Laboratory tests show that the time and effort to do high-precision cutting work tool steel with cutting edges is quite considerable. Hides are tough, unlike human skin. Furthermore, no evidence beyond reasonable doubt (eg FBI or the AFT) of any human activity or is sectarian never been discovered by a course official investigationOf there have been claims that the U.S. government is actually responsible for searching through clandestine or covert of any communicable diseases of livestock as a human 'mad cow disease' and scrapie research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that covers the support of the armed forces via the 'helicopters blacks. "However, on balance, one would think to look for work! public interest should not be done Certainly incognito American power-that-you can buy animals at random for testing, ditto open hunting wildlife other for the control routine continues in the conspiracy scenarios Some of sense - this .. You really do not pin this on a kind unknown, unknown predator as the Chupacabra can not - an animal that would be in the providence of cryptozoologists as there have been sightings of creatures in search of potential in the area with the necessary 'tools' (teeth and jaws), and no traces , animal.Since animals known or unknown phenomena exists and requires an explanation and resolution, perhaps leaving the afterlife. are responsible for UFO aliens? While we have sometimes been reports of unusual aerial objects in the vicinity of the first major mutilation, it would seem on the surface to be relatively absurd. Why do aliens want piecemeal and the blood of large herbivores? alien beings, by definition, have a mind of extraneous motivations and psychology alien alien - alien to us on course.There it is obvious UFO alien abductions in parallel with humans who claim to have been abducted by the Greys then claim to have had tissue samples taken from them -. biopsies - and often inexplicable fears to 'prove' that even if the skeptics who hardly constitutes real evidence, much less proof yet, is another dot point suggesting that the aliens, for any reason, just take tissue samples for monitoring -. thing Well, who knows? At least humans are not altar.Needless sacrificed on the stranger to tell the man (biologists, veterinarians, nurses, doctors and researchers) are tissue sample work all the time and sometimes it is necessary to kill the person under the knife before. In short, for now The only reasonable conclusion that can be reached is that there is no proof no 'smoking gun' than yellow question yet to be identified, if indeed there is only a yellow one. [EXTRACT] For the most part goes to the five decades worth, there is a continuous and spectral appearances, apparently the American Mid-West regions are grouped together (although Charles Fort collected similar cases in England in the 19 th and early 20), which includes what is been described as the mutilation of large herbivores such as bison, but more generally the domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and horses. mutilation is not a word usually associated with natural processes such as robbery, but intent for purposes other than Reduction of an animal as a natural food source. We are this little unnatural 'later elected again to the unfortunate victims track.These fund usually are almost constantly and pieces removed from his body nearby with surgical precision. Most of the corpses left behind, even if the body is usually free of blood.Firstly, from the beginning, there is no denying the reality of phenomena - ghosts and UFOs are coming and how the will-o'-o ', but the animal mutilations , remain as crop circles, and are responsible for ongoing monitoring and analysis available, and both some other common problems, such as clustering in geographic areas (crop circles tend to be associated with its cluster and SW England. Both are course and is now that there are hundreds of thousands of individual cases. In addition, there were several (two) independent investigations by federal phenomena, one of the FBI (1979), the other by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms Firearms and Explosives (AFT). Both studies have produced findings that abnormalities in some cases mutilation and that further studies are guaranteed to exist. There were also several research projects at the state level, Senate and answer hearings.The more obvious mutilation is a secret that can be attributed to natural enemies, their thing, fact, veterinarians usually with professional colleges of veterinary medicine or natural sciences related to proclaim from their ivory tower, that these are actually the results of natural predation by known predators, through the study of photographic evidence - actually doing .. God forbid, it should be on-site field research, however, have to admit that not all of the hundreds still thousands of cases of mutilation of a little 'neat pile. now all agree that all cases are not easily explained by the wild cats such as pumas and lynx or those of the canine side of things like wolves and coyotes and other predators such as foxes and wild dogs.An obvious problem with the theory of natural predation is the occurrence of phenomena in the mid-1960 (except for a relatively new in England already mentioned). predators and prey exist before so that just as people, to say cases.In contrast, man-on-the-earth farmers, foresters, hunters, wildlife biologists and area veterinarians, who work for ministries and other types of exteriors that are very familiar with the display and control the run of the mill animal predation tend to disagree further - there is nothing natural about this kind of incursions of animals and the condition of the remains of the carcass was found in. This seems to be a typical academic skeptics of being against a witness (I what I've seen) there is disagreement a few other unusual features.Firstly would expect to see signs of a predator-prey-martial - the floor must have been worn a bit ', little vegetation disturbed. not what you located. would be expected in many cases, to observe the tracks of the predator (s). do not tend to find tracks. Often there is no trace of the victim in the immediate vicinity, as if the animal has been previously downloaded on the site . Third, if natural, would not be expected to kill the ground / soil and vegetation in the immediate vicinity of, to show no long-term sustainable results. how often kill site on the web can be identified by unusual changes in the nature of the soil and vegetation, usually worse.Further, predators tend to avoid or escape, the mutilated corpses, although there is a seemingly simple meal. Ditto other animals avoid the area as well. 's like a no-go zones. Studies Biochemical post-mortem suggest that the victim was drugged in question before the mutilation. One of the anomalies are frequently reported on laboratory studies of unusual changes in housing supply of vitamins, minerals and other biochemical compounds associated. The results of the sedative and / or biochemical abnormalities in the standard of the victim, suggests more of a human being or a transcendent offenders. What about the human animal? Since nature. wounds, often with the character or marks suggestive of surgery, and there is another predator that must be considered, the human predator is not now seem to wash really is - once again, no human footprints in the area prior to discovery, never tire tracks (and most sites kill off the beaten track -. a long walk around them) are still the best of my knowledge, no human being has (n) ever observed in action, let alone taken, tried and convicted. In addition, no human being (s) or seven (satanic or not) have taken responsibility . Army in America, especially rural America, where guns and hunting rifles, probably outnumber their human owners, any other human being, with the mutilation of animals on their corrupt Spirit really risk their skins - for see the peasants their cattle (and livelihood) slaughtered responsible shoot first and then questions were raised even more, the way the cuts are not duplicated in the laboratory of laser beams (a tool obvious human if people were responsible) , since it shows no signs of heat or cooking of the cuts of the carcass. laboratory tests that make the time and effort to cut high-precision work with sharp steel appliances are quite substantial. Hides are hard, in contrast with the human skin. also no evidence beyond reasonable doubt (for example, by the FBI or AFT) from any human activity or cultists investigationof ever discovered by an official course, there are accusations that the U.S. government is actually responsible search for any clandestine or covert human cattle diseases in the disease of 'mad cow' and scrapie research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) with the support of the armed forces " helicopters blacks. "but the bottom line might think that such work would need in the public interest is not made undercover surely the American authorities will be able to buy cattle at random for testing, ditto hunting wild animals for routine testing and being open in the conspiracy scenarios Some of sense - this is not possible!. in fact, this pin for all types of unknown predator known as the Chupacabra -. an animal that was in the providence of cryptozoologists there have been sightings of this type of creatures in the area with the necessary "tools" (teeth and jaw), and in general no trace of animal.Since animals known or unknown phenomena exists and requires an explanation and resolution that leaves perhaps the opposite. aliens are responsible in UFO? While there are occasional reports of unusual flying objects in the particular environment of mutilation, on the surface would seem to be quite absurd Why aliens want piecemeal and the blood of large herbivores aliens is, by definition, their heads are strange, a psychology alien and foreign entities -.? is foreign to us, but course.There an obvious parallel with extraterrestrial UFO abductions were abducted by the Greys claim also claim to have had tissue samples taken from them -. biopsies - and they Fear often inexplicable to "prove" even if the skeptics, which is little real evidence, much less evidence, however, is proposing an additional note that the foreigners, for whatever reason, is to take tissue samples to monitor only - .? thing Well, who does not know, at least the people are? altar.Needless to an alien to the people (biologists, veterinarians, nurses, doctors and researchers) say and not tissue sample to work all the time and sometimes it is necessary to kill the problem sacrificed under the knife first. Finally, today, is the only reasonable conclusion that can be achieved, there is no "smoking gun" evidence has yet to identify the crime out of the question, if in fact there is only a crime.

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