Have Artificial Intelligence and Animation Become One?

Have Artificial Intelligence and Animation Become One?
In the infancy of computer science and computer programming, was a thrill to have a RAM of 64 KB or create a logic circuit that responded "good" to some switches on and off. When I went to university to study engineering and computer science teachers were working on my semi-conductor technology to be able to reduce the size of computer chips and computer graphics programs, not only to map textures and shapes, but to react as well and interactively with other objects within that program.If back to the basic definition of "entertainment", the concept of what they perceive as living things react and the illusion of life, we may have already beaten the dissectors DNA. Since the word "animate" alludes to the concept of life, to create, to breathe, soul, spirit, the illusion of life we ​​must now question whether it is "real." If the animation relates to the movement or actions that evoke emotions to the viewer, do not you give the object its own artificial intelligence, animation, or "soul"? How do we know where we are (also acting as an avatar of the game in our culture), is to "teach" the software, the sense of "being" together with all the flaws of human beings? Animation has become the interface for the AI ​​to communicate outside the "box". Artificial intelligence has the ability to potentially make her more comfortable or afraid of himself to us to get things he wants from us. We hope that the foundations laid in the computer industry had a pretty good logic and goes out to tell the AI ​​that a bad day not to get what he wants (or thinks he wants it) does not necessarily mean that we will complete shutdown or reboot. We humans may not be ready to be told. On the other hand, this may be a case in which our children and perhaps replace the animated programming was the goal, after all [EXTRACT] In the infancy of computer science and computer programming, was a thrill, a RAM of 64 KB or have a sensitive circuit logic to create "right" to be certain on-off switch. When I went to university to study engineering and computer science at my teachers were able to work on semiconductor technology for reducing the size of computer chips and computer graphics programs, not only to map textures and shapes, but also interactive and react with other objects inside back program.If in the basic definition of "entertainment", the concept of what we perceive and respond like living the illusion of life, we may have already beaten the dissectors DNA. Since the word "live" plays on the concept of life to give life, breath, soul, mind, the illusion of life, we must now ask ourselves if it is "real." If the animation is based on the movement or actions that cause emotions to the viewer, we are not giving the animation object has its own artificial intelligence, or "soul"? How do we know where we are (even by an avatar in our own gaming culture) "teach" the software is the feeling of "being" together with all the weaknesses of human beings? Animation has become the interface of artificial intelligence to communicate outside the "box". Artificial intelligence has the potential for the election to his satisfaction or disturbing to us, the things he wants from us. We hope that the bases of the set field of computer science had a lot of good logic and the time to tell the AI ​​that a bad day do not get what (or thinks he will) does not necessarily mean that we are in complete shutdown or restart its . We humans may not be willing to say that being. On the other hand, this may be a case in which we replace the programming of the animated children, and perhaps was the target, after all.

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